Silk Road forums

Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: TBBSecurity on May 05, 2012, 12:18 am

Title: SR = SCAM
Post by: TBBSecurity on May 05, 2012, 12:18 am
SR has been stealing vendor funds recently, forcing all of the good vendors to shut down.  Get the fuck out of this place before they get you too.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Gary Oak on May 05, 2012, 12:23 am
No, I'm good. I think I'll stay. 8)
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: TBBSecurity on May 05, 2012, 12:24 am
Have fun bro, SR mods stealing vendors funds isn't cool.  No one left here is good, have fun getting scammed you ingrate.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: KidCasio2 on May 05, 2012, 12:43 am
what's your evidence?
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: TBBSecurity on May 05, 2012, 12:48 am
I'll refer you to the MY ACCOUNT GOT HACKED BY SR MODS thread by USDirectforyou.

SR has been stealing vendor funds from all of the vendors, and then deleting their accounts.  SR is one big giant fucking scam. 

Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: cacoethes on May 05, 2012, 01:09 am
SR has been stealing vendor funds recently, forcing all of the good vendors to shut down.  Get the fuck out of this place before they get you too.

Why do you post here?  I'd really like to know.  Is it due to some overwhelming proclivity you have towards altruism?  It's an honest question, and I'd really like an honest answer...
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: gekko on May 05, 2012, 01:22 am
I don't know about this "TBBSecurity" guy, as I've seen some questionable posts from him, but he might actually be on to something with this one.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone else (particularly other vendors) received any threatening messages from SR staff lately?  I mean, like the sort of tone that you would expect from a DEA agent?  Because I received a very bothersome message that has me shutting down operations until further notice.  Tonight I am going to DBAN my computers and delete literally everything.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but I also smell a rat.  This "tony76" bullshit goes down, and SR staff is nowhere to be seen for an entire week.  Then all of a sudden, they show up, threatening vendors and (allegedly) stealing from some of them.  Something doesn't add up.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: TBBSecurity on May 05, 2012, 01:24 am
I personally think they hired a LE undercover in one of their recent job offerings for coding/modding/site maint.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Gary Oak on May 05, 2012, 01:27 am
Have fun bro, SR mods stealing vendors funds isn't cool.  No one left here is good, have fun getting scammed you ingrate.

I'll have you know that every single one of my purchases has gone through without running into a single problem. Don't come on here and spread paranoia with nothing to back you up you little shit, it's getting on my nerves. >:(
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: TBBSecurity on May 05, 2012, 01:29 am
Gary, read before you speak.  Go check out the thread I mentioned.  There's also a vendor in here stating SR threatened him.  SR IS DEAD, GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK HEAD.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: zingzong on May 05, 2012, 01:31 am
I personally think they hired a LE undercover in one of their recent job offerings for coding/modding/site maint.

this actually makes sense
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: opi on May 05, 2012, 01:35 am
I am pretty sure DPR is a coder him self...
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Gary Oak on May 05, 2012, 01:37 am
Gary, read before you speak.  Go check out the thread I mentioned.  There's also a vendor in here stating SR threatened him.  SR IS DEAD, GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK HEAD.

Oh I'm fully aware of USdirectforyou claiming to be hacked by a moderator, but I don't give a rat's ass about that. It's merely speculation at this point in time so I'm not going to worry about it. You cannot say SR is dead when there are still wonderful vendors like Galindoi, Foxymeow, Delta11, 3Jane, Anarcho 47, davidd, etc. Seriously, there are a ton of great vendors still doing business so stop spreading this ignorant sketched-out bullshit because it's paranoid threads like these that will bring the Silk Road down at this rate.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: cacoethes on May 05, 2012, 01:41 am
I posted this in another thread, TBB security, and I regret cunting it up, so I'm posting it in yours:

Limitless, I know because I know how to read.  I've read literally thousands of posts here, of every kind.  It doesn't take a genius to look at someones own posts and see what their habits are.

Why?  Why on Earth would you devote so much of your time to such a...  such a pointless, uninspiring, unrewarding endeavor?  What could you possibly get out of it?

No one listens to you.  Everyone ridicules you.  So you end up devoting MASSIVE amounts of time to an exercise in futility, which must be just awful to your self esteem.  Who spends all their time doing something they're not even any good at?  A masochist?

In some small way, I feel sorry for you.  Maybe you're lonely, and you feel like negative attention is better than no attention at all.

Maybe you're just misanthropic in nature, and it's easier to stir it up when you're completely anonymous.

Maybe you're some kind of LE yourself, and you actually believe that a bunch of drug users are going to suddenly give up their honey hole because you attempt to spread fear, mistrust,and unsubstantiated rumors...  But again, if you are LE, you're not very good at your job.

I don't have the answers, but I sure wish you could provide some.  I actually spend a good deal of time thinking about what makes you tick, have even talked at length about you to friends outside of the Road.  They all wonder the same thing...  Why waste so much time doing what ever it is you're doing when time is such a precious commodity?  You're never going to get any of it back... And try as I might, I just can't see what value you derive in posting here as much as you do.

