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Messages - astor

Pages: 1 ... 52 53 [54] 55 56 ... 208
Security / Re: PGP Keys Not Verified
« on: July 07, 2013, 06:52 am »
Sure, I just mean through key signing, which is what the error is about.

Eh, people who saw it might be able to figure out how to get the time frame, but there's no reason to give people ideas.

Security / Re: PGP Keys Not Verified
« on: July 07, 2013, 04:46 am »
It would be hard to create a web of trust in this community, since we avoid using key servers, so just ignore that warning.

It doesn't seem to be redirecting for AppleWebKit now, but you should still be using Tor Browser. ;)

Are you using Google Chrome or Epiphany on Liberte?

It seems that having "AppleWebKit" in the user agent causes the redirect.

You should only use Tor Browser over Tor for many reasons:

But if you don't mind compromising your anonymity, simply changing the user agent to look like Tor Browser, or even changing AppleWebKit to "Apple WebKit" should solve the problem. Let me know if it doesn't.

The same thing could have happened to that kid if he got drunk.

"It appears that about 25 college students at four-year institutions [in the United States] die each year in alcohol-related incidents."[1]

Should we shut down Anheuser-Busch, Mr. Bridge?


What the actual fuck, Jack.

kmf and I discussed this issue privately before he created this thread. We noticed it because we both posted in several of the deleted threads. Neither of us has posted in this thread in several pages, so it seems we're both over it. I'm definitely over it. I haven't seen any more threads disappear, so the issue is resolved as far as I'm concerned. There's no reason to keep conspiracy theories alive here.

Newbie discussion / Re: Learntoplayniceorgoaway
« on: July 07, 2013, 01:29 am »
Also, did you make any modifications to the default configuration of Tor Browser?

Can you please extract TBB in a new location, run it from there and access the forum, and let me know if you are being redirected.

Newbie discussion / Re: Learntoplayniceorgoaway
« on: July 07, 2013, 01:14 am »
That's interesting. Are you absolutely sure you're using TBB and not a regular browser? Because you would be the first TBB user I've heard of experiencing this issue, and none of the other thousands of TBB users accessing this forum are experiencing that issue.

The string in the user agent that triggers the redirect is "AppleWebKit". If you simply split it into "Apple WebKit", you will not get redirected.

You should not be getting redirected if you are using TBB.

However, just in case, how are you accessing the forum? Through a Google search, bookmark, link on some other site, entering the address in the address bar?

Security / Re: my laptop
« on: July 07, 2013, 12:52 am »
Only if they could log in to your account, because you keep your log in details in a text file on the hard drive, for example.

Tor Browser doesn't save stuff in a cache on disk, if that's what you're asking.

Security / Re: accessing SR without accepting cookie?
« on: July 07, 2013, 12:48 am »
Yes, there is a cookie, it should say

session=<long random string>

and you need it to stay logged in. There's no way around it.

May I ask what changes you made to your browser to improve your anonymity? They may be harming your anonymity.

For example, not accepting cookies reduces your anonymity set to those Tor Browser users (well, hopefully you are using Tor Browser and not a regular browser) that don't accept cookies. That may be less than 1% of users. So your anonymity set is quite small through that change alone. A certain combination of changes in browser behavior could make you uniquely identifiable.

Newbie discussion / Re: Learntoplayniceorgoaway
« on: July 07, 2013, 12:16 am »
This seems to be happening to any browsers with the string "AppleWebKit" in their user agent. You are probably using Google Chrome, or Epiphany on Liberte. You *should* be using the TorBrowser only for many reasons:

But if for some reason you don't mind compromising your anonymity, you could simply remove AppleWebKit from your user agent, and/or change it to the Tor Browser user agent.

I assume. You can install a Firefox add-on in your Tor Browser that reloads the page at an interval of your choosing (ie, 10 minutes) and find out. :)

It used to use the MtGox 24 hour average, updated every 10 minutes.

But now:

UPDATE (07/02/2013 1700 UTC): Forgot to mention another change that's coming with this update.  Now that MtGox is losing market share, we'll be pulling from multiple markets to get the "official" exchange rate for pricing and hedging.  It will also be more closely weighted to the preset instead of equally weighting all prices over the past 24-hours.  This part is a bit of an experiment and we may revert back if there are any problems with it.


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