Quote from: Tony_Perkis on July 17, 2013, 04:03 pmI first heard about SR almost a year ago from a web article but was too sketched out to actually use it until September of 2012. I remember logging in after reading the article and just sitting there for a good hour or so in disbelief at what I was looking at. I forget the first account I made but seeing as I never bought anything it wouldn't matter much anyway. First thing I ever bought was two roxy 30's from Oxyflight and upon arrival of the package I remember opening the package and just going"well that is just tits"You want to scream from the rooftops what you just found out about, but after the immediate fascination wore off I decided to keep it a complete secret, since I do not sell drugs, and do not want other people involved in my criminal activity any more than they need to be. As long as you use the Road as a tool for your personal use and not for monetary gain, you are not in the crosshairs of LE. It's usually the people who try to do both that wind up getting busted. Never use the same login name for any two sites on the darkweb, EVER.You are right. The idea was bananas, the site was off the chain, and the experience is TITS! +1 for you