Silk Road forums

Discussion => Shipping => Topic started by: makingmoneyy on July 16, 2013, 03:49 am

Title: Deliberate bad packaging
Post by: makingmoneyy on July 16, 2013, 03:49 am
Hey guys I was just reading through some threads about shipping and decoy package and thought of a idea.
How about say once a year vendors from all around the world on the same day send out decoy packages that a wrapped ridiculously bad with bad spelling no stealth whatsoever with drugs.

This way the LE intercepts there quota per year at once and keeps the stealth products rolling through as the poorly packaged ones using all there resources chasing nobody!
Obviously this would be asking to get caught but I guess the vendors who already know how to do this anoynomusly would know how to do this with little risk.

Title: Re: Deliberate bad packaging
Post by: Quazee on July 16, 2013, 04:07 am
I smoke a bunch a weed. I might rub my balls on a few letters and send em out. think the thc will transfer to the ball sweat and alert the dogs?
Title: Re: Deliberate bad packaging
Post by: makingmoneyy on July 16, 2013, 04:22 am
Guess there's only 1 way to find out
Let us know how that goes for you!
Title: Re: Deliberate bad packaging
Post by: CheapestCocaine on July 16, 2013, 04:29 am
haha and all include letters with anti government political rants
Title: Re: Deliberate bad packaging
Post by: UV on July 16, 2013, 04:32 am
Don't quotas increase once achieved so it'd be sort like egging them on? Dunno, just a thought.
Title: Re: Deliberate bad packaging
Post by: The Missus on July 16, 2013, 04:35 am
I don't think many vendors would risk getting their ass hauled off to jail to help LE meet their quotas. If anything I would think that that would just push L.E over the edge and they'd just start doing crazy stupid shit to crack down.

I like the ball sweat idea though, that's champion thinking right there.
Title: Re: Deliberate bad packaging
Post by: anonymousasshit on July 16, 2013, 05:05 am
Great thread!

Disclaimer:  The following was from a dream that a friend told me about in one of my dreams and in no way is intended to encourage anyone to do anything that is prohibited, as I know you all would never dream of such a thing. ;)  :

I had the same idea, but a different method.  I know someone very well that works around mail and I will leave it at that...

But what about this?

Have semi-coordinated and random tainting of ALL MAIL.  Couldn't one who has access to large quantities of packages simple take some keif or probably even ground up leaves so no product is wasted.  If it was ground into the finest powder imaginable and then basically just thrown up in the air to land all over a bunch of packages.  Not enough to be really seen and spread it so that you don't get any alerts from anyone seeing powder.  If this was done randomly to packages prior to them arriving at huge sorting facilities that go all over the country and world, then wouldn't it sort of be spread around and possibly taint thousands of packages with the smell of the deadly and poisonous drug know to some as reefer.  Have this done all around and the cross contamination would, in my mind possibly spread detectable amounts to all packages.

I realize that a dog is not like a lab and dogs, like humans, while having a much more keen sense of smell, tend to not be perfect, as we know that everything has limitation and when you say something that includes "always" or "never", you are almost always wrong and never right.  It would take someone with much more understanding of the K9 as I have not researched it extensively and I do not have any experience with dogs that are trained in such matters.

Maybe you all could speculate, as a good bullshitter is almost as entertaining and an expert.  But maybe someone who actually knows about this could opine.

Is this a feasible plan?  I understand we are not talking about a lab examining all packages but would a flood of tainted packages cause resources to be diverted to wasting time seeing obtaining warrants to see Billy Bob's commemorative Dale Earnhart series of collector plates rather than this waste of time, money, and our liberties that they call a war on drugs?   
Title: Re: Deliberate bad packaging
Post by: BruceCampbell on July 16, 2013, 05:18 am
Dude just go around and blow about a gram of kief in each USPS blue box in an entire city and see what happens.
Title: Re: Deliberate bad packaging
Post by: CheapestCocaine on July 16, 2013, 05:20 am
Great thread!

Disclaimer:  The following was from a dream that a friend told me about in one of my dreams and in no way is intended to encourage anyone to do anything that is prohibited, as I know you all would never dream of such a thing. ;)  :

I had the same idea, but a different method.  I know someone very well that works around mail and I will leave it at that...

But what about this?

Have semi-coordinated and random tainting of ALL MAIL.  Couldn't one who has access to large quantities of packages simple take some keif or probably even ground up leaves so no product is wasted.  If it was ground into the finest powder imaginable and then basically just thrown up in the air to land all over a bunch of packages.  Not enough to be really seen and spread it so that you don't get any alerts from anyone seeing powder.  If this was done randomly to packages prior to them arriving at huge sorting facilities that go all over the country and world, then wouldn't it sort of be spread around and possibly taint thousands of packages with the smell of the deadly and poisonous drug know to some as reefer.  Have this done all around and the cross contamination would, in my mind possibly spread detectable amounts to all packages.

