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Messages - astor

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Security / Re: For those of you in doubt of bitcoins
« on: April 13, 2013, 01:25 am »
It's not going to disappear.

Compared to a few months ago, there are...

3 times as many transactions per day:
(excluding popular addresses like Satoshi Dice)

3 times as many unique addresses being used:

Insanely higher USD trade volume:

20,000 new accounts being created on MtGox every day compared to 2000 per day in March.

Thousands of people still waiting to be verified on MtGox.

Things can seem grim during a crash, but bitcoin is more popular than ever, and it's already bouncing back. It was trading at $130 a little while ago. That's higher than it was ever valued up until 10 days ago.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Is it too late to invest BTC?
« on: April 13, 2013, 12:06 am »
$56 on gox as i type this....   fuck me.

And 12 hours later it's trading at $120. You all need to chill.

I'd also put money down that it will be over $200, and much sooner than May 10. Like probably within a week.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Vendors going on Hiatus due to BTC
« on: April 12, 2013, 11:20 pm »
You can complain about vendors going on hiatus, but buyers were doing the same thing when BTC price was exploding. There's at least one thread in this subforum where vendors were talking about lower sales and buyers explicitly told them that they were waiting for BTC to keep rising so they could get more value for their coins. So it goes both ways.

Ultimately, any large movement in price is going to reduce trade. Stability is the best thing to promote trade.

In any case, I see about 3020 domestic US listings and there were 3100 before, so only about 3% of the listings have been taken down, at best. They just happen to be some of the top vendors, like Nod and Kush in the stimulants category, so it's noticeable.

Wish I had the money to buy up a lot of coins right now, I would if I could.

Yeah no shit. BTC hit a low of $55 today and is trading at $110 now. That was a steal.

I'm definitely keeping some cash on hand from now, because I'm sure there will be sell offs in the future.

Is there any evidence to back this up?

It sounds too conspiratorial to me. People have a hard time accepting that "small" people can do "big" things, so they come up with more profound explanations. A lone nut with a gun could not have shot the president, it must be the CIA. 19 guys with box cutters could not have brought down the WTC, it must have been the government. Some random hackers or market manipulators couldn't crash bitcoin, it must be the central banks.

The truth is that we live in a world where insignificant people can sometimes have a significant impact on history.

Then again, if you have evidence for this, I'd love to see it.

Cash out as soon as you can and don't be greedy bastards thinking that your coins will be worth more tomorrow. It might not even be there tomorrow.

Bitcoin was worth over $100 for only about 10 days, from April 1 to 10. Anybody who bought before then -- meaning anybody who held onto their coins for more than 2 weeks -- hasn't lost money. You should either spend immediately or be in it for the long haul. You are right though, that trying to make a buck off short term trends is probably destined for failure.

Silk Road discussion / Re: The future of Bitcoin, Zerocoin
« on: April 12, 2013, 09:08 pm »
Interesting read. One barrier to adoption is that it takes 50 times as much computational power to process zerocoin transactions, although the authors admit their code could be made more efficient. I'm all for it.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Epic bitcoin crash incoming?
« on: April 12, 2013, 08:55 pm »
For those of you, like me, who are mostly here to just get drugs: just overestimate the cost of your drugs by 10% when you go to buy your BTC and buy your drugs as soon as you have them in your SR account. 

For some people, especially some vendors, this is their life. They pay their bills and feed their kids from the money they make through bitcoins.

Bitcoins were over $100 for 10 days, and over $150 for only 4 days, so they shouldn't be getting screwed too hard, but it does hurt.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Epic bitcoin crash incoming?
« on: April 12, 2013, 08:59 am »
And start.

168 hours form now, if BTC is less than $90, OP won.

Buyers were doing the same thing when BTC was increasing. They stopped buying. They basically pulled their buy orders.

Should vendors black list buyers who didn't buy?

It's a free market and you can do what you want.

Security / Re: BTC speculation hyper bubble
« on: April 12, 2013, 12:21 am »
If i could I would ask him what to do as a vendor should I always sell the coin as I get em or save em? or what ratio to hold and sell?

That's easy to answer.

When bitcoins are going up, you're better off holding onto them as long as possible. If you're a buyer, you should buy a week or two before you want to spend on drugs (if you did that during the recent climb, you'd get twice as much drugs for your money). If you're a seller, you should wait one or two weeks before cashing out (if you did that during the recent climb, you'd get twice as much money for your drugs).

When bitcoins are going down, or they are unstable and unpredictable, you're better off getting rid them as soon as possible, so at least you get close to the value you paid for them.

Newbie discussion / Re: Newbie PGP Club
« on: April 12, 2013, 12:08 am »
I just went through the last 10 pages and +1'd everyone with over 50 posts who is helping in PGP Club. dothedamnthing deserves +10! :)

FYI, if anybody is having trouble with PGP, this tutorial has helped hundreds of people: http://32yehzkk7jflf6r2.onion/gpg4usb/

Philosophy, Economics and Justice / Re: Are they real?
« on: April 11, 2013, 11:41 pm »
There may be a "profundity center" in the brain, some region that makes you think things are profound when it is activated. Psychedelics seem to trigger that, but talk to someone who is tripping while you are sober. Their insights seem fairly mundane.

I'm a hardened materialist, though.

Security / Re: BTC speculation hyper bubble
« on: April 11, 2013, 11:28 pm »
That's what I was wondering. MtGox is at $124, the other exchanges are at about $80. Will MtGox drop to $80, or will the other exchanges jump to $120, or will they all meet around $100? I suspect there will be some arbitrage. People have been buying at the functioning exchanges in order to sell on MtGox, so either dropping to $80 or meeting at $100 seem more likely to me.

No matter what happens, that should be a temporary, initial pattern.

Security / Re: What is happening with bitcoin
« on: April 11, 2013, 11:23 pm »
The price dropped because of panic caused by the MtGox lag. Ironically, bitcoin crashed because too many people want bitcoins and the infrastructure can't handle them. There are multiple lines of evidence to support this. Account creation at MtGox is up 10 fold over last month. You think those people are going away? Most of them haven't had a chance to buy, because it takes a week to transfer money to MtGox.

We saw the same thing today. As trading began in the United States, the lag went to 3, 5, then 7 minutes and the price dropped from $170 to $120, and then they suspended trading. IF they finally have their shit together when they reopen in a few hours, I think after an initial bout of craziness, perhaps another crash, the price will finally start rising again.

There's 10 times as much interest in bitcoin now as there was when it first climbed from $10 to $100.

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