What's up, bro?  For real.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Dominatrix on May 05, 2012, 01:42 am
What does DPR have to say about this.   ???
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: TBBSecurity on May 05, 2012, 01:44 am
Galindoi is currently MIA.  Foxymeow is pulling off a tony scam.  Delta11 just buys from a dispensary and gives to you for a profit, probably LE. 3jane comes around 2 times a year. davidd sells RC's, probably LE.  Anarcho is the only one you mentioned worth buying anything from.  Lots of vendors are disappearing and it will only be a matter of time before you realize everyone's gone.  The vendor here stating SR threatened him doesn't mean shit to you either? You've got a hard fucking head, your IQ is under 40 at best, you've got to be the most retarded person I've ever come into contact with on SR, or in real life.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: divinechemicals on May 05, 2012, 01:47 am
I have a confession all. I am LE. Yep, I'm actually the president of the DEA. TBBSecurity has been right all along. I've uploaded viruses that are slowly taking down SR. Why oh why didn't listen to Mister Dank and eeee??? You're all doomed! Mwahahahaha!
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Prawl42 on May 05, 2012, 01:47 am
Galindoi is currently MIA.  Foxymeow is pulling off a tony scam.  Delta11 just buys from a dispensary and gives to you for a profit, probably LE. 3jane comes around 2 times a year. davidd sells RC's, probably LE.  Anarcho is the only one you mentioned worth buying anything from.  Lots of vendors are disappearing and it will only be a matter of time before you realize everyone's gone.  The vendor here stating SR threatened him doesn't mean shit to you either? You've got a hard fucking head, your IQ is under 40 at best, you've got to be the most retarded person I've ever come into contact with on SR, or in real life.

ahh mate your so full of shit i can smell you from whatever dark hole you are in, you almost have more negative karma then you do posts, everyone in the USD thread is beating on you, aint it time for you to call it quits and start again on a new account?
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Gary Oak on May 05, 2012, 01:50 am
Galindoi is currently MIA.  Foxymeow is pulling off a tony scam.  Delta11 just buys from a dispensary and gives to you for a profit, probably LE. 3jane comes around 2 times a year. davidd sells RC's, probably LE.  Anarcho is the only one you mentioned worth buying anything from.  Lots of vendors are disappearing and it will only be a matter of time before you realize everyone's gone.  The vendor here stating SR threatened him doesn't mean shit to you either? You've got a hard fucking head, your IQ is under 40 at best, you've got to be the most retarded person I've ever come into contact with on SR, or in real life.

Ahahahaha! All I have to say is GTFO Troll, no one care's about your whiny ass. Go bitch somewhere else because I'm tired of reading your dumbass posts you crazy fucking conspiracy nut-job. Seriously...You're crazy, lay off the drugs and stay away from society for a month because it sounds like you could really benefit from it. ;D
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: simplyanon on May 05, 2012, 01:52 am
I have a confession all. I am LE. Yep, I'm actually the president of the DEA. TBBSecurity has been right all along. I've uploaded viruses that are slowly taking down SR. Why oh why didn't listen to Mister Dank and eeee??? You're all doomed! Mwahahahaha!

As the head of the FBI Cyber Crimes division, I can vouch for this.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: cacoethes on May 05, 2012, 01:58 am
I posted this in another thread, TBB security, and I regret cunting it up, so I'm posting it in yours:

Limitless, I know because I know how to read.  I've read literally thousands of posts here, of every kind.  It doesn't take a genius to look at someones own posts and see what their habits are.

Why?  Why on Earth would you devote so much of your time to such a...  such a pointless, uninspiring, unrewarding endeavor?  What could you possibly get out of it?

No one listens to you.  Everyone ridicules you.  So you end up devoting MASSIVE amounts of time to an exercise in futility, which must be just awful to your self esteem.  Who spends all their time doing something they're not even any good at?  A masochist?

In some small way, I feel sorry for you.  Maybe you're lonely, and you feel like negative attention is better than no attention at all.

Maybe you're just misanthropic in nature, and it's easier to stir it up when you're completely anonymous.

Maybe you're some kind of LE yourself, and you actually believe that a bunch of drug users are going to suddenly give up their honey hole because you attempt to spread fear, mistrust,and unsubstantiated rumors...  But again, if you are LE, you're not very good at your job.

I don't have the answers, but I sure wish you could provide some.  I actually spend a good deal of time thinking about what makes you tick, have even talked at length about you to friends outside of the Road.  They all wonder the same thing...  Why waste so much time doing what ever it is you're doing when time is such a precious commodity?  You're never going to get any of it back... And try as I might, I just can't see what value you derive in posting here as much as you do.

What's up, bro?  For real.

What's the matter, TBB?  Why don't you want to talk about what's really on your mind?
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: TBBSecurity on May 05, 2012, 02:01 am
cacoethes I'm sorry you've been scammed so much here and still believe its a good place to conduct business.  Really sorry for you my friend, when your mind is unclouded and up to my level come back and talk.  People give me negative karma because they don't want to hear the fucking truth.  The truth is right in front of your eyes, and because I post information in the thread regarding OP, It's discredited?  You're so fucked in the head, quit trolling.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: H4L101 on May 05, 2012, 02:06 am
TBBSecurity you've made your point and nobody give's a fuck we all know your full of complete shit just get the hell outta here dude.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: sbkw83 on May 05, 2012, 02:07 am
I personally think they hired a LE undercover in one of their recent job offerings for coding/modding/site maint.

this actually makes sense

That's some scary shit.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: anarcho47 on May 05, 2012, 02:07 am
It's bullshit.  I've been here for a year now and this asshole is just blowing smoke all over the place and circle jerking himself knowing everyone is reading his bullshit and eating it up.

I have NEVER had a problem with DPR, NEVER had a problem with my funds.  TonyGate and now USDirect's alleged bullshit "hack" excuse to walk off with everyone's money seems to be a ripe time to spread dissent.  Fuck that.  We have to stand strong - we have enemies lined up outside the gates trying to find a chink in our defense, stomp this bullshit out now.  It's just infighting and distracting from the fact that vendors are walking off with people's money. 
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: wright on May 05, 2012, 02:09 am
Galindoi is currently MIA.  Foxymeow is pulling off a tony scam.  Delta11 just buys from a dispensary and gives to you for a profit, probably LE. 3jane comes around 2 times a year. davidd sells RC's, probably LE.  Anarcho is the only one you mentioned worth buying anything from.  Lots of vendors are disappearing and it will only be a matter of time before you realize everyone's gone.  The vendor here stating SR threatened him doesn't mean shit to you either? You've got a hard fucking head, your IQ is under 40 at best, you've got to be the most retarded person I've ever come into contact with on SR, or in real life.

Do you have a quote of this specific threat or a direct link to the message where this vendor states this?
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Gary Oak on May 05, 2012, 02:10 am
cacoethes I'm sorry you've been scammed so much here and still believe its a good place to conduct business.  Really sorry for you my friend, when your mind is unclouded and up to my level come back and talk.  People give me negative karma because they don't want to hear the fucking truth.  The truth is right in front of your eyes, and because I post information in the thread regarding OP, It's discredited?  You're so fucked in the head, quit trolling.

Are you related to moonbear by the way? Or perhaps romantically involved with him? Because by the way you talk it sounds like you've spent an awful long time sucking his dick. ;D
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: simplyanon on May 05, 2012, 02:14 am

Are you related to moonbear by the way? Or perhaps romantically involved with him? Because by the way you talk it sounds like you've spent an awful long time sucking his dick. ;D


Just...owned... I<3BBC or whatever your name is, pack your bags and leave already.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: TBBSecurity on May 05, 2012, 02:15 am
"I don't know about this "TBBSecurity" guy, as I've seen some questionable posts from him, but he might actually be on to something with this one.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone else (particularly other vendors) received any threatening messages from SR staff lately?  I mean, like the sort of tone that you would expect from a DEA agent?  Because I received a very bothersome message that has me shutting down operations until further notice.  Tonight I am going to DBAN my computers and delete literally everything.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but I also smell a rat.  This "tony76" bullshit goes down, and SR staff is nowhere to be seen for an entire week.  Then all of a sudden, they show up, threatening vendors and (allegedly) stealing from some of them.  Something doesn't add up."

Quote from gekko who posted in this thread.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: cacoethes on May 05, 2012, 02:17 am
cacoethes I'm sorry you've been scammed so much here and still believe its a good place to conduct business.  Really sorry for you my friend, when your mind is unclouded and up to my level come back and talk.  People give me negative karma because they don't want to hear the fucking truth.  The truth is right in front of your eyes, and because I post information in the thread regarding OP, It's discredited?  You're so fucked in the head, quit trolling.

I've been scammed for a roughly $150 bucks out of thousands of dollars spent.  And it was my fault, no one else's.  Not a big loss, my friend, and certainly no deterrent against future purchases.

I'm not trolling.  I'm trying to understand why you spend so much time here, only to get kicked in the head for your efforts.  What level are you on that you're so far above me that we can't talk?  That seems kind of arrogant to me.  Narcissistic, even.

Is is like I wondered- that you're just such an altruistic type of human being that you want to protect us all from getting scammed?  If so, you really should't talk down to the people you're trying to protect.  It makes you seem disingenuous.  So it apparently isn't a desire to protect anyone here.

So, if not a sense of altruism, what could it be?  I think it's very telling that you evade honest and non-threatening questions the way you do.  What's really on your mind, TBB?  What is your true motivation?
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: wright on May 05, 2012, 02:24 am
"I don't know about this "TBBSecurity" guy, as I've seen some questionable posts from him, but he might actually be on to something with this one.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone else (particularly other vendors) received any threatening messages from SR staff lately?  I mean, like the sort of tone that you would expect from a DEA agent?  Because I received a very bothersome message that has me shutting down operations until further notice.  Tonight I am going to DBAN my computers and delete literally everything.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but I also smell a rat.  This "tony76" bullshit goes down, and SR staff is nowhere to be seen for an entire week.  Then all of a sudden, they show up, threatening vendors and (allegedly) stealing from some of them.  Something doesn't add up."

Quote from gekko who posted in this thread.

Was gekko not just warned for requiring FE as a brand new vendor? I assumed that was what it was and he is going on vacation until he reaches the 30 day requirement.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Gary Oak on May 05, 2012, 02:24 am
cacoethes I'm sorry you've been scammed so much here and still believe its a good place to conduct business.  Really sorry for you my friend, when your mind is unclouded and up to my level come back and talk.  People give me negative karma because they don't want to hear the fucking truth.  The truth is right in front of your eyes, and because I post information in the thread regarding OP, It's discredited?  You're so fucked in the head, quit trolling.

I've been scammed for a roughly $150 bucks out of thousands of dollars spent.  And it was my fault, no one else's.  Not a big loss, my friend, and certainly no deterrent against future purchases.

I'm not trolling.  I'm trying to understand why you spend so much time here, only to get kicked in the head for your efforts.  What level are you on that you're so far above me that we can't talk?  That seems kind of arrogant to me.  Narcissistic, even.

Is is like I wondered- that you're just such an altruistic type of human being that you want to protect us all from getting scammed?  If so, you really should't talk down to the people you're trying to protect.  It makes you seem disingenuous.  So it apparently isn't a desire to protect anyone here.

So, if not a sense of altruism, what could it be?  I think it's very telling that you evade honest and non-threatening questions the way you do.  What's really on your mind, TBB?  What is your true motivation?

Be careful cacoethes, that type of logical questioning might make him actually stop and think for a moment. I'm afraid that all of our fun might end should that event ever occur, so I say let's continue insulting his intelligence and see where this leads us! :D
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: simplyanon on May 05, 2012, 02:26 am

Was gekko not just warned for requiring FE as a brand new vendor? I assumed that was what it was and he is going on vacation until he reaches the 30 day requirement.

This makes a lot more sense.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: wright on May 05, 2012, 02:33 am
SR taken down by SR mods.  Rofl.  Where the fuck is DPR?  We need a complete list compiled of every MIA vendor in the past 2 weeks, I've been looking over things and there is not one decent vendor any more, anyone who is left is a selective scammer.  Get the fuck off this place and withdraw all of your coin NOW.  The road is DEAD.  GET OFF NOW.

I am not going to say that you are right or wrong on your own thread but I really think that you should stop sounding like you are intentionally trying to spread paranoia and blatant FUD. This hysteria makes the "end of days" homeless guy on my street corner seem completely sane in comparison.

I am also somewhat insulted to not be considered a "decent vendor".
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Anthony76 on May 05, 2012, 02:44 am
this just in... the price of tinfoil has skyrocketed due to unsurpassed demand
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: TBBSecurity on May 05, 2012, 02:52 am
Wright, you're a brand new vendor with a bunch of fake accounts boasting your own product.  No one cares about you anymore than they care about me.  I've said it before and ill say it again, I'm here because I'm trying to save some of you from getting raped in prison.  I have insider information of the things going on to bring this place to its knees.  Believe me or not I don't care.  Have fun with Bubba in prison I hear he likes white bitch boys.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Schrady on May 05, 2012, 03:00 am
Before anyone takes too much stock in what these assholes have to say, Gekko got shut down for illegally forcing people to finalize early (can you say scam)

Read this:


While his page said one thing, he then emailed buyers saying you had to finnalize early or have your order cancelled. I tried buying his whole stock and he tried to bully me into FE.

Fuck him. Glad they shut his ass down.

When/IF he comes back, stay away from him. Find a good vendor like vicodin or little pharma

I don't know about this "TBBSecurity" guy, as I've seen some questionable posts from him, but he might actually be on to something with this one.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone else (particularly other vendors) received any threatening messages from SR staff lately?  I mean, like the sort of tone that you would expect from a DEA agent?  Because I received a very bothersome message that has me shutting down operations until further notice.  Tonight I am going to DBAN my computers and delete literally everything.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but I also smell a rat.  This "tony76" bullshit goes down, and SR staff is nowhere to be seen for an entire week.  Then all of a sudden, they show up, threatening vendors and (allegedly) stealing from some of them.  Something doesn't add up.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: wright on May 05, 2012, 03:01 am
Wright, you're a brand new vendor with a bunch of fake accounts boasting your own product.  No one cares about you anymore than they care about me.  I've said it before and ill say it again, I'm here because I'm trying to save some of you from getting raped in prison.  I have insider information of the things going on to bring this place to its knees.  Believe me or not I don't care.  Have fun with Bubba in prison I hear he likes white bitch boys.

I imagine I have been buying my own product and paying commission just for feedback then? I was trying to avoid saying you were wrong because it's not really my place and honestly, I just don't give a fuck. But you are obviously just out to troll and spread paranoia to the detriment of the community.

Please provide a single piece of this "insider information".
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Schrady on May 05, 2012, 03:01 am
BINGO. Yes he was

"I don't know about this "TBBSecurity" guy, as I've seen some questionable posts from him, but he might actually be on to something with this one.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone else (particularly other vendors) received any threatening messages from SR staff lately?  I mean, like the sort of tone that you would expect from a DEA agent?  Because I received a very bothersome message that has me shutting down operations until further notice.  Tonight I am going to DBAN my computers and delete literally everything.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but I also smell a rat.  This "tony76" bullshit goes down, and SR staff is nowhere to be seen for an entire week.  Then all of a sudden, they show up, threatening vendors and (allegedly) stealing from some of them.  Something doesn't add up."

Quote from gekko who posted in this thread.

Was gekko not just warned for requiring FE as a brand new vendor? I assumed that was what it was and he is going on vacation until he reaches the 30 day requirement.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Gary Oak on May 05, 2012, 03:02 am
Wright, you're a brand new vendor with a bunch of fake accounts boasting your own product.  No one cares about you anymore than they care about me.  I've said it before and ill say it again, I'm here because I'm trying to save some of you from getting raped in prison.  I have insider information of the things going on to bring this place to its knees.  Believe me or not I don't care.  Have fun with Bubba in prison I hear he likes white bitch boys.

Man, you're getting boring now. Can't you do anything else?  ???
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: TBBSecurity on May 05, 2012, 03:03 am
Yes wright, all scammers buy their own product to produce fake feedback.  It's the name of the scam game.  You've obviously seen it done or did it before and are back for more.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: gekko on May 05, 2012, 03:04 am
"I don't know about this "TBBSecurity" guy, as I've seen some questionable posts from him, but he might actually be on to something with this one.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone else (particularly other vendors) received any threatening messages from SR staff lately?  I mean, like the sort of tone that you would expect from a DEA agent?  Because I received a very bothersome message that has me shutting down operations until further notice.  Tonight I am going to DBAN my computers and delete literally everything.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but I also smell a rat.  This "tony76" bullshit goes down, and SR staff is nowhere to be seen for an entire week.  Then all of a sudden, they show up, threatening vendors and (allegedly) stealing from some of them.  Something doesn't add up."

Quote from gekko who posted in this thread.

Was gekko not just warned for requiring FE as a brand new vendor? I assumed that was what it was and he is going on vacation until he reaches the 30 day requirement.

"Warned" is not the word for it.  "Threatened" is.  Basically, SR told me they were going to start taking my money, and there was nothing I could do about it.  The only other time anyone has ever talked to me like that, it was a cop.  That's all I'm saying.  I may or may not be back, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the 30 day requirement.  Something is sketchy about this place lately, and I can see the writing on the wall clearly enough to know that it's time to get out.  Money is useless if I don't have my freedom, just as drugs are useless if you don't have yours.

I just find it incredibly unusual that SR staff is nowhere to be found for a whole week during the whole "Tony76" fiasco, yet all of a sudden they are jumping all over vendors that they think they can push around.  This threat they sent me was all because this Schrady kid messaged them bitching about me asking him to finalize his order.  Then this same kid makes a thread calling me a scammer.

Now, on to the PROOF:  http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/ddb68a5817
^ That, my friends, is a stealth listing that I just made.  Now, either this kid is a lying sack of shit, or I must be some sort of SR Internets wizard to still be creating listings.

