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Messages - astor

Pages: 1 ... 76 77 [78] 79 80 ... 208
Newbie discussion / Re: PGP
« on: June 03, 2013, 06:48 pm »
Windows, Mac or Linux?

For Windows, people have done well with this one: http://32yehzkk7jflf6r2.onion/gpg4usb

Newbie discussion / Re: Still a bit lost on GPG
« on: June 03, 2013, 07:07 am »
Hey, no problem. :)

Newbie discussion / Re: Still a bit lost on GPG
« on: June 03, 2013, 06:50 am »
It shouldn't do anything negative, since every PGP program that I've seen can work with 4096 bit keys.

It's not really necessary, though. 2048 bit keys should be safe for a couple of decades. I just figured, why not?


obfs3 support was only added in Tails 0.18, so make sure you have the latest one.

That Vice guy Hamilton is fucking annoying lol, and that Krystle girl is an annoying hippie douche-fuck.

You should see the documentary he made where he visits the Shulgins.

I think the Krystal girl was well into the whole thing, she,s got a nice wee career from it i think

Yeah, I like how she's a self-styled expert who lectures people on drugs she's never done.

Security / Re: Quick Tor question:
« on: June 03, 2013, 01:27 am »
Does Tor change your mac address ?

No, that would require Tor or TBB to run as administrator, which would be highly unsafe.

Shoot me in the face, please.

Didn't we agree this didn't belong in Security?

The main argument is, I admit, about re-victimization when viewing CP, and not the legality, but your quantum entanglement thing is merely a sub-argument. Based on the main argument, which is a question of psychology and therefore science, this belongs in Off Topic.

Jesus, how did I get myself ensnared in this?

Get it out of Security! That's all.

Cool, STILL not a Security issue. Since there is no science section, take it to Off topic. Quit bumping this shit to the top of this forum.

You're off your rocker tonight, kmf. This is mainly a debate about the legality of CP, and there's a more relevant forum for that.

Nobody even responded, but you couldn't help yourself, could you?

Mods, can we get this moved to Philosophy, Economics, and Law? This has nothing to do with Security anymore.

Newbie discussion / Re: Boycott American Women!!!!
« on: June 01, 2013, 06:13 am »
LOL, the rage in this guy.

Off topic / Re: Ok America, you have done it, I'll admit it.
« on: June 01, 2013, 05:53 am »
Try this -

And cheers, it's lush, the first drop is silly. :D

What are the odds. That's what I'm listening to. :)

Off topic / Re: Ok America, you have done it, I'll admit it.
« on: June 01, 2013, 04:59 am »
Listening to a mix now. Nice find, Lim.

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