I realize that a dog is not like a lab and dogs, like humans, while having a much more keen sense of smell, tend to not be perfect, as we know that everything has limitation and when you say something that includes "always" or "never", you are almost always wrong and never right.  It would take someone with much more understanding of the K9 as I have not researched it extensively and I do not have any experience with dogs that are trained in such matters.

Maybe you all could speculate, as a good bullshitter is almost as entertaining and an expert.  But maybe someone who actually knows about this could opine.

Is this a feasible plan?  I understand we are not talking about a lab examining all packages but would a flood of tainted packages cause resources to be diverted to wasting time seeing obtaining warrants to see Billy Bob's commemorative Dale Earnhart series of collector plates rather than this waste of time, money, and our liberties that they call a war on drugs?

lets fill alll the usps blue boxes with hash oil grenades and ship timed keif bombs!!
Title: Re: Deliberate bad packaging
Post by: anonymousasshit on July 16, 2013, 07:24 am
Bruce, you saying I would be fucked if I did that or it is a good idea?  It seems easy enough and if enough people would do it wouldn't it work?

I would think that there would be a problem when a judge was asked to sign 5000 warrants to try and find a few buds or pills and wouldn't it be even more problematic when they realized that it was going to happen every few days in random sorting facilities all over the country. 

They would either have to say "Fuck it" or they would solve the nation's unemployment problem because they would have to hire about all of them to open every single package...
Title: Re: Deliberate bad packaging
Post by: Real_Drugs on July 16, 2013, 08:07 am
Dude just go around and blow about a gram of kief in each USPS blue box in an entire city and see what happens.
This is genius +1
Title: Re: Deliberate bad packaging
Post by: yossarian1042 on July 16, 2013, 12:33 pm
Dude just go around and blow about a gram of kief in each USPS blue box in an entire city and see what happens.
This is genius +1

Title: Re: Deliberate bad packaging
Post by: BruceCampbell on July 16, 2013, 06:03 pm
I'm completely serious. Take a straw full of kief and wait until dark and contaminate every box in a major city with a USPS hub. The contamination will spread nationwide, especially if more than one city is hit. Then sit back and watch the chaos.
Title: Re: Deliberate bad packaging
Post by: isallmememe on July 16, 2013, 07:12 pm
boil some leaves in water then strain the water and spray a fine mist over them.

only thing is tho, what if one of the parcels rubbed against my order and that got sniffed out as well??
Title: Re: Deliberate bad packaging
Post by: Jack N Hoff on July 16, 2013, 07:22 pm
I've said it before and I'll say it again, If you really wanted to do this then you should take the nasty stinky water left over from making bubble hash and dump it in blue postal drop off boxes. 8)
Title: Re: Deliberate bad packaging
Post by: GayBruceCampbell on July 16, 2013, 08:34 pm
I'm completely serious. Take a straw full of kief and wait until dark and contaminate every box in a major city with a USPS hub. The contamination will spread nationwide, especially if more than one city is hit. Then sit back and watch the chaos.

Is that your 2BTC? your idea of humor? you really are a sad, old gay, black queen aren't you. And we know you don't do humble or selflessness. Sweaty. w*g
Title: Re: Deliberate bad packaging
Post by: Real_Drugs on July 17, 2013, 04:25 am
Some vexed cops would be reading this.
Title: Re: Deliberate bad packaging
Post by: anom on July 17, 2013, 07:48 am
I'm completely serious. Take a straw full of kief and wait until dark and contaminate every box in a major city with a USPS hub. The contamination will spread nationwide, especially if more than one city is hit. Then sit back and watch the chaos.
This... is crazy enough to work
Title: Re: Deliberate bad packaging
Post by: BruceCampbell on July 17, 2013, 08:53 am
I'm completely serious. Take a straw full of kief and wait until dark and contaminate every box in a major city with a USPS hub. The contamination will spread nationwide, especially if more than one city is hit. Then sit back and watch the chaos.
This... is crazy enough to work

Kief depending on the micron is powdery as hell. If a vendor wanted to volunteer and had access to probably 500 grams of marijuana kief we could contaminate the entire mail supply. Bonus points for mixing a little cocaine in there.
Title: Re: Deliberate bad packaging
Post by: fiveotwo on July 17, 2013, 05:23 pm
I'm completely serious. Take a straw full of kief and wait until dark and contaminate every box in a major city with a USPS hub. The contamination will spread nationwide, especially if more than one city is hit. Then sit back and watch the chaos.
This... is crazy enough to work

Kief depending on the micron is powdery as hell. If a vendor wanted to volunteer and had access to probably 500 grams of marijuana kief we could contaminate the entire mail supply. Bonus points for mixing a little cocaine in there.
Would a little cocaine do anything?  I don't think drug dogs go after banknotes, so with that level of dispersion I'm not convinced it'd serve a purpose