If we just have the collective nuts to fire our guns when it mattered.Look at the occupy movements. If about 10,000 would have shown up armed and actually killed some of these CEO's then that would have made a difference. We have been brainwashed into the idea that marching and carrying signs, or even showing up to vote will make a difference. These billionaires and politicians use brute force when they feel threatened, so they need to be confronted with brute force. You think if some fuck laid off a thousand employees then gave themselves a pay raise, then had themselves or family member killed, that they would repeat it again? I think you would have people behaving more responsibly, or ready to die for money that they didn't need anyway.Remember, our framer of our constitution, Thomas Jefferson said that we need a revolution ever 20 years to preserve our form of democracy, yet we haven't had another.Those who are willing to sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither!