Great thread!Disclaimer: The following was from a dream that a friend told me about in one of my dreams and in no way is intended to encourage anyone to do anything that is prohibited, as I know you all would never dream of such a thing. ;) :I had the same idea, but a different method. I know someone very well that works around mail and I will leave it at that...But what about this?Have semi-coordinated and random tainting of ALL MAIL. Couldn't one who has access to large quantities of packages simple take some keif or probably even ground up leaves so no product is wasted. If it was ground into the finest powder imaginable and then basically just thrown up in the air to land all over a bunch of packages. Not enough to be really seen and spread it so that you don't get any alerts from anyone seeing powder. If this was done randomly to packages prior to them arriving at huge sorting facilities that go all over the country and world, then wouldn't it sort of be spread around and possibly taint thousands of packages with the smell of the deadly and poisonous drug know to some as reefer. Have this done all around and the cross contamination would, in my mind possibly spread detectable amounts to all packages.I realize that a dog is not like a lab and dogs, like humans, while having a much more keen sense of smell, tend to not be perfect, as we know that everything has limitation and when you say something that includes "always" or "never", you are almost always wrong and never right. It would take someone with much more understanding of the K9 as I have not researched it extensively and I do not have any experience with dogs that are trained in such matters.Maybe you all could speculate, as a good bullshitter is almost as entertaining and an expert. But maybe someone who actually knows about this could opine.Is this a feasible plan? I understand we are not talking about a lab examining all packages but would a flood of tainted packages cause resources to be diverted to wasting time seeing obtaining warrants to see Billy Bob's commemorative Dale Earnhart series of collector plates rather than this waste of time, money, and our liberties that they call a war on drugs?