Silk Road forums
Discussion => Newbie discussion => Topic started by: harry.callahan on January 23, 2013, 02:37 pm
hello, need some help understanding the annon debit cards. can i use it as a legit card? ie. can i walk into a high street bank with the account number and sort code and put cash into the account? and can i transfer money from a legit bank account to the annon account? thanks
Going to assume you are from the UK due to you using the term sort code. Typically the anon debit cards are not from UK banks, one of the well known ones are from Poland. You'd have to do an international transfer to get money into them. Last time I did an international transfer in a branch I had to fill in a form, but I'm sure plenty of smart people can reload them anonymously. But of course you can transfer money from a legit bank account to the anon account, if you don't mind leaving an electronic link between your bank account and the anon one. Depends what is at stake!
thanks for your help, thats great. so i can have customers transfer money from theyre account to the annon card with ease? and just wait a few days for it to transfer and then i can use any cashpoint to withdraw
thanks again
hello, need some help understanding the annon debit cards. can i use it as a legit card? ie. can i walk into a high street bank with the account number and sort code and put cash into the account? and can i transfer money from a legit bank account to the annon account? thanks
Yeah it depends what you want to use it for,if your only buying btc there's really no need to use a pre-paid card it's just a transfere btc are not illegal,to the best of my knowledge anyway,if your washing money your cashing out use a prepay if want but if your only buying from SR don't sweat it unless your hiding the fact your spending from a wife or something maybe then use a pre-pay,like my man above ^^ say's kinda hard to answer if we don't know what your using it for there's just 3 reason's i'm sure there's many more,but if your only btc and you dont need to hide that from anybody just use a bank card your not leaving details stored anywhere only on your phone to use Pingit.
will i be able to use the card to accept payments from goods sold? bank to bank transfer. how long do the transfers take if yes. thanks
23 I agree with that one.