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Messages - astor

Pages: 1 ... 67 68 [69] 70 71 ... 208
Silk Road discussion / Re: SR anecdotes and links
« on: June 17, 2013, 05:45 am »
This book better be turned into a movie.

Newbie discussion / Re: CAN VENDORS SELL THEIR ACCOUNT ?
« on: June 17, 2013, 05:33 am »


Off topic / Re: I found a dildo on SR
« on: June 17, 2013, 05:27 am »
Hahaha wow, who says SR is just for drugs :D

It's a good place to hide your drugs.

Off topic / Re: Hardened Crimnals
« on: June 17, 2013, 04:59 am »
The irony is that is someone really were a hard as nails crim, they would not be on Silk Road forums, or at least not all day. We're not hardened criminals for knowing about Tor, just normal people with resourceful ways of obtaining drugs. Nothing hardcore about that at all, in fact, I am not even punching someone as I type this. I will disagree on the "nicest people saying nicest things" though, I have seen some pretty immature and derogatory material on the forums in the last several weeks that is suggestive of a lack of connections in crime and youth to boot from the posters, some of us are teens, some of us are junkies, and some of us are highly functioning people with carefully hidden addictions that certain circles of friends would not understand due to a narrow-minded media-imposed doctrine of intolerance. My advice is to avoid the shit-talkers and stick with the genuines. Great message OP, I find it quite encouraging! :) Happy trails with your future ordering on The Road, and remember that good, expert advice is always readily available to the right people.

Piece, Love, and Fuck Haters.
Perfect post Raz, you took the words out of my mind. Fantastic post OP, I wish you happy travels ahead :)

Do you two follow each other around the forum and cheerlead every comment the other person makes?

It is true though that the community has a dark side. There are the scammers, of course, but I've also seen a bunch of people post that they are suicidal. It seems that suicidal ideation, and probably other mental health issues, are overrepresented here.

Not surprising, really. Mental health issues increase the chances that someone takes drugs.

Security / Re: How secure is the (im)mature i2p Network?
« on: June 17, 2013, 02:53 am »
It does some things better than Tor, and some things worse.

Here's a thorough analysis:


Security / Re: Liberate or w/e that OS is called
« on: June 17, 2013, 02:44 am »

Newbie discussion / Re: nnob questions , but need to ask
« on: June 16, 2013, 02:33 am »
  What is the normal means of communication between buyer and seller ?

The SR message system.

  Should all messages be encrypted , even on the sr private messages ?

No, in fact that wastes time. You only need to encrypt sensitive info, like your address or a tracking code (which reveals your address). Messages inquiring about a product or asking if it has shipped shouldn't be encrypted.

  If the buyer shows an email addy does that mean he wants all messages encrypted and sent on this addy (not to use the sr messaging)?

It's better to send all messages through SR. In case there is a dispute, and you are in the right, that conversation history can help the admins make a determination. Anyone can make up messages sent through other channels.

Iv just kinda figured that this forum does not send out email notifications (spent a day trying to set it up to my tormail :-/ ). I assume this is for security reasons , but if its a security problem from the forum then how is it not a problem on sr itself ?

SR doesn't send emails. It's an internal messaging system.

If vendors and buyers are mainly using the sr messaging system then how do they get notification of communication ? or do they/we just sit watching the sr messages all the time ?

Yeah, pretty much. SelfSovereignty made a desktop client called MetaSilk that will log in and notify you of orders and messages, which makes that a little easier.

I suppose my main question is how do people know when they need to respond to something quickly when email seems to be a NON option.

Log onto the site. That's it.

It would be difficult to add a proper email notification system, and it would introduce unnecessary risks.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Why did SR stop selling weapons?
« on: June 16, 2013, 02:13 am »
The Armory was shut down because it was spun off as a separate site, and it cost more to operate than they were making in commission. The illegal arms market is much smaller than the drug market. If guns were allowed on the main site, it wouldn't matter, because the site pays for itself through drugs. However, a lot of people objected to that.

