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Messages - astor

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 208
Well, if you consider that cryptography might be totally broken (either by the way it's implemented or the underlying math) then the VPN isn't useful anymore... ;)

That may be the case if they are targeting you, but it's unlikely they are breaking every VPN connection in the world on the fly.

Security / Re: Help with Tails please
« on: September 30, 2013, 02:09 pm »
You've already downloaded and verified it. Now burn it to a DVD and from there, clone it to a thumb drive.

Security / Re: What to do about tail if im on a mac?
« on: September 30, 2013, 02:06 pm »
Buy an external DVD drive and boot from that. Such drives are not expensive these days; if it doesn't work (and I don't see any reason why it shouldn't)  then your're only out on the order of $50 or so.

And you can return the drive for a full refund within a certain amount of time. I believe Walmart's policy is 15 days.

If you search the forum, you'll find several threads about getting a Mac to boot a USB thumb drive. People have had varying success with it. However, if that fails, running Whonix in a Truecrypt container is a good alternative.

Security / Re: Help with Tails please
« on: September 30, 2013, 06:43 am »
Reinstall it.

Off topic / Re: kmfkewm signing off
« on: September 30, 2013, 03:06 am »
kmf, you were one of the community's biggest assets. By far the most technically knowledgeable person on the forum, and my personal guru.

I'll miss ya man.

Also, please, please give me that code. The project is almost complete. It can't die now!

Shipping / Re: Order seized
« on: September 30, 2013, 01:57 am »
He didn't get CDed. First, he said it was a "very small amount", which they wouldn't care about CDing. Second, they wouldn't spend the time and resources on a CD and then not arrest him. The whole point is to set someone up for an arrest.

Security / Re: Dissent: accountable anonymous group communication
« on: September 30, 2013, 12:35 am »
Oh i see, kmfkewm and ECCROT13 are the same person. The writing style is the same, the use of commas, the grammar, the large parenthetical blocks, the post volume, the same general knowledge and commentary. Dont worry about that pm, posting.

I don't believe they are the same person. A distinguishing feature of kmf's writing is that he rarely uses contractions while ECC_ROT13 uses a lot of contractions. Apparently kmf was unaware of this until I pointed it out to him, but I never got the impression they were the same person.

Security / Re: Dissent: accountable anonymous group communication
« on: September 29, 2013, 07:02 pm »
This has been a great thread, but unfortunately kmf has retired from the community.

He was one of the smartest people on the forum, and I will miss his input.

Another great tutorial, Bazille. :)

Silk Road discussion / Re: The last word on Atlantis
« on: September 29, 2013, 06:47 pm »
Thanks for your perspective, Heisenberg.

Now that the Atlantis admins have been shown to be shady, what do you think are the odds that they ran the phishing proxy? Doesn't seem so far fetched now. I believe they were struggling financially, which doesn't mean they were in the red, but they weren't making enough money to pay the salaries of 5 admins. The phishing proxy would allow them to:

1. Spam the SR forum and reviews with plausible deniability
2. Get new sign ups
3. Plunder SR accounts for extra cash

Obviously they put up a good front of denying it, and even added a banner, 6 weeks later, which you wouldn't see if you had JavaScirpt disabled, but I still think they are the most likely people who were running it.

Security / Re: What Is The Weakest Part of SR?
« on: September 23, 2013, 12:41 am »
I've been pondering where the most risk is the many activities required for a trade on SR to go down.  I'm curious as to what the fine people of the forums think.

Where is the greatest risk:

-- In TOR?  Are hidden services and Tor in general completely fucked in terms of preserving anonymity?

Tor is relatively safer for users, much less safe for hidden services. An attacker can easily link users to the sites they are visiting, but he will only identify a small random sample of users. To get most users or a specific user costs a lot of money and may take a long time (on the order of months). It's not worth doing for most Tor users.

It's notable that LE served an application layer exploit to FH visitors, which means they weren't performing network layer attacks to identify them.

-- With Bitcoin?  Does the cashing out of bitcoin represent an extremely precarious part of the transaction?

You'd think it would be, although I haven't heard of anyone getting arrested after cashing out bitcoins. I guess there will be a first time for that eventually. Best way to do it is have trusted associates that want to cash in and trade with them, that way the coins never touch an exchange. The second best way would be to sell coins for cash on an OTC market, but that's not feasible for large amounts.

