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Messages - astor

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Security / Re: Skype Google video question
« on: April 24, 2013, 03:00 am »
Have you ever looked into mumble as a hidden service with TLS and OCB-AES128? I read about it from a link of astor's in another thread. I was able to get a server and client configured and working, but as expected there were some latency issues.

So you got it working over Tor? Pretty cool. I say the more hidden services, and the wider the variety, the better.

BTW, you don't need TLS encryption for a hidden service, since the connection is end-to-end encrypted with AES-128 (1-3 layers) by the Tor clients, but I suppose it doesn't hurt.

atlantis announced its opening on about a month or so ago. thats how i heard of it anyway....

I thought you were joking, so I checked. It's true:

Not sure what to think of that.

Silk Road discussion / Re: failed to connect the SR for 3 days now
« on: April 22, 2013, 05:51 pm »
Im using google chrome

and yes it ends in

as for the proxy Im not too sure as im not an expert

but all I know is that I ve been using SR for 3 months now simply by entering silkroadvb5piz3r.onion in google
and then follow the steps
but i never downloaded tor

Out of curiosity, who taught you to access SR this way? Obviously I don't want a name, but was it a friend, the reddit subreddit, some forum?

If it was a web site, can you post the link?

Another Mac user who can't import keys or see the keys they have imported.

Last one was 2 days ago: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=150106.0

This thread might help you: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=144403.0

Never use more than two days in a row

That's good advice for a lot of drugs.

You did nothing wrong. That's a common occurrence. I puked or felt sick the first few times I did opiates.

In fact, I felt that way the last time I did an opiate, after not having done any for over a year.

Security / Re: Obfspoxy - Is it worth it?
« on: April 22, 2013, 05:07 am »
Sure, you can put it on Amazon or any VPS.

Security / Re: Obfspoxy - Is it worth it?
« on: April 22, 2013, 04:58 am »
Let me give you another example. A few weeks ago, I was talking to someone online who was using the ExcludeNodes feature to exclude all relays in his country and several other countries that host some of the biggest relays. He was having trouble connecting to sites, especially hidden services. Well, what do you expect when you tell your Tor client to ignore half the network?

I understood the logic behind what he was doing, but also why he was wrong. He believed that it was easier for LE in his country to watch domestic relays and potentially identify him. He also believed that LE in those other countries were more likely to be watching their relays.

I pointed out to him why excluding huge swaths of nodes was a bad idea. Imagine one of your entry guards is malicious, and the operator is watching all the IP addresses that connect to it, and the relays that they connect to on the other side. If he sees a Tor client in country X that never connects to relays in country X, that's very suspicious. By changing the default Tor behavior, you make yourself stick out. You want to look like everyone else.

He thought about that for a minute and replied, "Like a school of finish."

Exactly. Walk up to a pond and pick a fish. Come back an hour later and see if you can find the same fish. Unless it has marks that make it stick out, you won't be able to do it.

The safest behavior is the default behavior, 1. because the Tor Project people know more about anonymity than we do and pick those defaults for a reason, and 2. because most people stick with the defaults. Once you start doing uncommon, exotic, and complicated things, you make yourself more identifiable, but more importantly, you draw attention to yourself.

Torhost and TorShare are different sites.

You can get a free Torhost site  http://torhostg5s7pa2sn.onion/

Or like I said, I can give you an FH invite.

Security / Re: Obfspoxy - Is it worth it?
« on: April 22, 2013, 03:36 am »
Am I correct in thinking in this case a VPN would be useful as a further barrier between me and any malicious bridges?
Now this is drifting off topic a little would it be of any use to move to running tor in a VM or with a live version of tails would that be entirely redundant?

People have different opinions about this. I also think most people don't understand how to be anonymous, but maybe I'm wrong and they are right. Here's my opinion, anyway.

Unless you are a high value target -- unless your adversary is actively looking for you, and they know you use Tor, so that can be used as circumstantial evidence against you -- you're better off using Tor like everyone else, and looking like everyone else. You're better off mixing into the crowd. As such, there are 500K daily Tor users (connecting to regular relays) and only 30K daily bridge users. Even fewer of those bridge users are going through VPNs or doing other complicated things to hide their Tor use. If you are not an existing target, but you don't want to be picked out of a fishing expedition, then you should act like everyone else. Use regular relays. Sure, somebody could see that you are using Tor, but so what? So are millions of other people. It's the ones who are taking extra precautions to hide that will stick out to our adversaries.

And no, I don't think a VPN will protect you, because legal businesses rarely fight LE demands for data. And all this stuff about VPNs that don't log? Yeah, that's a promise that can be revoked (thanks to an LE demand) at any time without your knowledge. The whole point of the Tor design is that you don't trust any entity that can see your whole circuit. That's privacy by design, rather than privacy by policy.

Oh that reminds me, I was looking through some old posts on the topics of bridges (they look to have been before obfsproxy) and it was recommended to set up your own private bridge to avoid that scenario of having your IP harvested by a compromised bridge. This seems eminently sensible to me but would using another computer of mine accessing the net through the same access point do the job. I think it would if my understanding of the bridges is correct but every time I think I have a grip on the infrastructure of tor I read something and it slips from my fingers.

No that's bad, because then your "bridge" or entry point is effectively the middle hop in your circuit.

Didn't you get a Torhost site? Put it on there. Or I can give you an FH invite and you can put it on there. It's far less likely to disappear.

Security / Re: Obfspoxy - Is it worth it?
« on: April 22, 2013, 02:34 am »
You should stick with as few bridges as possible. Assuming that some are run by our adversaries, the more bridges you "sample", the more likely you are to get on someone's list.

Bridges are supposed to be for censored users in places like China and Iran. No western countries block access to Tor, so you gotta figure that local bridge users will be interesting to LE in these countries. Trying to hide their Tor use, they must be up to no good.

So it's entirely possible that they are running some bridges and enumerating the IP addresses that connect to them. To mitigate that attack, connect to as few as possible.

Security / Re: Obfspoxy - Is it worth it?
« on: April 22, 2013, 02:07 am »
In other news the switch over to tails was very very very easy. If anything it tries a little to hard to hold my hand at every stage (while oddly having the usual excessive degree of complexity of linux systems just below the user friendly service). All that pales into nothing in comparison to the ease of setting up obfsproxy bridges which is so easy I was certain I had done it wrong but I can see no issues in the log.

Glad it worked out for you! :)

A word of warning though - obfsproxy bridges seem very...flighty, I got 5 to start with and the log shows a change from one about 20 minutes after starting use of them (though this could well be an intentional changing of bridges).

What do you mean by "change from one"?

But yeah, bridges can go down quickly. The first time I tried to use the obfsproxy protocol, I got two bridges and neither of them worked. I thought maybe I had misconfigured something, but after requesting two new bridges, it worked. Best thing is to have a few extras on hand.

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