Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: anonymousasshit on June 06, 2013, 05:45 am

Title: Maybe something wrong with me or MXE
Post by: anonymousasshit on June 06, 2013, 05:45 am
I just flushed at least 3 grams of this down the toilet.     I have done a bunch  of drugs, mostly in the past.  I have smoked weed for years and a vendor on here  GAVE me about 3.5mg.  I have done it a  few times and I feel evil from it.  It just hit me like a ton of bricks that I should get rid of it.  I flushed a jar full down the toilet, along with a bunch of 300 gel pills.  I have heard people say that some of these drugs could mess you up for life, well, I just had an epiphany and flushed a bunch of shit that was fucking up my life, I felt evil from this compound.  I flushed it along with about 300 gel tabs so no one else would have to feel the effects of this drug.  My life has changed tonight.

Call me what you will but when God designed this planet,  he gave us what we needed or could produce.

This has changed my opinion of research chemicals.    There is good research, and bad, but if you are like me, don't mess with with this stuff ever.
Title: Re: Maybe something wrong with me or MXE
Post by: loniax on June 06, 2013, 06:09 am
I remember my first out of body, its how we at work came up with ice cream time.
Title: Re: Maybe something wrong with me or MXE
Post by: anonymousasshit on June 07, 2013, 09:39 am
I had dosed a few times that day.  Then I did 150 mg, which blew my mind a few days before, almost too much, but late that night, I did 150 and just felt this sense of bad, can't describe it, come over me and I had to flush  the shit.  I hope I didn't fuck up, but I can't exactly get it back.  Oh well.
Title: Re: Maybe something wrong with me or MXE
Post by: iLoveTaffy on June 07, 2013, 10:54 am
You'll be fine. You just had a bad trip is all. I just came down from MXE as well. I'm completely sober. I took a total of roughly 60mg ~ish. I dosed three times. I only 8 hours laer I'm 100% sober even without an afterglow


Don't take too much at once, silly. It can become overpowering.
Title: Re: Maybe something wrong with me or MXE
Post by: anonymousasshit on June 07, 2013, 11:09 am
Maybe you are right.  I liked it before I did like a whole gram in two days. Silly ol' me!

Seriously the last evening, I couldn't complete words or sentences.  I could walk like a robot, concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other.
Title: Re: Maybe something wrong with me or MXE
Post by: iLoveTaffy on June 07, 2013, 11:14 am
Haha, I may be sober, but my typng still fails when I'm tired!

A gram in two days is a LOT. WAY too much. Limit your dose a little bit and you'll be fine.
Title: Re: Maybe something wrong with me or MXE
Post by: tuna on June 07, 2013, 11:19 am
well, obviously you took too much, don't overreact with that "it's evil " attitude
epiphany is common thing that happens during MXE experience
next time don't flush it.. better send me, I will take of it  :)

I could walk like a robot, concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other.
i like that weird walking while on MXE, it is also a good workout for legs muscles
Title: Re: Maybe something wrong with me or MXE
Post by: anonymousasshit on June 07, 2013, 11:39 am
well, obviously you took too much, don't overreact with that "it's evil " attitude
epiphany is common thing that happens during MXE experience
next time don't flush it.. better send me, I will take of it  :)

I could walk like a robot, concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other.
i like that weird walking while on MXE, it is also a good workout for legs muscles

LOL.  You are the firsts person to connect it to a muscular conditioning exercise.  Maybe I should take the stairs while it is peaking.  You are right, nothing is evil, its what that is in your head that makes it evil.  The day before I had a great friend go back to jail on a parole violation, probably going in for a few years.   And is dad, like an uncle to me, died in wreck the next day and I was emotionally torn.  Thanks, but if it ever happens again, it will not because I like ketamine better, I will send to to you.   I wonder if I did 3 parts K and 1 part mxe if it would help it?