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Messages - astor

Pages: 1 ... 114 115 [116] 117 118 ... 208
Off topic / Re: Insane trip experiences
« on: April 06, 2013, 07:48 am »
There was a user named typtap who went on an epic 3 day trip for New Years with 2000 ug LSD and some other stuff. He wrote a detailed follow up post. You would have appreciated it, but I can't find it. It looks like he deleted all of his posts.

Off topic / Re: Vendor roundtable compromised
« on: April 06, 2013, 05:34 am »
Should he suck the whole bag or each individual dick?

Off topic / Re: Vendor roundtable compromised
« on: April 06, 2013, 04:00 am »
Ya, i think we learned that lesson with Lim.

It's funny, because Lim popped in my head as I wrote that.

It's ok Aussie. I probably would get all the girls if I didn't like boys.

Security / Re:
« on: April 06, 2013, 03:17 am »
No, it's not as safe as PGP. The site says, "Password generation and encryption is achieved client-side using JavaScript and the AES-256 cipher." Have you reviewed the code?

One of the first things I look for when assessing a vendor is a public key in their profile. If they don't have one, I don't buy from them.

The average confirmation time has actually gone down:

And we haven't had any big hacks in a long time, so I think overall the service providers are safer and more mature.

Will there be more issues? Certainly. With a hard limit of 1 megabyte per block, bitcoin can't handle as many transactions as Visa. Some things will have to change before it becomes a global currency.

Off topic / Re: Vendor roundtable compromised
« on: April 06, 2013, 02:31 am »
scout, ain't nothing wrong that. :)

CrazyBart, the idea viz a viz mods is that girls are less likely to go on power trips and abuse their authority.

Off topic / Re: Vendor roundtable compromised
« on: April 06, 2013, 02:07 am »
Off topic, but are ssbd and scout both guys? I get the vibe from them that they are girls.

Makes sense anyway. I read about bars in England that were employing female bouncers because they are better are diffusing situations without resorting to violence.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Hidden Wiki Down
« on: April 06, 2013, 01:59 am »
Use this one:  http://3suaolltfj2xjksb.onion/hiddenwiki/index.php/Main_Page

It's more up to date and has no cp links.

Security / Re: any way to tell if your invloved in a MIM attack?
« on: April 06, 2013, 01:37 am »
Yes, that means you need to update your browser bundle.

They recently switched from Firefox 10 to Firefox 17. Because there are so many differences, you can't extract the browser bundle over top of the old one. You have to extract it into a new folder. That may be why  you can't connect.

Silk Road discussion / Re: wtfs going on with everyones avatars???
« on: April 04, 2013, 09:01 pm »
Hey ChemCat :)

Security / Re: We are indeed part of a revolution-- Bitmessage
« on: April 04, 2013, 08:36 pm »
Ok, the first thing you should know is that Bitmessage connects to a set of IP addresses which act like Tor's directory authorities. That's where it gets info about other nodes. The problem is that there are only 300-400 nodes in the network, and we don't want our real IP addresses on that short list, especially since we're talking about using Bitmessage openly on this forum. Bitmessage will connect to these IP addresses immediately the first time you start it, before you can change proxy settings in the GUI, so we need to configure it to run over Tor before the first time we run it.

1. Install git and torsocks the normal way for your distro. The packages should be in your repos if you're using a Debian or Fedora based distro. Otherwise, torsocks source can be downloaded here:

2. torsocks is preconfigured to use Socks port 9050 with the Tor daemon. If you want to use TBB's Tor instead, open /etc/torsocks.conf and change

    server_port = 9050

to 9150.

3. Clone the Bitmessage repo with git over Tor.

    torsocks git clone

4. Now we preconfigure it to run over Tor. Create this folder:  ~/.PyBitmessage

Put this in a file called keys.dat (in that folder)

Code: [Select]
settingsversion = 3
port = 8444
timeformat = %%a, %%d %%b %%Y  %%I:%%M %%p
blackwhitelist = black
startonlogon = False
minimizetotray = False
showtraynotifications = True
startintray = False
socksproxytype = SOCKS5
sockshostname = localhost
socksport = 9050                   # change this to 9150 for TBB's Tor
socksauthentication = False
socksusername =
sockspassword =
keysencrypted = false
messagesencrypted = false

Yes, I know it's retarded that the configuration options are in the same file where the bitmessage keys are stored instead of a separate config file.

And yes, I know it says messagesencrypted = false at the end. SS and I were looking into it, and that option seems to be unused. It may be there for some future feature.

5. Finally, start Bitmessage from the terminal with logging. Go to the folder where you cloned it and run:

    python | tee -a messages.log

You will see a red circle in the status bar. It will change to yellow when you establish your first connection (may take 3-5 minutes). It won't turn green, because we're running it over Tor and can't accept connections.

Leave Bitmessage running for a few hours, create some keys, send messages, play around with it to see what kind of error messages you get. I'll make a separate post on the kind of stuff I'm looking for.

You can send a message to me at this address:  BM-onsou9SN9ufFztCs8Cq6srFogEw5FdXAX

Silk Road discussion / Re: wtfs going on with everyones avatars???
« on: April 04, 2013, 05:11 pm »
In the past these avatar problems had two possible causes,

1. Something borked when SMF was upgraded. Check the version number at the bottom of the main page to see if it incremented.

2. It's a caching problem in your TBB. Restart it.

Which will be easier I think now that FINCEN has weighed in on it. Even bitcoin-otc could get shutdown if they start regulating moneypaks and such.

Yep. That's good and bad.

It's bad if you want anonymous bitcoins for illegal purchases, but it's good if you are a legal business that wants to integrate bitcoins as a payment option, because the rules for doing so are clearly defined now.

Security / Re: We are indeed part of a revolution-- Bitmessage
« on: April 04, 2013, 03:53 pm »
I'd like to get some advanced users to help me in testing. If anybody is interested, I will post instructions (for Linux) later today on how to start the client safely and log messages. In our initial testing, SS and I noticed some weird error messages, which is what I want to investigate further.

Haven't tried 1.0.4 but I'll test it out and get back to you later today.

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