Hello SR, I'm looking to improve my security to the point where I become really, really hard to get hold of; I know I can never be 100% secure, but I want to be as close to that as possible.
Unfortunately, I want to do this without impacting too much on my activities. In order to do what I want to do, I still need to be able to access clearnet, I still need a persistent file store, I need to be able to use and execute programs that would work in a windows environment and I need to be able to access a remote server to publish reports.
My security needs warrant me being able to boot from and use a volume that is totally separate from my home pc, one which can be destroyed if needed, where my activities whilst using the secure volume are as untraceable as possible. However, I will be doing work whilst using the secure volume therefore I need to be able to store some files and install certain programs.
I've looked at Tails with a Persistent Volume, and this looks like the type of thing I'm after, however I'm worried that I won't be able to code and install certain programs with it, does Tails have much the same abilities as Linux? Could I do most things I can do on Ubuntu through tails and then run the windows compatible programs through wine? Or does Tails not offer this functionality?
Tails is Linux, but no, you won't be able to do many things that you can do on Ubuntu, or they will be much harder. Tails is a very restricted environment. Programs that you install are not persistent, unless they are portable programs saved in the persistent volume. Programs installed system-wide are lost after each reboot. You could reinstall the tools you need after each boot, but it would be a pain to do so.
If not, is it possible for me to boot linux from a removable, encrypted volume, where the only trace of my activities is left on the removable volume and my internet usage is routed, much like I understand Tails does, completely through Tor?
Yeah, that's basically Tails.
If anyone could offer up any resources or advice, as well as offer up anything I might not have considered, I'd be very, very grateful. English is not my native language, so sorry If the above does not make a great deal of sense.
There are other options, like Whonix, but they leave traces on the computer. Tails (or Liberte) are the only solutions that leave no trace on the main hard drive and can be easily destroyed.
Essentially consider my scenario as this; I need to be able to create and program tools to enable certain specific freedoms in my home country from which I am persecuted. I'm attempting to operate without any trace where I cannot trust anyone, nor can I afford to have my identity anything but private. I intend for my computer usage and my real life to be completely separate and unable to be linked to one another.
What are your programming needs? Will any text editor due or do you need special tools? Some specific IDE, VM, programming language packages, etc? It's possible to reinstall these things with each reboot, but as I said, it would be annoying. If you are skilled enough, you could create a custom spin of Tails with the tools you need.
I come to you guys not because I am buying drugs, but because we have similar security interests; both of us are performing activities that we wish to conceal from our governments. And whilst mine does not effect the american government in any way, were the law enforcement in your country to know what I was doing, there is a certainty that my own government would quickly know about it too.
Well that's interesting. Welcome to our community.