Ok, I placed an order with a fairly new vendor. I mentioned that if he would have had a custom listing for twice the amount for a little less than double the price, he could cancel my order and post a custom listing and I would buy it. I was shorted .08 BTC in the process, and the price of BTC actually went up a little during the few hours. Here are the details:refund transaction #7027af1f80 1.71 3.52 August 6, 2013, 5:15 pm UTCpurchase transaction #7027af1f80 -1.79 1.81 August 6, 2013, 10:16 am UTCCan anyone help me out on this?Also, in his custom listing, he didn't send a link, which is fine. He put it in his regular listings, which is fine, but it just says "custom listing for customer" and has a price. I asked him to put what the order actually was for since he is new and I wouldn't want to get fucked if he didn't send my correct order.What do you think?