Thank you and goodbye.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: TBBSecurity on May 05, 2012, 03:07 am
I'm going with gekko on this one.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: wright on May 05, 2012, 03:14 am
Yes wright, all scammers buy their own product to produce fake feedback.  It's the name of the scam game.  You've obviously seen it done or did it before and are back for more.

Why would I need to spend hundreds in commission on feedback when I can just use your ridiculous hysteria thread to advertise my signature?
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Gary Oak on May 05, 2012, 03:15 am
I'm going with gekko on this one.

Well, looks like I'm never buying from gekko then. ::)
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: anarcho47 on May 05, 2012, 03:16 am
"I don't know about this "TBBSecurity" guy, as I've seen some questionable posts from him, but he might actually be on to something with this one.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone else (particularly other vendors) received any threatening messages from SR staff lately?  I mean, like the sort of tone that you would expect from a DEA agent?  Because I received a very bothersome message that has me shutting down operations until further notice.  Tonight I am going to DBAN my computers and delete literally everything.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but I also smell a rat.  This "tony76" bullshit goes down, and SR staff is nowhere to be seen for an entire week.  Then all of a sudden, they show up, threatening vendors and (allegedly) stealing from some of them.  Something doesn't add up."

Quote from gekko who posted in this thread.

Was gekko not just warned for requiring FE as a brand new vendor? I assumed that was what it was and he is going on vacation until he reaches the 30 day requirement.

"Warned" is not the word for it.  "Threatened" is.  Basically, SR told me they were going to start taking my money, and there was nothing I could do about it.  The only other time anyone has ever talked to me like that, it was a cop.  That's all I'm saying.  I may or may not be back, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the 30 day requirement.  Something is sketchy about this place lately, and I can see the writing on the wall clearly enough to know that it's time to get out.  Money is useless if I don't have my freedom, just as drugs are useless if you don't have yours.

I just find it incredibly unusual that SR staff is nowhere to be found for a whole week during the whole "Tony76" fiasco, yet all of a sudden they are jumping all over vendors that they think they can push around.  This threat they sent me was all because this Schrady kid messaged them bitching about me asking him to finalize his order.  Then this same kid makes a thread calling me a scammer.

Now, on to the PROOF:  http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/ddb68a5817
^ That, my friends, is a stealth listing that I just made.  Now, either this kid is a lying sack of shit, or I must be some sort of SR Internets wizard to still be creating listings.

Thank you and goodbye.

motherfucker, do you have any idea how badly Tony burned the fuck out of DPR too?  Think about this - cash advance is based on vendor rep and sales volume.  Tony was #1 and highest volume.  He kept jacking up his cash-advance as his sales kept skyrocketing over the 4/20 sale, and I know through correspondence with DPR that he made off with somewhere in the 4-figures of bitcoins straight from DPR's pocket.  He took DPR for more money than any single customer by a long haul.  That was a more expensive weekend for ownership than anyone else.  Who knows, they might have been bled completely dry between all of the giveaways (while taking no commission whatsoever on the sales) and the scam sellers milking the cash advance system. 

You don't deserve to be on this site, directly and intentionally violating guidelines put in place to protect buyers.  Leave, and stay the fuck away.  I'll make more legit money in a week than your scamming ass could pull in six fucking months, and all of my people happy, icing on the cake.  Small time scammers need to be stomped out, and you are looking pretty cockroach to me.

DPR isn't sending threatening messages to me.  He's never done me wrong and we've been in this for a year.  Only those, dear buyers, trying to milk every last coin from you are wailing out here in the forums about how hard up they are and how they are bailing and being beaten on by the man.  Fuck that.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: gekko on May 05, 2012, 03:20 am
I'm going with gekko on this one.

Well, looks like I'm never buying from gekko then. ::)

I don't think that's something you will have to worry about, my friend.  At the rate things have been going around here lately, I don't feel safe vending on here.  Then this Schrady kid comes up trying to start shit because I cancelled his order.  No thanks, I don't need the drama or the arrest.

@TBBSecurity, I can't really accept your endorsement, because you have never bought from me.  Honestly, I think you might just be some crazy guy who stumbled onto a conspiracy theory that turned out to be correct.  Wouldn't be the first time that's happened.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: MinisterOfAesthetics on May 05, 2012, 03:22 am
  Have fun with Bubba in prison I hear he likes white bitch boys.
you're awfully presumptuous WTBS... but i got a feelin' that your information comes from your position as honky ass cracker bitch boy #1.... shut the fuck up....
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: TBBSecurity on May 05, 2012, 03:24 am
I get banned here every week for posting my correct "conspiracy" theories.  I'm the one who informed everyone that they were getting jacked from tony76. I'm the one who spots all these LEO vendors from a mile away and reports them.  I'm the one who reports on the security leaks, concerning all of your safety.  No one "wants" to believe me, and I could care less, because I know that I have saved some of the smart people from this bullshit.  The retards can fuck off, get scammed all you want, I don't care.  Just looking out for my brethren.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: anarcho47 on May 05, 2012, 03:29 am
I get banned here every week for posting my correct "conspiracy" theories.  I'm the one who informed everyone that they were getting jacked from tony76. I'm the one who spots all these LEO vendors from a mile away and reports them.  I'm the one who reports on the security leaks, concerning all of your safety.  No one "wants" to believe me, and I could care less, because I know that I have saved some of the smart people from this bullshit.  The retards can fuck off, get scammed all you want, I don't care.  Just looking out for my brethren.

