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Messages - astor

Pages: 1 ... 42 43 [44] 45 46 ... 208
Off topic / Re: Jail!
« on: July 18, 2013, 08:53 pm »
Yeah, that Norwegian mass shooter got, what, 15 years or something? But the judge can extend it by 5 year increments and effectively keep him locked up for life.

Or make the commission (both percent and bitcoin / fiat value) visible right in the interface. ie, rather than showing just the final price, show a break down to the vendor.

Not sure what you mean exactly. Go to System -> Preferences -> Monitors. Are there different screen resolution options?

Off topic / Re: Jail!
« on: July 18, 2013, 06:57 pm »
Ok, so in general you won't go to prision if caught for the first time with an amount that can be considered for personal use. I thought that the US laws were pretty strict ...

From what I gather, drug sentences start out relatively friendly to the offender and escalate quickly with repeat offenses and increased amounts. A first time offender with a personal amount of drugs will almost certainly not do any jail time beyond the night he spends in jail on the initial arrest. He will have the option of going through a drug program / drug court, if that exists in his state. Repeat offenses, or aggravated offenses (involving a gun, for example) combined with large amounts of drugs can get you up to a mandatory life sentence, which is pretty draconian.

Certainly not as bad as southeast Asia, though, where 15 grams of heroin is a capital offense.

Off topic / Re: Jail!
« on: July 18, 2013, 04:36 pm »
In the US it will depend on if they are state or federal charges. Sentences for state charges can vary widely. You can get a 5 year sentence probated immediately, meaning you go home but you have to follow certain rules and of course get drug tested regularly. Federal charges follow more structured sentencing guidelines, which for drugs depend on the drug and the amount. You can find the federal sentencing guidelines online.

Off topic / Re: Atlantis is shady as hell
« on: July 18, 2013, 01:36 am »
Was the .to or .sh version in the YouTube video?

I don't think so, but I can't check because the video has been removed.

It was in their reddit AMA, which is here:

They edited it out, but you can see a reference to it in this comment:

Hilariously, the Atlantis_Marketplace guy, whoever that is, maybe Heisenberg above, says they would *never* advise accessing the site that way, even though he posted it in the fucking OP.

Off topic / Re: Atlantis is shady as hell
« on: July 18, 2013, 01:07 am »
If you use a Tor proxy relay service or were linked here from a third party site, please update your password and security code immediately.

Does that mean they are finally renouncing the use of in-proxies like and, since it exposes their users to the same risk of having their account credentials sniffed, or LE putting a box in front of those servers and logging everyone that accesses their market?

The commission is based on bitcoins. If you price your items in bitcoins, the commission won't change.

But let's say you have an item priced at $100. Right now it's worth about 1 bitcoin.  If the USD/BTC exchange rate goes up to $200, then that item will cost 0.5 bitcoins, so obviously the commission rate will be different.

As far as I know it's pinned to the bitcoin, but that's why the commission changes for items pinned to the dollar.

Jack, as I mentioned in the Vendor Roundtable thread, (and as astor mentions http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=182525.msg1325984#msg1325984)

the changing commission on the same item is caused by the rise in BTC/USD exchange rate. The new formula causes the commission to float on items pegged to fiat.

That's a part of it. When DPR published that formula, a bitcoin was worth $77. At that rate, a $300 item would have a commission of 7.5% or $22.50. Now that a bitcoin is worth $97, a $300 item has a commission of 8.0% or $24.00. That's a difference of $2.50. I don't know if that explains all of the difference that people are seeing.

Security / Re: What is CryptnetUrlCache?
« on: July 17, 2013, 10:11 pm »
one downfall, is when i do that, windows has a ton of updates to download but i'm thinking now to maybe do that more often. wouldn't that erase that cache file with a virgin file?

It would replace it with the old cache file, although if the old one is simply deleted, it could probably be recovered with simple forensics tools. I've been able to recover deleted files with this:

Despite the name, it recovers many types of files. Of course LE would have better forensics tools than that.

A more thorough way of doing what you are doing is to overwrite the entire hard drive with a tool like DBAN and then clone the backup onto the hard drive.

He's pretty much their anti-advertisement.

Security / Re: What is CryptnetUrlCache?
« on: July 17, 2013, 08:14 pm »
This is the problem with running any proprietary software, especially from a company that actively works with LE to backdoor its programs (Skype) and provides forensics tools like this:

Security / Re: What is CryptnetUrlCache?
« on: July 17, 2013, 06:28 pm »
Sorry, I don't know anything about that specifically, but it's safe to say that there are traces of your activities (browsing as well as non-browsing) all over your computer in various caches and files. Take a look at what the browser bundle leaves behind on Windows, and it's designed to leave as little evidence as possible:


Most other apps will leave behind a lot more. The best way to avoid leaving evidence is to use a bootable OS like Tails, or you can hide the evidence by fully encrypting your hard drive, but you never know what Windows might transmit back to Microsoft.

Off topic / Re: Atlantis is shady as hell
« on: July 17, 2013, 05:56 pm »
Well, she is singing about dancing with molly, so I'm not surprised she's an SR user. :)

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