-- With the mail?  Are you most at risk when dropping your packages off?

Dropping off packages isn't as risky as picking them up. This is by far the biggest risk for buyers. Vendors should change drop locations and packaging methods often to avoid getting profiled, and never bring a mobile phone when mailing packages (so your travel patterns are not recorded. Even without GPS your location can be triangulated from phone towers fairly accurately. This becomes a risk if a seized package can be identified as coming from a specific drop location).

-- With SR interactions?  Is the risk of SR being compromised high, which would reveal too much identifying information in messages and other communications?

Certainly there's a risk of revealing too much info in messages, but that's what PGP is for.

Of course there are many things that should be done at each of these places, but I wondered what you thought to be the largest risk/the most likely place where a fuck-up could cost you your freedom?

For buyers it's receiving packages in the mail. For vendor it's unclear. To my knowledge, no SR vendor has been busted through an attack on Tor or an investigation of SR. The vendors I've heard about were busted either because they were receiving drugs in the mail themselves, or through IRL dealing.

Off topic / Re: Real men aren't pussy beggers
« on: September 22, 2013, 02:20 pm »
Who pays for sex? Says a lot about your character in general man and it's assholes like you that make it hard for guys with good hearts. Once they've been with guys like you they become jaded and insecure. Then when a decent guy comes along he has got to work 100 times hard to break that wall she built up to avoid being hurt. All women deserve to be treated with respect and if the only reason you want a woman in your life is to fuck you'd be better off jacking off.  I don't have to spend a dime on women and they still love me. Granted I'm not ugly but I am definitely not rich at the moment. I've taken women out in nice cars and really shitty ones. Women really don't care about that shit unless they are extremely shallow. It's how you carry yourself and the confidence you exude that can get you any lady you're interested in.  Personally I don't like high maintenance women because a woman who is independent and intelligent is so much hotter than some stupid blonde who fucks anything and everything.  You should try to change your viewpoint or maybe dig a little deeper as to why you refer to them as bitches. Sounds like you've either been hurt too much or listen to rap. Likely both.

Why do people spend so much time and energy writing long responses to this troll?

His ideas are absurd anyway. If every man interacted with women only to pay escorts for sex, the human species would go extinct. If Rambo's father had followed his philosophy, JohnRambo wouldn't exit.

Plus, society would be a lot more dysfunctional because every home would be a broken home. But that's no surprise, because JohnRambo has a completely dysfunctional relationship with women.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Atlantis market place closing down
« on: September 22, 2013, 01:07 pm »
If it were LE related, the whole site would be shut down and abandoned they wouldn't still be handing out refunds and allowing logins. That seems questionable.

Most likely it wasn't profitable so they shut down.

I interpreted the "security issues outside of our control" to mean they read the research papers and realized the Tor network, and hidden services in particular, are weak to many attacks, so they decided to quit while they were ahead. :)

But yeah that's unlikely to be the reason. The more likely reason is the site wasn't profitable enough for them to keep running it.

Silk Road discussion / Re: SockPuppet Ratings inflate bad vendors
« on: September 22, 2013, 12:54 pm »
Over 3,600 kilograms is a lot of blow for personal use...

"Apparently their were four individuals aboard the aircraft but initially only one was captured although later 2 more were also picked up but the authorities haven't released all of their names supposedly there were 3 men and one lady but who really knows this whole thing is just crazy. To be honest with relation to the crew of the Gulfstream II N987SA the Mexican Government is being pretty damn silent."

Yeah, so I wonder if they were CIA agents or civilians. Probably civilians.

Do you think the CIA is dumb enough to ship drugs with its own planes. and have CIA agents piloting them? They know there is a small but real possibility that they could crash or other things could go wrong. Seems to me even if they were involved in drug smuggling, they'd do it with people and planes that didn't make it so obvious.

The article says the plane was "linked to rendition flights", but what's the evidence?

An alternative explanation is that a drug smuggling organization bought or rented a plane linked to the CIA for the lulz. :)

Security / Re: PGP Tutorial
« on: September 22, 2013, 12:19 pm »
There's also this GPG4USB Tutorial: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=206998.msg1487769#msg1487769

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