You are not a magnet for positive karma, Watchman.  I'd figure if you were actually savings people's asses you might be getting some props.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: TBBSecurity on May 05, 2012, 03:32 am
I use to get plenty of props, but not from people who got scammed and didn't want to believe it.  You get negative karma for posting something and then 2 weeks later what are they gonna do remove the karma when they find out its true?  The evidence is stacked against SR here, they have been fucking people over since inception.  I'm a whistle blower, I blow whistles for fun.  Everything I say or post will be found true in due time, sorry that you just cannot comprehend anything at the moment.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: oshiii on May 05, 2012, 03:55 am
I use to get plenty of props, but not from people who got scammed and didn't want to believe it.  You get negative karma for posting something and then 2 weeks later what are they gonna do remove the karma when they find out its true?  The evidence is stacked against SR here, they have been fucking people over since inception.  I'm a whistle blower, I blow whistles for fun.  Everything I say or post will be found true in due time, sorry that you just cannot comprehend anything at the moment.

alright everybody, resume sucking eeee's dick
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: simplyanon on May 05, 2012, 03:58 am
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: MechaLeary on May 05, 2012, 03:59 am
I get banned here every week for posting my correct "conspiracy" theories.  I'm the one who informed everyone that they were getting jacked from tony76. I'm the one who spots all these LEO vendors from a mile away and reports them.  I'm the one who reports on the security leaks, concerning all of your safety.  No one "wants" to believe me, and I could care less, because I know that I have saved some of the smart people from this bullshit.  The retards can fuck off, get scammed all you want, I don't care.  Just looking out for my brethren.
I use to get plenty of props, but not from people who got scammed and didn't want to believe it.  You get negative karma for posting something and then 2 weeks later what are they gonna do remove the karma when they find out its true?  The evidence is stacked against SR here, they have been fucking people over since inception.  I'm a whistle blower, I blow whistles for fun.  Everything I say or post will be found true in due time, sorry that you just cannot comprehend anything at the moment.
Oh I see what's going on here, this fuckass thinks he's fucking V for Vendetta, with a fucking Guy Fawkes mask. You can raise all the suspicion you like, but SR is a good place, SR is like home for too many vendors and far too many buyers, and you and anybody else you convince with your unfounded opinions isn't going to change this place. I think your butthurt because you probably got ripped off by MHM and tony76 at the same time and you think taking it out on SR is going to make you feel better.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: anarcho47 on May 05, 2012, 04:00 am
Again, TBB, I've been here way longer than you or any of your pseudonyms, and I will be here longer after you are done playing your little games...
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: gekko on May 05, 2012, 04:04 am
"I don't know about this "TBBSecurity" guy, as I've seen some questionable posts from him, but he might actually be on to something with this one.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone else (particularly other vendors) received any threatening messages from SR staff lately?  I mean, like the sort of tone that you would expect from a DEA agent?  Because I received a very bothersome message that has me shutting down operations until further notice.  Tonight I am going to DBAN my computers and delete literally everything.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but I also smell a rat.  This "tony76" bullshit goes down, and SR staff is nowhere to be seen for an entire week.  Then all of a sudden, they show up, threatening vendors and (allegedly) stealing from some of them.  Something doesn't add up."

Quote from gekko who posted in this thread.

Was gekko not just warned for requiring FE as a brand new vendor? I assumed that was what it was and he is going on vacation until he reaches the 30 day requirement.

"Warned" is not the word for it.  "Threatened" is.  Basically, SR told me they were going to start taking my money, and there was nothing I could do about it.  The only other time anyone has ever talked to me like that, it was a cop.  That's all I'm saying.  I may or may not be back, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the 30 day requirement.  Something is sketchy about this place lately, and I can see the writing on the wall clearly enough to know that it's time to get out.  Money is useless if I don't have my freedom, just as drugs are useless if you don't have yours.

I just find it incredibly unusual that SR staff is nowhere to be found for a whole week during the whole "Tony76" fiasco, yet all of a sudden they are jumping all over vendors that they think they can push around.  This threat they sent me was all because this Schrady kid messaged them bitching about me asking him to finalize his order.  Then this same kid makes a thread calling me a scammer.

Now, on to the PROOF:  http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/ddb68a5817
^ That, my friends, is a stealth listing that I just made.  Now, either this kid is a lying sack of shit, or I must be some sort of SR Internets wizard to still be creating listings.

Thank you and goodbye.

motherfucker, do you have any idea how badly Tony burned the fuck out of DPR too?  Think about this - cash advance is based on vendor rep and sales volume.  Tony was #1 and highest volume.  He kept jacking up his cash-advance as his sales kept skyrocketing over the 4/20 sale, and I know through correspondence with DPR that he made off with somewhere in the 4-figures of bitcoins straight from DPR's pocket.  He took DPR for more money than any single customer by a long haul.  That was a more expensive weekend for ownership than anyone else.  Who knows, they might have been bled completely dry between all of the giveaways (while taking no commission whatsoever on the sales) and the scam sellers milking the cash advance system. 

You don't deserve to be on this site, directly and intentionally violating guidelines put in place to protect buyers.  Leave, and stay the fuck away.  I'll make more legit money in a week than your scamming ass could pull in six fucking months, and all of my people happy, icing on the cake.  Small time scammers need to be stomped out, and you are looking pretty cockroach to me.

DPR isn't sending threatening messages to me.  He's never done me wrong and we've been in this for a year.  Only those, dear buyers, trying to milk every last coin from you are wailing out here in the forums about how hard up they are and how they are bailing and being beaten on by the man.  Fuck that.

Motherfucker, are you wheelchair-retarded or just regular-retarded?  If SR Staff got fucked the worst by Tony76, don't you think they would have been the most active in trying to get to the bottom of this?  Yet they are nowhere to be found and have nothing to say about it the entire time?  Same goes for Noriega and whoever else has been pulling capers.  My god, man, think about what you are saying.  I think the drugs have fried everyone's brain on the SR.  You'll find out soon enough when your money gets stolen, too.  Maybe after that you'll actually feel as stupid as you are.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Dominatrix on May 05, 2012, 04:29 am
Ok so we have all came to an ultimate conclusion that TBBSecurity is out of his fucking mind. 

