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Messages - astor

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Security / Re: Let's talk about security
« on: August 14, 2013, 03:46 am »
Thank you for this astor. Even for people that know this already it's a good reminder. One set-up you didn't mention is using Whonix on windows with physical isolation. I know windows is not ideal from a security set up but what do you think of using physical isolation for windows using Whonix? Say using a clean laptop as the gateway and for that purpose only then using your main os as the host? I've gone through all the documentation at Whonix and it says it's pretty secure. Well as secure as you can get on windows I suppose.

I don't understand. The Gateway is on an anon middle box (the laptop), and Windows is the workstation? So it's not really Whonix, it's just Windows + an anon middle box.

Or do you mean, the Gateway is on an anon middle box, and run the Whonix Workstation (Linux) in a VM on Windows?

The other thing that you touched upon is Qubes. Ideally it looks like a great security methodology but as you said it being new and untested it's hard to make a real solid evalution of it. Many exploits are produce when a combination of factors come into play. Combining different software or hardware can produce weaknesses and vulnerabilities in your OS.

You're right, and Qubes violates the principle of software simplicity. Excellent point. This is why we need to talk about it. :)

What advice would you have for a vendor that wants a secure set up at the least? Disregarding Qubes as well..thanks!

Disregarding Qubes, I would tell them to run option #3, router with a VPN in another country + anon middle box running Tor + a popular Linux OS. If they can't afford the hardware, I would tell them to run Whonix on a Linux host.

Security / Re: PC Anonymity Questions
« on: August 14, 2013, 03:37 am »

I'm looking to upgrade my current laptop, and had a few questions about staying anonymous:

1. What is the most secure OS for browsing SR? I've heard good thing about TAILS and Whonix, but what about Linux Mint or Ubuntu? I may just install Linux Mint as host OS and then a live USB for SR activity.

You might want to read the Let's talk about security post I just made.

2. If I purchase a laptop from Amazon, meaning it can easily be traced to me, is there any way to change that?

Doubt it. The hardware will have addresses and serial numbers that will be available to anyone with physical access to your computer.

4. Can someone briefly explain what the "persistence" on TAILS is? Does it create an encrypted storage space on the USB? How do you put your desired files in this persistence space? What programs do you recommend putting the persistence folder (there were ~10 options when I got to this part such as Claws Mail, etc)?

1. Yep.
2. Put the files in the Persistence folder, or something like that.
3. Put all of them in there. Won't hurt.

5. Will the "autonuke" command on DBAN be sufficient to COMPLETELY overwrite all sectors on my SSD? I'll be selling this laptop, and I want to make sure there's no way for the data to be resurrected.

I don't know if it works on an SSD. SSDs require special kinds of overwrite techniques. You should google specific tools for that.

Security / Let's talk about security
« on: August 14, 2013, 03:06 am »
In the wake of the Freedom Hosting exploit, I think we should reevaluate our threat model and update our security to better protect ourselves against the real threats that we face. So I wrote this guide in order to spark a conversation. It is by no means comprehensive. I only focus on technical security. Perhaps others can address shipping and financial security. I welcome feedback and would like these ideas to be critiqued and expanded.

As I was thinking about writing this guide, I decided to take a step back and ask a basic question: what are our goals? I've come up with two basic goals that we want to achieve with our technical security.

1. Avoid being identified.
2. Minimize the damage when we are identified.

You can think of these as our _guiding security principles_. If you have a technical security question, you may be able to arrive at an answer by asking yourself these questions:

1. Does using this technology increase or decrease the chances that I will be identified?
2. Does using this technology increase or decrease the damage (eg, the evidence that can be used against me) when I am identified?

Obviously, you will need to understand the underlying technology to answer these questions.

The rest of this guide explains the broad technological features that decrease the chances we are identified and that minimize the damage when we are identified. Towards the end I list specific technologies and evaluate them based on these features.

First, let me list the broad features that I have come up with, then I will explain them.

1. Simplicity
2. Trustworthiness
3. Minimal execution of untrusted code
4. Isolation
5. Encryption

To some extent, we've been focusing on the wrong things. I've predominantly been concerned with network layer attacks, or "attacks on the Tor network", but it seems clear to me now that application layer attacks are far more likely to identify us. The applications that we run over Tor are a much bigger attack surface than Tor itself. We can minimize our chances of being identified by securing the applications that we run over Tor. This observation informs the first four features that we desire.


