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Messages - astor

Pages: 1 ... 113 114 [115] 116 117 ... 208
Off topic / Re: no carrying drugs around in the future :(
« on: April 07, 2013, 08:39 am »
Most LEA don't have the money for equipment like this. That's why it will mostly be used by the FBI, in airports, etc.

It's your thread, Chaos, you can change the title. I suggest, "How to make someone shit their pants with special characters".

Actually, this is a well known vulnerability.

kmf created a thread about this issue a year ago: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=19525.0

Now we see the kind of chaos it can cause. Imagine if someone decided to mimic hundreds of popular accounts in a coordinated attack.

Yes, the forum should only allow Latin characters.

Or they discovered that there's such a thing as unicode and are having fun with undisplayable characters.

You're close. Look what I just did: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=110672.msg985949#msg985949

OMG, how is that possible?

Because the first S is a Cyrillic character. There also happens to be a Cyrillic character that look like a capital C, as in Chaosforpeace.

Mystery solved.

Security / Re: COPS AT MY DOOR.
« on: April 07, 2013, 05:00 am »
A mailbox in a fake name would be more useful if every package you receive contains a light sensor to warn you if it is opened. However, I think LE would catch on to that, start x-raying packages to find those devices, and open in them in dark rooms.

Security / Re: COPS AT MY DOOR.
« on: April 07, 2013, 04:58 am »
Will someone tell me how a box set up in a fake name helps you? You still have to pick up a package from a location...

In the tiny percentage of cases where you know ahead of time that the package is compromised, you can abandon the box and not get in trouble. LE will have no idea who you really are or how to find you. In the vast majority of cases where you don't know the package is compromised, it doesn't help you at all, and in fact can make the situation worse, because you took a positive action to pick it up.

Yep, it was tested as part of the MK-ULTRA program, but the "on the unwitting public" tends to be exaggerated. They only did that in two brothels for a limited time. Mostly they performed tests on mental patients in psychiatric hospitals.

Security / Re: creating an onion website
« on: April 07, 2013, 01:55 am »
renton is selling FH invites on SR for $17. I suggest FH because it's a one time fee and you can easily make your money back, because you get an invite every month, which you can sell. You also get (hardened) PHP and MySQL as part of your account, whereas on Torhost you have to pay a monthly fee for those features.

I have a couple of invites but I'm saving them and would only part with them for significantly more than $17 ;)

Damn, again? You posted this a week ago: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=139424.0

Have you tried using a different address? Because I think yours is on a list.

Security / Re: Any security flaws in this SR business?
« on: April 06, 2013, 08:24 pm »
This isn't the Hive, and "SWIM" is useless at deniability.

Security / Re: creating an onion website
« on: April 06, 2013, 03:28 pm »
BTW, what I said about static html being better than scripts, also storing data in flat files rather than using a database program like MySQL is much safer. MySQL is big target of attack. There is a blogging software that meets these requirements. It's called Flatpress. You should look into it.

Security / Re: creating an onion website
« on: April 06, 2013, 03:21 pm »
1) Can you use the same process to create an onion site as a clearnet site? Use wordpress, create a blog, upload with FTP?

Yes. A hidden service uses Tor to proxy connections, but the rest of the software stack can be exactly the same as any other web site.

2) Does Freedom Hosting, or any other onion hosting company offer simple to use control panel to create and edit an onion site?

FH offers a simple control panel with a web file manager and zip file upload/extraction. Problem is it's hard to get an invite and most people charge, but if you can get one, or are willing to pay for one, this is your best option, because all the issues with securing hidden services[1] are taken care of, and if your site gets hacked or whatever, you won't be deanonymized.

3) What are some security issues to be aware of when publishing an onion site?

In terms of software, minimalistic web servers like Lighttd are safer than big, complex ones like Apache. Static html pages are safer than scripts like PHP. If you really want to run Wordpress, make sure you read some "wordpress hardening" and "web server hardening" guides. I like to create a separate user without root/sudo privileges and make it the owner of everything in DocumentRoot, that way Wordpress can't write to files. It disables things like file uploads, but also prevents code injection attacks. There's a lot that could be said about server hardening, and you should read some detailed guides.

Or go with FH or some other onion host, who has done all that for you[2].

4) If I were to hire someone to create a site for me, what type of security precautions do I need to be aware of, assuming I want to keep my anonymity?

If you want to keep your anonymity, that's not a good idea. It sounds to me that at your level of knowledge, you should start with an onion host, instead of trying to harden your own server.

1. http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=100998.0
2. http://3suaolltfj2xjksb.onion/hiddenwiki/index.php/Main_Page#Web_Hosting

More rich white people complaining about their first world problems of not being able to buy drugs and soda.

You all need a little historical and geopolitical perspective. We have it pretty damn good compared to the vast majority of people who have ever lived.

Also, most journals are behind pay walls, but all universities have subscriptions, and most universities have public wifi access points, like around their student centers. You don't have to be a student, but you can sit nonchalantly in the student center and get access to most research journals for free.

If you are incapable of understanding the literature and need a recipe-style guide instead, then you are not ready to make LSD, because you don't understand the underlying theory enough to fix problems in your synthesis.

My view on this subject is that anybody competent enough to synthesize LSD will know how to search and read the literature. They won't need to buy a guide on the internet. Owsley Stanley learned to make acid by walking into the Berkeley library and looking up Hofmann's published synthesis. He didn't buy a tutorial from other people who have also never synthesized LSD.

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