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Messages - astor

Pages: 1 ... 148 149 [150] 151 152 ... 208
Security / Re: How long should I wait until I buy something with BTC?
« on: January 16, 2013, 12:49 am »
The transactions are in the block chain forever. Doesn't matter if you wait 30 years, if you do a direct transfer then your SR address is linked to your buying address.

Off topic / Re: + KARMA
« on: January 15, 2013, 09:08 pm »
Spreading more karma love, +1 last 4 pages.

i just want a direct link so i can figure it out

Try this:  http://32yehzkk7jflf6r2.onion/gpg4usb/




Before OP tries to pursue this package, let me offer an argument as to why he shouldn't.

Here are the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for drugs:

(I usually find a CLEARNET WARNING to be superfluous, but in this case, I will remind you to ONLY access this link over Tor)

The way it works is, for drugs not explicitly listed at the beginning, they are converted to a "marihuana equivalent" (btw, do you like the antiquated spelling of marijuana? these laws are old).

So, we see this:

1 gm of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine/MDMA =         500 gm of marihuana

Thus 50 grams = 25 kg of MJ.

It's the equivalent of getting busted with 55 lbs of pot.

"At least 20 KG but less than 40 KG of Marihuana" puts you at a base offense level of 18. If you signed a plea agreement avoiding a trial, your offense level would lower be 3 to 15 (this is covered in Section 3E1.1, Acceptance of Responsibility).

With no criminal history, you would be in Criminal History Category I (Section 4A1.1).

Armed with this information, we go to the sentencing table in Section 5A.

Category I, Level 15 carries a recommended sentence of 18 to 24 months in prison. Most likely you would get the low end of that.

So, unless you're ready to spend 18 months in prison, don't try to pick up the package.

Have you received a response from SR support?

Security / Re: Best way to buy a very large amount of bitcoins?
« on: January 15, 2013, 07:33 am »
Your best bet to stay under the radar is to do this in multiple small transactions across several exchangers. It's not a question of BitInstant vs Blue Sky Traders vs whatever. Use all of them.

We should probably start a separate thread for this, but FDE with the latest versions of Ubuntu and Linux Mint (which is based on Ubuntu) is basically a one-lick option during installation. Enter the password twice and it does everything for you.

If you put Liberte or Tails on a thumb drive, you would want to encrypt that anyway, otherwise what's the point of not having evidence on the laptop when the evidence is in plain view on the thumb drive?

You could do that. People seem to have more problems with Liberte than with Tails, though.

If you don't need the laptop for anything else, installing a distro like Linux Mint with full disk encryption directly on the hard drive is another option. Probably less of a hassle then using an OS on a boot disk all the time.


You can change how long GPGTools remembers the password.


Yep. You wrote:  hey there :)

The problem must be on their end.

Security / Re: Liberte SR problems
« on: January 15, 2013, 03:20 am »
Ok, I just took a look at Tails 0.16 and it's actually running kernel 3.2, which is fairly recent.

If you could post the exact model of your wifi card (but don't post any serial numbers), I can look into it some more.

Also, forget about all those commands I wrote above. Just run the "lsusb" command and see if the NetGear device is listed. Don't post the exact line, just confirm whether it's listed.

One caveat about GPGTools. You may want to use the development version (nightly build). Here's Nightcrawler quoting Guru on the matter:

Hi, wondering if anyone can help me with a PGP problem i'm having.
I'm using a mac and am pretty much up to speed with everything basic thanks to the help i've received on here.

However, I've recently imported someone elses pgp key into GPG, but when i goto encrypt a message to them, they don't show up in my 'Choose Recipients' list. Even though they are clearly there in the Keychain Access screen. Ive even tried deleting them and readding them!

Can anyone help, please?

This is a known issue with the standard build. What you want to do is install the latest nightly build, per the following instructions (originally written by Guru)

GPGTools is highly version dependent -- depending on which version of OS X
you have, it may or may not work as expected.  If you have Leopard (10.5)
then you're pretty much out of luck. Your only option then will be using
the command-line.

If you have Snow Leopard (10.6), Lion (10.7) or Mountain Lion (10.8), the
following instructions should be sufficient to allow you to get up and

Download and install GPGTools:

Once you have installed GPGTools,  what you want to do is to go into
System Preferences --> Keyboard --> Services.