Short of not using computers at all, we can minimize threats against us by simplifying the technological tools that we use. A smaller code base is less likely to have bugs, including deanonymizing vulnerabilities. A simpler application is less likely to behave in unexpected and unwanted ways.

As an example, when the Tor Project evaluated the traces left behind by the browser bundle, they found 4 traces on Debian Squeeze, which uses the Gnome 2 desktop environment, and 25 traces on Windows 7. It's clear that Windows 7 is more complex and behaves in more unexpected ways than Gnome 2. Through its complexity alone, Windows 7 increases your attack surface, exposing  you to more potential threats. (Although there are other ways that Windows 7 makes you more vulnerable, too.) The traces left behind on Gnome 2 are easier to prevent than the traces left behind on Windows 7, so at least with regard to this specific threat, Gnome 2 is desirable over Windows 7.

So, when evaluating a new technological tool for simplicity, ask yourself these questions:

Is it more or less complex than the tool I'm currently using?
Does it perform more or fewer (unnecessary) functions than the tool I'm currently using?


We should favor technologies that are built by professionals or people with many years of experience rather than newbs. A glaring example of this is CryptoCat, which was developed by a well-intentioned hobbyist programmer, and has suffered severe criticism because of the many vulnerabilities that have been discovered.

We should favor technologies that are open source, have a large user base, and a long history of use, because they will be more thoroughly reviewed.

When evaluating a new technological tool for trustworthiness, ask yourself these questions:

Who wrote or built this tool?
How much experience do they have?
Is it open source, and how big is the community of users, reviewers, and contributors?

===Minimal Execution of Untrusted Code===

The first two features assume the code is trusted but has potential unwanted problems. This feature assumes that as part of our routine activities, we may have to run arbitrary untrusted code. This is code that we can't evaluate in advance. The main place this happens is in the browser, through plug-ins and scripts.

You should completely avoid running untrusted code, if possible. Ask yourself these questions:

Are the features that it provides absolutely necessary?
Are there alternatives that provide these features without requiring plug-ins or scripts?


Isolation is the separation of technological components with barriers. It minimizes the damage incurred by exploits, so if one component is exploited, other components are still protected. It may be your last line of defense against application layer exploits.

The two types of isolation are physical (or hardware based) and virtual (or software based). Physical isolation is more secure than virtual isolation, because software based barriers can themselves be exploited by malicious code. We should prefer physical isolation over virtual isolation over no isolation.

When evaluating virtual isolation tools, ask yourself the same questions about simplicity and trustworthiness. Does this virtualization technology perform unnecessary functions (like providing a shared clipboard)? How long has it been in development, and how thoroughly has it been reviewed? How many exploits have been found?


Encryption is one of two defenses we have to minimize the damage when we are identified. The more encryption you use, the better off you are. In an ideal world, all of your storage media would be encrypted, along with every email and PM that you send. The reason for this is because, when some emails are encrypted but others are not, an attacker can easily identify the interesting emails. He can learn who the interesting parties are that you communicate with because those will be the ones you send encrypted emails to (this is called metadata leakage). Interesting messages are lost in the noise when everything is encrypted.

The same goes for storage media encryption. If you store an encrypted file on an unencrypted hard drive, an adversary can trivially determine that all the good stuff is in that small file. But when you use full disk encryption, you have more plausible deniability as to whether the drive contains data that would be interesting to that adversary, because there are more reasons to encrypt an entire hard drive than a single file. Also, an adversary who bypasses your encryption would have to cull through more data to find the the stuff that is interesting to him.

Unfortunately, using encryption incurs a cost that the vast majority of people can't bare, so at a minimum, sensitive information should be encrypted.

On a related note, the other defense against damage is secure data erasure, but that takes time that you may not have. Encryption is preemptive secure data erasure. It's easier to destroy encrypted data, because you only have to destroy the encryption key to prevent an adversary from accessing the data.

Finally, I'd like to add a related non-technical feature.

===Safe Behavior===

In some cases, the technology we use is only as safe as our behavior. Encryption is useless if your password is "password". Tor is useless if you tell someone your name. It may surprise you how little an adversary needs to know about you in order to uniquely identify you. Here are some basic rules to follow:

Don't tell anyone your name. (obv)
Don't describe your appearance, or the appearance of any major possessions (car, house, etc.).
Don't describe your family and friends.
Don't tell anyone your location beyond a broad geographical area.
Don't tell people where you will be traveling in advance (this includes festivals!).
Don't reveal specific times and places where you lived or visited in the past.
Don't discuss specific arrests, detentions, discharges, etc.
Don't talk about your school, job, military service, or any organizations with official memberships.
Don't talk about hospital visits.