Until I realized how uneducated and irate he was... I will admit he had me a bit paranoid -_-

Someone ban this troll... Again.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: TBBSecurity on May 05, 2012, 04:34 am
Show me your Master's, dominatrix, you're the fucking joke on here selling 5-apb as MDMA.  LEO for sure.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: TBBSecurity on May 05, 2012, 04:35 am
Dont believe me that all the vendors are gone, and that SR is stealing vendors money.  I don't care.  It's your ass not mine, if you refuse to believe all of these vendors coming forward that's your own fucking fault, you'll get whats coming.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: anarcho47 on May 05, 2012, 04:42 am
"I don't know about this "TBBSecurity" guy, as I've seen some questionable posts from him, but he might actually be on to something with this one.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone else (particularly other vendors) received any threatening messages from SR staff lately?  I mean, like the sort of tone that you would expect from a DEA agent?  Because I received a very bothersome message that has me shutting down operations until further notice.  Tonight I am going to DBAN my computers and delete literally everything.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but I also smell a rat.  This "tony76" bullshit goes down, and SR staff is nowhere to be seen for an entire week.  Then all of a sudden, they show up, threatening vendors and (allegedly) stealing from some of them.  Something doesn't add up."

Quote from gekko who posted in this thread.

Was gekko not just warned for requiring FE as a brand new vendor? I assumed that was what it was and he is going on vacation until he reaches the 30 day requirement.

"Warned" is not the word for it.  "Threatened" is.  Basically, SR told me they were going to start taking my money, and there was nothing I could do about it.  The only other time anyone has ever talked to me like that, it was a cop.  That's all I'm saying.  I may or may not be back, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the 30 day requirement.  Something is sketchy about this place lately, and I can see the writing on the wall clearly enough to know that it's time to get out.  Money is useless if I don't have my freedom, just as drugs are useless if you don't have yours.

I just find it incredibly unusual that SR staff is nowhere to be found for a whole week during the whole "Tony76" fiasco, yet all of a sudden they are jumping all over vendors that they think they can push around.  This threat they sent me was all because this Schrady kid messaged them bitching about me asking him to finalize his order.  Then this same kid makes a thread calling me a scammer.

Now, on to the PROOF:  http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/ddb68a5817
^ That, my friends, is a stealth listing that I just made.  Now, either this kid is a lying sack of shit, or I must be some sort of SR Internets wizard to still be creating listings.

Thank you and goodbye.

motherfucker, do you have any idea how badly Tony burned the fuck out of DPR too?  Think about this - cash advance is based on vendor rep and sales volume.  Tony was #1 and highest volume.  He kept jacking up his cash-advance as his sales kept skyrocketing over the 4/20 sale, and I know through correspondence with DPR that he made off with somewhere in the 4-figures of bitcoins straight from DPR's pocket.  He took DPR for more money than any single customer by a long haul.  That was a more expensive weekend for ownership than anyone else.  Who knows, they might have been bled completely dry between all of the giveaways (while taking no commission whatsoever on the sales) and the scam sellers milking the cash advance system. 

You don't deserve to be on this site, directly and intentionally violating guidelines put in place to protect buyers.  Leave, and stay the fuck away.  I'll make more legit money in a week than your scamming ass could pull in six fucking months, and all of my people happy, icing on the cake.  Small time scammers need to be stomped out, and you are looking pretty cockroach to me.

DPR isn't sending threatening messages to me.  He's never done me wrong and we've been in this for a year.  Only those, dear buyers, trying to milk every last coin from you are wailing out here in the forums about how hard up they are and how they are bailing and being beaten on by the man.  Fuck that.

Motherfucker, are you wheelchair-retarded or just regular-retarded?  If SR Staff got fucked the worst by Tony76, don't you think they would have been the most active in trying to get to the bottom of this?  Yet they are nowhere to be found and have nothing to say about it the entire time?  Same goes for Noriega and whoever else has been pulling capers.  My god, man, think about what you are saying.  I think the drugs have fried everyone's brain on the SR.  You'll find out soon enough when your money gets stolen, too.  Maybe after that you'll actually feel as stupid as you are.

You are simple man.  Fucking simple.  If SR were long-conning all of this would no longer exist.  You think he would start pulling NOW?  After bitcoins were just waterfalling into this site 3 weeks ago?  Come on now.  A lesser man would shut the mother fucker down and just live off of the spoils, and wouldn't have to worry a fuck about any recourse from us.

And now you say he's coming after you for some piddly ass shit when you've been here a fucking day and done 4 figures at best in total business.  Fuck that.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: MinisterOfAesthetics on May 05, 2012, 05:00 am
Assuming you're black. Can't wait until Zimmerman is free, and all the niggers in the country start rioting.  Know what happens then nigger?  You all get put in concentration camps and executed.  There will be no more niggers in the USA.  That's how us crackers want it.  Have fun and remember to incite riots in your community over a little thief thug bitch boy who got shot for attempting to attack the wrong hispanic.
this is the pretty little note that WTBS sent me about 15 minutes ago.... what a hump....
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: TBBSecurity on May 05, 2012, 05:12 am
And here's what this fuck sent me.

see, fucked up again, WTBS... peckerwood till the day i day.... but, you see, we may both be white, but that's where the similarities end.... you're just trailer trash and an embarrassment to the skin... don't know why you decided to make it personal, johnny fucktard, but i'm not surprised.... just because you're white don't mean you're none too bright....  meh... go troll the pedophile forums.... you'll find jackhumps there that will be more your speed.... 12 year old pee pees... oh, you sent me a PM.... you got a problem replying in the forums???

Kid can't even spell and apparently visits pedo forums.  Attempting to insult me when he cant even form a proper sentence himself.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: MinisterOfAesthetics on May 05, 2012, 05:45 am
you're not helping you're case any, tits mcgee.... i have some respect on the forums.... you have zero.... and do i have to point out that you dropped the abbreviation 'CP'??? as in, you're more familiar with it than you appear to be letting on seeing as you're down with the vernacular and all.... why don't you dust off your sisters Teen Beats and beat your meat... you've been served....
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: simplyanon on May 05, 2012, 05:54 am
Judging someone by their skin color is stupid.

