Silk Road forums
Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: Softee on May 10, 2012, 07:09 pm
(First post under this account. I don't want my regular account here associated with my SR buyers account.)
Here's my situation. I placed an order about 3 weeks ago with a vendor, a small one for a few pills. The vendor was very insistent about my finalizing early, as this was one of my first buys on SR. So I did, no big deal.
The package never arrived, my first thought was that I got scammed. I've been in contact with the vendor back and forth, asking about shipping, if the package was shipped, if he got confirmation, etc. The vendor was flippant and dismissive at first, telling me to check for a customs letter, even though this was a domestic order.
After a few more emails, I finally got some details, apparently he used my SR Username as the name in my address, and some random address as the return, which may or may not explain why it never arrived, assuming I'm not being completely scammed. Honestly, being scammed would be the best case scenario at this point, otherwise there may or may not be a package with my address and an obvious stupid name (ASSOCIATED WITH AN SR ACCOUNT) that has no legit return address, just floating around out there in the USPS system looking for a home.
I'm not sure what my next steps should be. Close my SR account and never use this address again? That would be the end of SR for me because I have no alternative receiving address.
man thats poor form using your username ! There really are some rookies dealing on here !
man thats poor form using your username ! There really are some rookies dealing on here !
No kidding. I never thought I'd be crossing my fingers HOPING that I ONLY got scammed, but here I am. Unfortunately I don't think that's the case because he had a decent amount of positive feedback previously.
What seller is this? Buyers should be aware that this guy is kind of a fuck up...
What seller is this? Buyers should be aware that this guy is kind of a fuck up...
Agreed - this is unacceptable!
I wasn't sure of what the accepted etiquette was regarding blowing up a seller's spot on the forums. I want to get one last confirmation that this situation is in fact the case before I do so.
I wasn't sure of what the accepted etiquette was regarding blowing up a seller's spot on the forums. I want to get one last confirmation that this situation is in fact the case before I do so.
Well, praise you for not starting with a title like "&#^$ Vendor X is a scumbag!!", as many others tend to do. I'm new here and a vendor-to-be, but I've been reading around a lot and my mind is blown from the way these things are often handled. I suppose when you do get this confirmed (haven't you already?), post the PM with the vendor's name. Frankly, if I were to make this mistake myself (and I will definitely not), I would give the buyer every right to chew me out in public. This incomparable to any kind of scam and could get you in a shitload of trouble. As far as I'm concerned, you're ready to post his name.
All luck be with you man.
Fuck that guy, that is a total lapse in judgement and buyers deserve to know what they're up against.
But at the same time, fuck you OP for ordering off someone who you didn't look into fully. And then finalizing early. Perhaps you could test out one of those 'test letters' offered on SR to see if you're being watched?
You don't owe this idiot a thing, and certainly not protection from having his idiot-cover blown. Assuming you have all the information you can acquire from this vendor, the best thing you can do for the community is to save others from being put at risk - out the motherfucker.
On a more solution-oriented note, and so that we have a better idea of the situation, how long ago was the stuff actually shipped? I know you mentioned that it's been about three weeks since purchase, but it's very possible that he didn't ship it right away. I mean, it sounds like interception but without full details it's hard to say for sure.
First post on this thread because of how infuriating this would be if it happened to me.
Alright, I sent out a PM asking to confirm this and explaining that this was unacceptable and puts me in danger. It's been a day and the PM is still unread. I feel I've done my due diligence to make sure this has been resolved, but this is beyond frustrating. If I was a seller and had people telling me that packages hadn't arrived I'd be checking messages as regularly as possible, considering the potential consequences of interception.
The vendor's name is pyrat13
The final communication:
deltasigma, in my defense, this was among my first purchases and in the months since I've joined SR I've seen many, many sellers insist that new buyers must finalize early, I understood that this makes things harder for me but I was willing to take that risk as a new buyer to prove myself not a scammer. There were several other red warning signs that I knew were red flags but I ignored in the excitement of the "big sale" and because this was an item I rarely see, even on SR. Just to be clear, I don't blame SR or anything, the biggest idiot here is me, because I should have known better.
I've taken my very small stash offsite, and I am very sure about my digital security. Not going to touch any drugs for a while either. Any way you could point me to one of those "test letters?" I can't find anything with a search on SR.
Also, what steps would you recommend for fully looking into a vendor? As far as I know I only have access to his profile and feedback, which I read.
Dude at the time of writing I actually sat and thought, I'm going to feel bad if he takes offense to the fuck you. And low and behold I do :D I wouldn't worry too much man (Unless you deal or buy in large quantities). You've taken all the right steps so far.
When it comes to scoping out a buyer, just reading the vendor page goes a long way. Time of membership is a decent indication. In the discription, look for inaccuracies, contradictions, and a 'forced' kind of feel to the writing. In some cases it's pretty obvious someone's a scammer.
Next I check out their feedback, look at a history on the main vendor page not just the listing. By history I mean go to the middle and end of the feedback pages. Look for consistently good performance. Obviously, more isn't always better as it can be faked or for lottery purchases. But you can usually pick out genuine sellers this way.
Next send a message. Make is something they'll reply to (as in nothing clearly answered on their vendor page) it could be about a custom order, their PGP key not functioning etc. I hold a lot of merit on people's typing. It doesn't have to be perfect, but just by spelling words like 'you' properly instills a lot more confidence when I make a purchase. I didn't message a recent seller because I was in a rush. Turned out to be my worst SR experience yet, and in the follow up messages he was either a fucking club hand or doped up to the point of catatonia. I would have easily saved my self a bunch of hassle by sending one, free message.
You're a forum member, so you know it exists. It's one of the most useful tools for finding 'outstanding' vendors. It's hard to find scammers listed here, because it's only after someone is scammed they post. But a simple elimination search can provide you peace of mind and be the difference between risk and reward.
One habit I've taken to, which I would recommend. Is looking on the rumour mill at all the feedback threads. For example, I was looking for a LSD vendor. Quite a flooded, expensive, and deceitful market on SR. But on there I found one vendor everyone was raving about. Did a quick search and they have a 40 page book of literal love here on the forums (3jane). So I put in an order and I won't for a single second doubt it. For weed I have 4 vendors I go to out of the current list. 3 domestic, 1 international. And I won't be going with anyone new for a LONG. TIME. I don't buy many other drugs, but the ones I do are from:
UK107 (Best quality and second best service, and a decent price)
SweetLeafLondon (second best quality, best service, expensive)
UKGrowtek (Better than street quality, but decently priced. Strikes me as your more likeable street dealer with a pc in dealings. I actually quite like the dude, but he's not as professional as some)
PuffDaddy (One of a few international suppliers that doesn't ask for finalization, is very transparent and simple with his listings, information and supply. Amazing bud compared to domestic UK. Stupidly cool on comms. He seems like the type of dude that'd share a bowl with you on holiday.)
Don't risk international, so just one way to go for me. Ivory, all day every day. But I hear wonderful things about SKYY.
3Jane or Anarcho47 look like winners from forum posts. (No personal experience, but forums are golden on them.)
I would recommend you do the same, take the drugs of choice, search the shit out of reviews. Decide whether domestic supply is sufficient or if you're wanting international delicacies (only matters if you're not in US/CAN, assholes) . Then just hold your supply down to a handful of vendors. Eventually your demand will align with their supply, as you'll learn to buy enough stock to last you until their next restock.
I make it a personal policy to not fuck with new vendors. No matter how cheap or amazing their product is. I'll take a look at you in a couple of months time and reconsider, but. No way am I going anywhere near a new vendor.
Of course the above are only precautions, and even established vendors can fuck you over sincerely. As rare as it is in the grand scheme of things, it seems to be burned into the minds of forum goers lately. Which is why my final piece of advice is.
Never. Finalise. Early.
There is no logical reasoning to do so. As long as the money is in escrow, there's no way of getting fucked over. I still don't understand vendors that demand FE for people with transactions under 10. You have to have money in your account to buy something, which is then deducted, and only readded if SR admins deem it necessary. Shouldn't the law be in the lawmakers hands, leaving it up to SR to decide on a case by case basis who's right? If you think they're going to believe a vendor with 50 positive transactions over a new account with anywhere between 0-10. You should go back to dealing in real life. See where your fucking honor judgement system gets you then.
Any way you could point me to one of those "test letters?" I can't find anything with a search on SR.
http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/category/94 - category "Services", then scroll down and you'll see some decoy packages/letters. Choose one that seems appropriate to you, although I'm not entirely certain if it's useful to you. As they describe it there, it's recommended if you have never ordered yet and/or have a new PO box, whatever, to make any type of people who might get their hands or eyes on your mail "used" to the fact that you're receiving packages like these. Also, I'm not all too sure of it's effectiveness (it might just be an extra way for them to earn some easy money), but the idea behind it seems legit. Decide for yourself is all I can say (maybe an authority on the subject could give you more useful information).