In general, don't talk about anything that links you to an official record of your identity.

===A List of Somewhat Secure Setups for Silk Road Users===

I should begin by pointing out that the features outlined above are not equally important. Physical isolation is probably the most useful and can protect you even when you run complex and untrusted code. In each of the setups below, I assume a fully updated browser / TBB with scripts and plug-ins disabled. Also, the term "membership concealment" means that someone watching your internet connection doesn't know you are using Tor. This is especially important for vendors. You can use bridges, but I've included extrajurisdictional VPNs as an added layer of security.

With that in mind, here is a descending list of secure setups for SR users.

Starting off, I present to you the most secure setup!


A router with a VPN + an anonymizing middle box running Tor + a computer running Qubes OS.

Advantages: physical isolation of Tor from applications, virtual isolation of applications from each other, encryption as needed, membership concealment against local observers with VPN

Disadvantages: Qubes OS has a small user base and is not well tested, as far as I know.


Anon middle box (or router with Tor) + Qubes OS

Advantages: physical isolation of Tor from applications, virtual isolation of applications from each other, encryption as needed

Disadvantages: Qubes OS has a small user base and is not well tested, no membership concealment


VPN router + anon middle box + Linux OS

Advantages: physical isolation of Tor from applications, full disk encryption, well tested code base if it's a major distro like Ubuntu or Debian

Disadvantages: no virtual isolation of applications from each other


Anon middle box (or router with Tor) + Linux OS

Advantages: physical isolation of Tor from applications, full disk encryption, well tested code base

Disadvantages: no virtual isolation of applications from each other, no membership concealment


Qubes OS by itself.

Advantages: virtual isolation of Tor from applications, virtual isolation of applications from each other, encryption as needed, membership concealment (possible? VPN may be run in VM)

Disadvantages: no physical isolation, not well tested


Whonix on Linux host.

Advantages: virtual isolation of Tor from applications, full disk encryption (possible), membership concealment (possible, VPN can be run on host)

Disadvantages: no physical isolation, no virtual isolation of applications from each other, not well tested



Advantages: encryption and leaves no trace behind, system level exploits are erased after reboot, relatively well tested

Disadvantages: no physical isolation, no virtual isolation, no membership concealment, no persistent entry guards! (but can manually set bridges)


Whonix on Windows host.

Advantages: virtual isolation, encryption (possible), membership concealment (possible)

Disadvantages: no physical isolation, no virtual isolation of applications from each other, not well tested, VMs are exposed to Windows malware!


Linux OS

Advantages: full disk encryption (possible), membership concealment (possible)

Disadvantages: no physical isolation, no virtual isolation


Windows OS

Advantages: full disk encryption (possible), membership concealment (possible)

Disadvantages: no physical isolation, no virtual isolation, the biggest target of malware and exploits!

Assuming there is general agreement about the order of this list, our goal is to configure our personal setups to be as high up on the list as possible.

Thanks for your attention, and again I welcome comments and criticism.

Off topic / Re: E bust in San Fran
« on: August 14, 2013, 01:25 am »
"Conspiracy to commit a crime". That's a catch-all charge if I've ever seen one.

Also, 27 kilos of MDMA, wow that's going to be some time.

Security / Re: tormail
« on: August 14, 2013, 12:16 am »
Is this article saying that tormail owner also have to be arrested in order for LE to get info on a tormail users account?
Why is there no announcement from tormail owner about this event?

Because the Tormail admin is most likely the FH admin, which is Eric Marques, and he's in jail.

Security / Re: Writing Style on Forums
« on: August 14, 2013, 12:12 am »
Many people here write similarly, but a lot of people have unique quirks in their writing style which make it easy for non-experts (like us) to link them to other pseudonymous identities, like other forum accounts they've used. I've seen it happen on a few occasions, like with mtljohn and chaosforpeace. Experts using statistical analyses should fair much better than us. The only thing is, in order to learn your real identity, they would have to link your writing to things you wrote under your real identity. I hope no high profile members of this community ever kept a blog on a server that still has their IP address. Don't write long-winded posts on reddit over clearnet, either.

