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Messages - astor

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First, do yourself a favor and replace the gpg.conf that came with your app with this:



trust-model always

personal-digest-preferences SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224 RIPEMD160 SHA1
personal-compress-preferences BZIP2 ZLIB ZIP Uncompressed
cert-digest-algo SHA512

If you have multiple keys, you can set a default with:

default-key <key ID>

Command line gpg is easy to use. There are a handful of basic commands, and gpg will ask you for any input that it needs if you haven't provided it. I can give you a run down of the basic commands right now. For the commands that require input, you can either specify a file or type/paste stuff directly in the command prompt window.

I will use the "gpg" command, but on Windows you'll have to use "gpg.exe".

To import a key:

gpg --import

If you just type that, you'll see a cursor in the command window and can paste the key in the window. After pasting it in, hit CTRL+D. Otherwise you can save the key in a file and specify that:

gpg --import buddy.key

To print out your public key, so you can give it to other people:

gpg --export KEYINFO

Where KEYINFO is either the name, email address or key ID. gpg will search your key ring and use the first match. If it's a long name, you only need to supply a part of it, enough that it uniquely matches that key.

The previous command will print it in the command window. You can put the output in a file with redirection:

gpg --export KEYINFO > pub.key

Ok, with the basic importing and exporting out of the way, we're ready to do encryption. The simplest command to encrypt is:

gpg -e

Yep, that's it. If you don't supply the recipients, it will ask you for them. Just type in some key info, like above, either part of the name, email address, or key ID. You can add as many recipients as you want, and hit enter (blank recipient) to stop adding recipients.

Then you'll get a cursor to type your message. and when you're done, hit CTRL+D, and it will spit the encrypted block into the command window.

Alternatively you can type your message in a text file and specify that.

gpg -e message.txt

And you can specify the recipients too, although I'm too lazy to do that and let it prompt me. :)

gpg -r astor -r bedtime666 -e message.txt

It will create a file called message.txt.asc which contains the encrypted message.

To decrypt a message:

gpg -d

And you can paste the message in the command window, then hit CTRL+D.  Or specify the file:

gpg -d encrypted_message.txt

That's enough to get you started.

So all SSL, VPN, HTTPs and centralized Certificates are all suspect or known broken.  Windows disk encryption is broken. Apple's encryption is very suspect.  I can't see Steve Jobs going to jail for anyone's privacy.  These companies, and many other American interests  will pay a heavy price for being snitches, for it will be long time before people trust them again.

I agree. They should suffer. Boycott the whole fucking American tech industry. The problem is there aren't too many other options, and most other governments suck too. The German government requires backdoors at any ISPs with more that 10K subscribers and has installed malware on on their citizens' computers. The Swedish government watches all internet traffic that crosses its borders. GCHQ is worse than the NSA. And the less developed countries have generally more corrupt governments, although their technical capabilities may be lower.

I still like the idea of home hosting. It's the cheapest and the most legally, technically, and physically secure.

PGP & GPG are  very likely still secure, as is TrueCrypt.  Their code is open,  well inspected, and written by Phil Zimmerman and Bruce Schneider, the two most trusted name in Crypto.  I also trust the Password holder.

There is a lot of criticism of Truecrypt.

I doubt it has been reviewed as thoroughly as LUKS/dm-crypt, whose developers are known. Most security savvy people have a negative view of it, including the Tor Project people.

I also wouldn't trust Windows or OS X for anything, since they are closed source operating systems made by corporations that work with the American government, including the NSA, whether they want to or not.

I feel I know what you're saying. I post a message in my mail client. I then highlight the message, right click and select "encrypt to new window" after that I choose a recipient. As in I click next to one of the names/emails/public keys that are in my GPG keychain. Then I select which one of my keys I want to send it from.

I've never used GPGTools, but what does it mean to "send from" a key? You encrypt a message with someone's public key. You should only have to select the recipients. Perhaps when you are choosing one of your keys to "send from" you are actually selecting it to encrypt the message with.

Wow yeah, just tried to generate a new key and saw this wasn't an option.. At least by default, the key just generates. I definitely want to learn more about command line GPG.. Can you use GPG4USB on Linux in the command line?

GPG4USB is a GUI app. The whole point is to not use the command line, otherwise you can use gpg directly. Most GUI apps are just graphical interfaces that send commands to gpg. Even on Windows, they come with gpg.exe, a Windows port of gpg that you can actually use from the command prompt. Type:  gpg.exe --gen-key, and it works the same way.

That being said, GPG4USB runs on 32 bit Linux, but it's harder to get working on 64 bit Linux, because it isn't built for 64 bit so you have to install like 200 MB of multiarch libraries.

Thank you for the repl(y[ies]) Astor, I truly appreciate your presence here. I swear you are a saint for not offering a donation addy in your sig LOL!!

Well, one reason not to list an address is that I use Bitcoin the right way and create a new address for each transaction. ;)

Even if you don't care about privacy, you should do that to protect the privacy of the people you transact with. SR should create a new bitcoin address for you after each deposit, like MtGox and other services do. Although there are so many clueless people in this community that a lot of them would send coins to the old addresses.

Aha, I just found that in GPG4WIN  there is a tab "Preferences", you must click "use advanced mode" and "show advanced options" to get the prompt for bit-count.. Thank you for prompting this simple trouble shoot Astor

Awesome. That should be on the SR wiki.

Is there a way to generate an 8192 key with this? A way to change the limit of 4096 in the program?