Alright, I sent out a PM asking to confirm this and explaining that this was unacceptable and puts me in danger. It's been a day and the PM is still unread. I feel I've done my due diligence to make sure this has been resolved, but this is beyond frustrating. If I was a seller and had people telling me that packages hadn't arrived I'd be checking messages as regularly as possible, considering the potential consequences of interception.
The vendor's name is pyrat13
The final communication:
You're being too mild. You have a very good reason to make a new topic with his name and the accusation explicitly in the title. This won't get enough attention this way.
Of course, odds that you will get into trouble for this are small in theory, but the devil is in the details. You wouldn't believe what minor slip-ups got some people busted to hell.
Whether or not you are concerned about your safety, this is a serious matter. Take serious action.
Good luck!
EDIT: The above was posted about a second before mine. I agree with it, but I stick to my own point of view as of making this more explicit. By the way, you don't need to make a new topic actually, you could just change the title of this one.
Thanks for the responses guys, I appreciate it.
DELTASIGMA: I'll be doing more thorough searching in the forums before I order again, and I'll never finalize early again, either on this account or if I use a new account. I'll also actually pay attention to any other red flags I see.
No worries either about the "fuck you." I get that people do stupid shit all the time and then probably instantly come here and start pointing fingers.
SANGABA: Thanks for the link. Wasn't checking the services section. I'll probably try that before ordering again.
How long before I can at least safely assume I won't be raided or anything?
The best I can say is.. if you're going to be raided, you're going to be raided. Either they will manage to link it to you (small chance though) or they won't, but there's no way you can tell other than eventually finding out the "hard" way. As for this, I would read some tips on what to do when you're raided to make sure you're at least prepared to have yourself do the least possible harm to yourself if it happens.
One of those tips is for example to use your right to remain silent and say nothing other than ask for a lawyer. Don't deny anything, don't admit anything, simply don't say anything until you talked to a lawyer if it gets there.
These investigations can, by the way, take weeks if not months. If you really want to take the best precautions, stop entirely. If you want to choose the middle-way, I'd say lay low for at least a couple of weeks. It's up to you and the risks you're willing to take, really.
I thought it was determined that pyrat was another alternate of perky?
I thought it was determined that pyrat was another alternate of perky?
Pyrat13 was indeed perky and he's just a junky scammer.
@op if you're still around and want his address/phone number etc. it is available.
I thought it was determined that pyrat was another alternate of perky?
Pyrat13 was indeed perky and he's just a junky scammer.
@op if you're still around and want his address/phone number etc. it is available.
How can you be sure? Frankly I'd be relieved if that's all it was at this point. That would explain his urgency at not initially seeing the funds from finalization, but I just figured he didn't understand how the blockchain works. But then I wonder why on earth he'd maintain communication after he got the funds at all.
Sounds like another dumb nigger.
Dude, no need.
Update for anyone who gives a shit:
He finally responded to my most recent message with this:
yes dude dont badger me yet ha
i used an address on one of my my real estate
Just don't know what to think. I don't know why he'd continue contact if he's a scammer. Again makes me worry that he's just a fool which is about 10x worse.
He is a scammer and a troll, just look through the forum he has scammed more then just you. I am 100% positive you have been scammed, he is continuing to contact you just to troll you like he did on the forums for 2 months.
Alright, I'll continue for now based on that assumption. Not going to slash and burn everything yet, just keep my living space clean for now and I trust my digital security. I think I'll try a test letter in a few weeks, and then see where I'm at from there.
Thanks again guys, I guess I learned a lesson. Never dealing with anyone who I doubt even for a second. Not sure there's much left to do, changed my SR rating to a 1/5 and made this thread.
this guy is a fucking moron...
why the hell would anyone NOT use the name that was provided????? the vendors a fucking nob......
Sounds like another dumb nigger.
Dude, no need.
yea really... why would you say that?
hey, this was one of my very first orders and i was naive as to what to do. a friend showed me this website and i just followeed his lead. i think that this is the envelope that made it back to me weeks later with the pills all destroyed i'm guessing because i didnt wrap it enough. requardless no one is great at everything the try the first time they try it and i apologize about that.