Another thing you may notice from this debate is how complex it is to avoid the NSA, and how dependent it is on your geographical location and the sites you are visiting. You shouldn't make one blanket recommendation for everyone.

Where can I have a look what has been patched out of Tor Browser? To me it looks like they're just using plugins and security update patches, but maybe I'm wrong.

Some specific ones that address linkability:

Block Components.interfaces

Make Intermediate Cert Store memory-only

Add a string-based cacheKey property for domain isolation

Disable SSL Session ID tracking

Limit Device and System Specific Media Queries

Limit the number of fonts per document

Randomize HTTP pipeline order and depth

Add mozIThirdPartyUtil.getFirstPartyURI() API

Do not expose physical screen info to window.screen

Do not expose system colors to CSS or canvas

Isolate the Image Cache per url bar domain

Isolate DOM Storage to first party URI

I've already mentioned that it's possible to break out of the virtual machine, just as it is possible in Whonix. However using a 64bit OS in combination with AMD-V or Intel VT-X probably makes this less likely. You can't use AMD-V / VT-X with Whonix. Intel VT-X has to be enabled in the BIOS in some cases, AMD-V is already enabled for newer 64bit CPU's.

I was more concerned about an attack from the other direction, where malware on the Windows host can attack the VM, figure out what you're doing, etc.

A shared clipboard is a security vulnerability.

It's more convenient though.

That's not an excuse. :)

So why not add a separate Tor VM? In fact, why not modify this setup and run it over the Whonix Gateway?

Already working on it. There will be another tutorial in a few days, which works together with this Xubuntu setup. It won't use Whonix however, it will use a minimal installation of Debian.


Excluding huge swaths of exit nodes like this harms your anonymity by making your circuits more fingerprintable, and can potentially make the Tor experience terrible with long lags and frequent time outs, while at the same time providing minimal benefit.

There are quite a few exit nodes in those countries, especially if you keep the {ru} part. This is still preferable to getting a random entry node in the USA (NSA) and a random exit node in the UK (GCHQ).

Not really. If the clearnet site you are visiting is in the US, as most English speaking web sites are, you're better off with an exit node in the US, since the chances of being surveilled by the NSA are higher at the borders. If you are in the US and using a non-US entry guard along with a non-US exit node and a connection that comes back into the US to a clearnet site, then you may really be screwed.

When both the route from your computer to the entry node, and the route from the exit node to the clearnet website are in PRISM countries, then Tor is pretty much useless. Some people already say Tor is dead because of this.

Yep, I know, but the majority of clearnet sites that people are likely to visit are in the US, so you are slightly safer by using a US exit node. It's better for the NSA to sniff the encrypted circuit between your middle and exit node then the unencrypted circuit between your exit node and the destination web site, just as it's better for the NSA to sniff the encrypted circuit between your entry and middle node than between your home and the entry node. Thus it's better for US citizens to use US entry guards or better yet bridges.

It depends on the network topology and where exactly they are watching, of course. If your connection between the exit node and the web site traverses an IX that is tapped by the NSA, you're screwed anyway.

If you don't set it yourself, then you are dependent on the random nodes Tor chooses for you. It will happily choose the entry node in the USA and the exit node in the UK, thus negligently exposing your IP address to PRISM.

It is my understanding that crossing the US border increases your chances of being surveilled, so US citizens are better off with a US entry node, or even better would be a US bridge.

Nice job! This tutorial gives people another option in securing their setup.

I have some thoughts below.

Advantages over Tails (
* all changes you make are persistent (unless you restore a snapshot)
* everything is encrypted, not just the persistent storage
* more control over the Tor configuration (specify EntryNodes in your country or use Tor bridges etc.)
* not using the Tor Browser Bundle, so Firefox is more uptodate, with all security/privacy updates etc.

One thing I'd like to point out is that if your primary goal is unlinkability, the Tor Browser Bundle is safer than running regular Firefox. You will be in a much smaller anonymity set if you run Firefox 23, and Tor Browser includes many patches that reduce linkability. However, if your primary goal is untraceability, this setup is safer than running TBB on Windows. Also, I'm not sure that newer versions of Firefox are more secure, since Firefox ESR receives security updates. Firefox 22 and 17.0.7 were both patched against the FH exploit.

