I was hoping to get your thoughts.I had the PO Box, a very small one, in another town for 6 months. No problems. No suspicion detected. Had a great relationship with employes in small office. I wanted a bigger box, in a business name. They were three times higher than the smaller town PO. I got a large box and told the lady, who seems to be the only employee inside, which the others delivering mail. That I was in and out of town a lot on work and would they hold the mail in the box for me, since that is the reason that I went with such a big box. She asked me what name I wanted, and she gave me a card. I put Fredrico's Tech Solutions, not really, but close. She asked if I had a business. I told her that I did it in my spare time and that I got a lot of packages from Ebay and sometimes vendors on Amazon. She said she did too, that they had the cheapest prices.Here is my question. What do you think about 10 letters, packages, and a couple small boxes showing up in the next week or so. Suspicious? I looked clean cut, business casual, hair cut, shaven, and she seemed like a sweet old lady.Opine.