No, even gpg is limited to 4096 bits, unless you change the source code and compile your own version.

I have done it and created a 16384 bit key. See here: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=157004.msg1102015#msg1102015

Problem is that other people's PGP clients don't properly create a message when encrypting with the key. I don't know what pine was using, but her client failed silently. I couldn't decrypt the messages that she encrypted with my 16384 bit key, although I could decrypt messages that I encrypted, so I know my gpg was working.

So until everyone is using PGP clients that support larger key sizes, there's not much point to doing it yourself.

GPG4USB is only available for Windows and Linux.

If they are getting a message that no secret key is available, then you are encrypting the message with the wrong public key. You may be encrypting it with your own key. You need to encrypt it with their public key.

GUI PGP apps should have an option when you create the key to increase the key size. If your app doesn't have that option, it's a piece of shit and you should stop using it.

GPG4USB lets you change the key size when you create it.

On Linux, using the command line gpg, it will ask you for the key size when you run gpg --gen-key.

Security / Re: Tails and Tor 2.4
« on: September 09, 2013, 01:32 am »
Setting an admin password and sudo apgt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade maybe...

Unfortunately I think it's amnesiac properties it is probably not permanent.

Right. The root filesystem is a static image on purpose. You will lose anything that isn't in the persistent folder, including anything installed from the repos, after a reboot.

I recommend running Whonix. It a little more secure than Tails because Tor is isolated in a separate VM, and it is persistent, so you can install additional software or upgrade Tor.

The trade off is that that it isn't a leave-no-trace-behind OS like Tails. However, if an adversary has physical access to your hardware, the fact that you use Tor is the least of your problems. You can put Whonix and portable VirtualBox in an encrypted volume on a thumb drive and get close to the same privacy as Tails. There will probably be stuff in your log files indicating the times that you ran it.

Security / Re: HOWTO: Run a relay and help the Tor network
« on: September 09, 2013, 01:25 am »
I have the TBB on my desktop. I shut that down daily because I basically have to. Would it also be bad to try running a relay on that?

Yes, it would be bad.

Security / Re: Calling for a SR vendor to set up TOR relay fund
« on: September 09, 2013, 01:15 am »
How would I know my donation was actually going to be used to set up relays? Also, how exactly does money=more relays? Are they buying computers to set up relays on?

Yes, they rent servers to run relays. Did you read the page? Look over the site? Torservers runs some of the biggest exit nodes, and their non-profit helps to fund several partner organizations that run relays.

I don't know. You can read through the whole changelog to find out what those features are :);hb=HEAD;f=ChangeLog

Or get on their IRC channel and ask them.

I doubt it would be a security threat. More likely that a bunch of shit would just be broken for Tor 0.2.1. They blacklisted that Tor version about a year ago. You can see the downtick in relays around August/September 2012:

I remember seeing that and wondering why the number of relays dropped, and then saw arma mention somewhere, maybe on the mailing list, that they had blacklisted Tor 0.2.1.

Another thing is, notice in the changelog that they switched from calling it alpha to release candidate between and That probably means that major bugs, like stuff that causes crashes, have been fixed.

Security / Re: Calling for a SR vendor to set up TOR relay fund
« on: September 09, 2013, 12:00 am »
If there was a simple BTC address posted by DPR for donations to support relays I think it would work just better.

How about this one: 1GvVpDGM426bHp2eXwHzwDNqv8g2xyfznJ

Silk Road discussion / Re: Difficulty accessing Tor hidden services
« on: September 08, 2013, 11:55 pm »
Many Tor relays already updated to version (276 of >4000 so far). These relays will give Tor clients with version 0.2.4.x a higher priority. The botnet which is screwing with the Tor network uses version 0.2.3.x

Looks like it's up to 600 now. That doesn't tell the whole story, because relay selection is weighted by bandwidth, so if the top 600 relays by bandwidth were running Tor 0.2.4, then 90% of your circuits would go through those relays. I doubt that's the case though.

The problem is that the botnet is growing faster than the number of relays that are upgrading to Tor 0.2.4.

Another problem is that the botnet might upgrade to Tor 0.2.4 too.

Security / Re: HOWTO: Run a relay and help the Tor network
« on: September 08, 2013, 11:48 pm »

Can this be done on TAILS?

You can probably run a relay on Tails by modifying the torrc the same way as in the guide. However, if you boot and shut down your Tails often, you shouldn't run a relay on it. Tor relays should be stable, with many days of uptime. It's bad for the Tor network when relays go offline a lot, because it takes time to update the directory and get all clients to know about the currently running relays. The network would become more inefficient if clients were trying to connect to a lot of relays that are offline.

Tails is a non-persistent mobile operating system. Relays should be run on stable setups.

Security / Re: HOWTO: Run a relay and help the Tor network
« on: September 08, 2013, 11:47 pm »
Can this be done on TAILS?

You can probably run a relay on Tails by modifying the torrc the same way as in the guide. However, if you boot and shut down your Tails often, you shouldn't run a relay on it. Tor relays should be stable, with many days of uptime. It's bad for the Tor network when relays go offline a lot, because it takes time to update the directory and get all clients to know about the currently running relays. The network would become more inefficient if clients were trying to connect to a lot of relays that are offline.

Interesting read. Another nice tidbit:

To this day, no mobile telephone standards committee has considered
or adopted any end-to-end (phone-to-phone) privacy protocols.  This is
because the big companies involved, huge telcos, are all in bed with
NSA to make damn sure that working end-to-end encryption never becomes
the default on mobile phones.

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