Newbie discussion / Re: No PGP key for vendor?
« on: June 16, 2013, 02:02 am »
No, Privnote is not safe. Whoever runs it can potentially read all the messages. How do you know it isn't run by LE and you're sending your address directly to them?

I try not to reward lazy behavior. Not having a PGP key is a showstopper for me. There are enough competing vendors for most products that you can choose one who takes your security seriously by providing a PGP key.

I mentioned this in another thread, but this one seems to be getting more traffic, so I'll mention it here too.

Why not make new and low stats accounts deposit BTC before they can send messages? I understand the need to allow buyers to contact vendors before a purchase, but really if they are serious about making a purchase, they should have BTC on hand to deposit into their accounts. Make it a minimum of 1 BTC before messages can be sent. For accounts with less than 10 transactions and $500 in purchases, there would be a 3 day delay on withdrawals, so the spammer can't deposit BTC, spam a whole bunch, and immediately withdraw the BTC. It would give admins the time to identify the spam accounts and delete them, keeping the BTC of course, and making the spamming not worth it.

Accounts with more than 10 transactions and $500 would not have to deposit BTC to send messages and could withdraw immediately.

None of this would apply to vendor accounts of course.

Also, even when they deposit BTC, why not limit them to 10 messages a day or something? Is there really a need to send more messages than that for a new buyer?

Security / Re: Sites to AVOID while using TOR
« on: June 16, 2013, 12:59 am »
Yeah, if you can create a Google account over Tor, that should be safe.

And if you succeed in doing that, let me know how you did it. :)

Security / Re: Best universal meta scrubber
« on: June 16, 2013, 12:53 am »
The Metadata Anonymisation Toolkit scrubs many types of files. It was a GSOC (Google Summer of Code) project under the Tor Project and is included in Tails.

It has some Python dependencies, but other than that runs on any OS.

My one problem with it is that it makes PDFs huge. A 3 MB PDF will be scrubbed into a 30 MB PDF. I talked to the person who made it, and apparently that's an issue with python-hachoi, which is what it uses to create the scrubbed PDFs.

Security / Re: PGP question about decrypting
« on: June 16, 2013, 12:47 am »
Yep, make sure the message is properly formatted. Even if you copied everything correctly, the sender may have missed a dash. Count the dashes and make sure there are five on each side of the first and last lines. If some are missing, you can add them manually. Make sure the message has this format:

1. It starts with:  -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
2. It has 0 to 3 metadata lines, such as Version, Comment, or Charset. I'm not sure if it can have more than 3, but I've never seen it.
3. The next line is blank, and it is only one blank line (not 2 or 3). In the case of 0 metadata lines, the blank line immediately follows the dashed line.
4. It ends with: -----END PGP MESSAGE-----

There could also be an encoding/charset problem, especially since Windows, Mac and Linux treat newlines / return characters differently. Sometimes it helps to copy the message into a text editor and save it with the default for your operating system, then open the text file and copy the message from there.

The Bitcoin people say that you should create a new address for every transaction. Even if you don't care about your privacy, it protects the privacy of the people you are trading with. In our case, sending to the same address links those transactions. So if you fuck up once, for example by sending directly from MtGox to your SR address, then the other deposits can be linked to you, and those transactions could be traced to accounts on other services.

Realistically it's probably not a big deal, because LE is unlikely to be going after small time buyers. If you are a vendor, then you should definitely withdraw to a different address each time.

I also wonder if it taxes the SR server too much. I've never operated a wallet with tens of thousands, or perhaps hundreds of thousands of private keys. :)

Security / Re: Help: Steps to completely removing traces from PC
« on: June 16, 2013, 12:28 am »
wiggum, I don't have experience with those, so I can't say.

It's a good reason to use full disk / volume encryption before you store any sensitive data. If something catastrophic happens, like you are raided, you won't have time to overwrite your storage media, and when everything is encrypted to begin with, you only have to overwrite the encryption key to make the data unrecoverable.

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