Scroll down until you find the following entries. Be sure to put a check
mark in the boxes to activate each keyboard shortcut.

Keyboard shortcuts:

OpenPGP: Decrypt Selection:             Shift-Command-D

OpenPGP: Encrypt Selection:             Shift-Command-E

OpenPGP: Import Key from Selection:     Shift-Command-I

OpenPGP: Insert My Fingerprint:         Shift-Command-F

OpenPGP: Insert My Key:                 Shift-Command-K

OpenPGP: Sign Selection:                Shift-Command-R

OpenPGP: Verify Signature of Selection: Shift-Control-V

Remember, these shortcuts only operate on highlighted or selected text.

N.B.: To properly be able to import PGP into GPGChain (via TextEdit) you
need to change the default on TextEdit from .rtf to plain text. You can do
that through the Format menu, or you can go through the main configuration
menu, accessible by using Command-comma. Ensure the plain text radio button
is selected.

Also ensure that the following are UNCHECKED in TextEdit preferences:
smart quotes, smart dashes, smart links.

To select text within TextEdit, use Command-A to highlight the entire
document, or use your mouse to selection the section that you want to
verify/sign/encrypt/decrypt. It is highly recommended that you use only
plain-text, as opposed to Rich Text (.rtf) format. Use Command-comma to
bring up Preferences and ensure that the plain text radio button is

Once your text is highlighted in TextEdit, (by pressing Comand-A) you then
encrypt using Shift-Command-E. You will then be presented with a list of
keys to encrypt to, that you have added to your PGP keyring:

Other Commands You May Need:

OpenPGP: Decrypt File:                   Control-Command-D

OpenPGP: Encrypt File:                   Control-Command-E

OpenPGP: Sign File:                      Control-Command-S

OpenPGP: Verify Signature of File:       Control-Command-V

Once you have setup these shortcuts, you can begin using GPG.

To encrypt a message to someone using GPG, you first need a copy of the
recipient's PGP public key.

Once you have located someone's PGP public key, you should copy and paste
it into TextEdit. Save the PGP key to a file; you can call the file,
import.asc (or import.txt), for example. This saved file will usually be
found in the Documents folder.

Launch GPG Keychain Access from the Applications folder. click on the
Import icon in the upper left hand corner. GPG Keychain Access will then
prompt you for the name of the file which contains the key to import. It
will usually show you a list of files in the Documents folder. Click on the
file named import.asc (or import.txt), and click ok. The PGP public key
will then be imported into your PGP keyring.

To encrypt a message to a person, the message must be contained in a
TextEdit document. Use Command-A to hightlight the entire document. Then
use Shift-Command-E to encrypt. GPG will pop-up a list of public keys in
your PGP keyring. Each key will have a little checkbox beside it which you
can check, to select that particular key. If you were encrypting a message
to me, you would put a check in the box beside my PGP key (Guru@SR).

When you click on OK, the plaintext (unencrypted) message in TextEdit will
be replaced with the encrypted message. You can then copy and paste the
encrypted message to enter it into a form on Silk Road, or anywhere else
that it needs to go.

To decrypt a message sent to you by other people, you need to copy that
message to the clipboard, and paste it into a TextEdit document. Again use
Command-A to highlight all the encrypted message. Then use Shift-Command-D
to decrypt the message. If the message is encrypted to your PGP public key,
you will be prompted to enter your passphrase. Once the correct passphrase
has been entered, and you click OK, then the message will be decrypted,
and the decrypted text will be placed in the TextEdit document, replacing
the encrypted message that was there previously.


Security / Re: Liberte SR problems
« on: January 15, 2013, 02:37 am »
Yeah, if there's no wlan0 section, then the wireless card isn't recognized.

Next step would be to type:  lsusb

since it's a USB device, and see if something related to NetGear or WiFi comes up.

Edit: Another thing you can do is download the Ubuntu installer and run that. Just boot it up and don't install anything. See if it recognizes your wireless card. Most likely it will since it uses a more recent kernel. If wifi works, then we know it's the old kernel version in Tails.

Security / Re: Liberte SR problems
« on: January 15, 2013, 02:16 am »
BTW, do you have 2 computers that you can use for this, or are you going to have to reboot every time you switch from Tails to Windows?

Because this could be a pain in the ass. :)

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