* no need to reboot the computer, you can use Windows and Ubuntu at the same time

This makes it less secure than Tails, because the VM is exposed to exploits on the host OS, especially if you are running this on Windows. For example, malware could read the contents of the Truecrypt volume when it is decrypted, or it could steal the encryption key when it is in RAM, or a keylogger could steal your password when you open the Truecrypt volume.

Of course, Whonix on Windows is subject to the same problems, which is why I've held off on publishing my Whonix tutorial (yet again).

* install any Ubuntu software you like through the Ubuntu Software Center user interface
* no need to reinstall anything to update the packages
* copy and paste between Windows and Linux is possible

A shared clipboard is a security vulnerability. If you copy a password on Windows, an exploit in the VM could read it, or vice versa. Shared folders and clipboards should be disabled for maximum VM isolation.

* if your browser gets attacked with malware, simply restore the VirtualBox snapshot you've created upon completion of this tutorial

I love disposable VMs and use them a lot myself.

Disadvantages compared with Whonix (
Like in Tails, if your browser gets attacked and executes a root exploit, the attacker may change the firewall rules to get your IP address. This is unlikely if you regularly download security updates and don't use javascript.

So why not add a separate Tor VM? In fact, why not modify this setup and run it over the Whonix Gateway?


By adding the next line to the bottom of /etc/tor/torrc we make Tor only use ExitNodes in Asia, South Africa and Russia. Note that Russias traffic often goes through european backbones, with several european secret services potentially sniffing your traffic. This may be an issue (possible time/size correlation attacks when browsing clearnet websites) if you're european and your entry node is in Europe. So you may want to remove the ,{ru} part at the end of the line.

Add this line to a new line in the text editor:
ExitNodes {hk},{tw},{za},{in},{id},{th},{vn},{cn},{ru}

Excluding huge swaths of exit nodes like this harms your anonymity by making your circuits more fingerprintable, and can potentially make the Tor experience terrible with long lags and frequent time outs, while at the same time providing minimal benefit. This option doesn't affect hidden services like the Silk Road market and forum, and most clearnet sites are in the US anyway, so your connection will cross the US border and be exposed to the NSA.

Other than these things, it's a nice tutorial though!

I have announced upcoming VPNs (shared, dedicated) and SFTP servers and application hosting (forums, imageboards, image hosting, ect).


You're selling VPN access through SR? This should be interesting.

Thread derailed instantly. Let's focus on the guy with 70 straight FEs in 10 days. I know most people say "will update" and never do, but a small percentage actually do. If he sent out real product, half of it would have landed by now and there should be some updates and actual reviews. The reason the aren't is because the people who FE'ed 10 days ago are still waiting for their packages.

Conservatively assuming $100 per order, he has scammed at least $7000 in 10 days and still going.

Product requests / Re: Cocaine!
« on: August 13, 2013, 07:28 am »
I should clarify that "reasonable" today means under $130 a gram, but I believe a reasonable price for cocaine is more like $50-80 a gram.

Product requests / Re: Cocaine!
« on: August 13, 2013, 07:26 am »
There is no consistency in the cocaine market at all. It's way overpriced and the quality is highly variable from week to week for each vendor, or it's crap all the time. Many vendors start out on SR with good coke and quickly tank. If you can find anyone with good coke that stays good for a few months, at a reasonable price, please let the rest of us know.

JustSmuggledN - Clean coke i've tested myself, nowadays street price of off the brick coke can be up to $100 a gram. One of my friends in london even payed the equivalent of $120USD for a gram of flake. Supply and demand my friend. There is a reason this vendor went up and within 30 days he has 300 transactions.

Have you read his recent feedback?

Security / Re: how do I hide that I used tor on my computer?
« on: August 13, 2013, 05:02 am »
The only way to erase all evidence of the browser bundle is to write random data over the entire hard drive.

Here are the traces that TBB leaves behind on Windows after you delete the folders it was extracted to:


That's what we know about based on one analysis. There may be other traces on other setups.

Check if your hard drive has the ATA Secure Erase feature and use that to perform a full disk wipe. If it doesn't have that feature, download DBAN and use that to perform at least one random write over the whole drive.

Then reinstall Windows. It will still be obvious that you reinstalled Windows.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Image Hosting hidden service
« on: August 13, 2013, 03:13 am »
Imgur doesn't let you upload over Tor. The people posting those drug pics must be doing it over clearnet or with VPNs, but VPNs aren't safe. lets you upload over Tor. Just keep it on the DL and don't fuck it up for everyone. :)

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