Liston is a narc and scammer. Read the linkhttp://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=160901.0Libertas and Scout helped me get him banned by contacting SR Admin and telling me how to report him and to tell them to read my emails. I don't know what the SR Admins agenda is, maybe just money, but as for Libertas and Scout, they are here to help, they helped me and didn't call me a liar or otherwise, they just told me if what I was saying was true and they could read the emails about him saving customer info, they thought he would be banned, and they were right.Libertas and Scout,How can an admitted Narc who admits to keeping customer info an then make threats that I will not rehash, simply redeem himself with 500 bucks. He admitted to keeping info so people like me who complain could be stfu and scared away. I just went to another PO and opened another box and told him that and he still got me busted with customers sending to my old address. Can you do whatever you want and pay to get back on an they take money over ethics?Once again, thanks for advice/guidance/help in this matter.