Silk Road forums

Discussion => Shipping => Topic started by: Flyerz1934 on September 09, 2013, 02:13 pm

Title: Big shipment w/out Drugs
Post by: Flyerz1934 on September 09, 2013, 02:13 pm
I'm currently looking for some tips about shipping a great amount of hand sized things. No drugs, but still illegal. The goods are pyrotechnics. Send me a PM if you know a good hiding method. Thanks

Title: Re: Big shipment w/out Drugs
Post by: eskimoplea7 on September 09, 2013, 03:45 pm
Why would someone reveal their shipping methods to an "anonymous" person,
who is most likely LE or a newb who shouldn't be shipping things in the mail if they cant figure out a way to do it themselves.

Not trying to be a dick but posting info on shipping methods on a forum that is watched by LE, is a incredibly dumb thing to do
Title: Re: Big shipment w/out Drugs
Post by: Flyerz1934 on September 09, 2013, 05:01 pm
I understand your opinion, but I can proof not to be LE. If I was LE I would ask shipping stealth for 30x15x5cm packages (MAX). Those packages contain > 10kg material. Again -> no explosives (C4, granates etc..), no weapons, just beautiful (burning) colors. NOTHING will be posted here in this thread. That's why I wrote PM.

Title: Re: Big shipment w/out Drugs
Post by: National Direct on September 10, 2013, 04:30 am
Have you looked into getting licensed or certified to import these products to your country? It may be a quicker process than you think.
Title: Re: Big shipment w/out Drugs
Post by: Flyerz1934 on September 10, 2013, 06:59 pm
Yes, I searched these licenses, but they are expensive. Almost as much as the order. I don't want to sell it. The pyrotechnics are manufactured in Italy. I don't think they are legal, but products are good, very good. Not some cheap shit. Thanks
Title: Re: Big shipment w/out Drugs
Post by: National Direct on September 10, 2013, 07:57 pm
I would get the license even if it doubles the cost. The implications of importing certain things, and what the possible use and effect is in relation to the products ordered (intent is a loose defence in court). Anyone who has faced legal prosecution knows the cost in time and money is not worth most risks. It sounds like you valuate your risk as less than you will see it when/if you were to face charges for it.

Learn more about the regulations and the consequences before doing any further actions.
Title: Re: Big shipment w/out Drugs
Post by: anonymousasshit on September 13, 2013, 06:02 am
I agree, get the proper paperwork.  You don't want to get prosecuted under the fucking Patriot Act or some shit.  It doesn't matter how non-explosive it may be, you never know how these numb nut feds are going to react over anything that is even very flammable. 

One time I was mailing something and they read the standard list and ask if anything was flammable.  I told them that paper was flammable, so technically the envelopes would be restricted.  Bitch didn't think it was funny and said, "We mean really flammable".  I just apologized for the lame joke and left.   
Title: Re: Big shipment w/out Drugs
Post by: Rotaluc on September 20, 2013, 05:07 pm
I'm currently looking for some tips about shipping a great amount of hand sized things. No drugs, but still illegal. The goods are pyrotechnics. Send me a PM if you know a good hiding method. Thanks

Vacuum seal it like you would seal cocaine. (check the sticky for proper sealing) Dogs can be trained for gun powder.

Also with Italy being the home of Beretta, I wouldn't be surprised if shipments from Italy would be sniffed by dogs for anything that smells like firearms. I don't actually know, but if you can just get the right paperwork legally, I agree that's probably the way to go.