Judge them on their intelligence.

Which is not being displayed by a lot of people tonight.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: BigBlackDJ on May 05, 2012, 06:06 am
Alright. Seriously, fuck this. Im tired of getting on every single fucking forum topic and seeing "TBBSecurity" there. Dude, if you were seriously trying to help people, youd leave down every bit of evidence you have to assure us you are here to help and not just here to insult and degrade the place. Yes, clearly this blackmarket trade isnt safe. And No shit sherlock, thats why there is a security section for the buyers. None the less your persistence of a doomsday conspiracy is a load of shit. All of SR isnt going down, clearly shown by the arrests made on the TFM case just recently. Clearly all the buyers, sellers, etc, werent busted. It was 6-8 people. The top heads, site owners, top vendors, top money launderers. Im POSITIVE the SR people have taken FAR MORE measures of security than alot of those folks and alot more measures of security than the majority of people on here. Top vendors are still here, alive and kicking. Out of the last 10 transactions iv made in the last 2 weeks 9 have gotten here and number 10 is "in progress". If it doesnt make it, than guess what, my success rate is 90%. I follow the security measures and receive success... I encrypt my stuff (though im going to start PGPing every fucking message now), I externally boot my OS, DBAN once a week, Tor prior to linking, Run a virtual Windows on my linux to run my TOr, The bitch hits 2 VPNs (one via linux and one via windows), and I steal wireless while from the surrounding 20,000 routers with a home made signal booster and than bounces through ip2.... It took years of surveillance and warrants of hush-mail accounts and multiple trades for them to get 8 people on TFM (those were super weak security systems). You think theyr getting all of SR instantly? Hahahahaha!   

Now ANY HACKER out there that can securely verify and prove this trolls past identity(s) or that can keylog his information and verify that all this NSA, NATO, bullshit is in fact bullshit, I will send you $50 USD within 36 hours. I know its not much, but fuck I want to make sure we keep this fucker away from this community. He's provided no assistance in the 100+ posts he's made. And any information you rip from his computer will be greatly appreciated and awarded. PM if you wish to follow up.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Limetless on May 05, 2012, 06:15 am
And if you look at TFM's structure it was totally different to SR. It was more of a group rather than a selling platform like this place is.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: simplyanon on May 05, 2012, 06:16 am
Alright. Seriously, fucking this. Im tired of getting on every single fucking forum topic and seeing "TBBSecurity" there. Dude, if you were seriously trying to help people, youd leave down every bit of evidence you have to assure us you are here to help and not just here to insult and degrade the place. Yes, clearly this blackmarket trade isnt safe. And No shit sherlock, thats why there is a security section for the buyers. None the less your persistence of a doomsday conspiracy is a load of shit. All of SR isnt going down, clearly shown by the arrests made on the TFM case just recently. Clearly all the buyers, sellers, etc, werent busted. It was 6-8 people. The top heads, site owners, top vendors, top money launderers. Im POSITIVE the SR people have taken FAR MORE measures of security than alot of those folks and alot more measures of security than the majority of people on here.

Now ANY HACKER out there that can securely verify and prove this trolls past identity(s) or that can keylog his information and verify that all this NSA, NATO, bullshit is in fact bullshit, I will send you $50 USD within 36 hours. I know its not much, but fuck I want to make sure we keep this fucker away from this community. He's provided no assistance in the 100+ posts he's made. And any information you rip from his computer will be greatly appreciated and awarded. PM if you wish to follow up.

Damn broham. Good shit. Hopefully someone sees this who has the ability to do something.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Gary Oak on May 05, 2012, 06:23 am
I found an easy way to deal with the trolls. Whenever you spot a troll account, you can add it to your ignore list which can be found under the "Modify Profile" tab after you click on your Profile. By default, all posts by that member should now remain hidden. If we all add the names under simplyanon's signature, then they'll cease to bother us again. Problem solved.  :P
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Limetless on May 05, 2012, 06:25 am
I found an easy way to deal with the trolls. Whenever you spot a troll account, you can add it to your ignore list which can be found under the "Modify Profile" tab after you click on your Profile. By default, all posts by that member should now remain hidden. If we all add the names under simplyanon's signature, then they'll cease to bother us again. Problem solved.  :P

Youuuuu BEAUTIFUL BASTARD! I could actually kiss you for this gem.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Gary Oak on May 05, 2012, 06:30 am
I found an easy way to deal with the trolls. Whenever you spot a troll account, you can add it to your ignore list which can be found under the "Modify Profile" tab after you click on your Profile. By default, all posts by that member should now remain hidden. If we all add the names under simplyanon's signature, then they'll cease to bother us again. Problem solved.  :P

Youuuuu BEAUTIFUL BASTARD! I could actually kiss you for this gem. was nothin.. ::)

Anyways, I noticed I can't view my stats anymore, is it just me or has this happened to anyone else? :o
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: BigBlackDJ on May 05, 2012, 06:32 am
I found an easy way to deal with the trolls. Whenever you spot a troll account, you can add it to your ignore list which can be found under the "Modify Profile" tab after you click on your Profile. By default, all posts by that member should now remain hidden. If we all add the names under simplyanon's signature, then they'll cease to bother us again. Problem solved.  :P

Holy sweet mother of god, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Though, my offer still stands for any hacker trying to trace this guy and make a buck. Theres something uncomforting about this asshole, eeeee, and the rest of the trolls that have been ever so persistent to talk down on the community, its doings, and its members. I know shit isnt perfect here, but if you take all appropriate security measures, the risk becomes reduced significantly.... atleast significant to the point where it becomes so difficult to track and trace people, itd be a waste of resources to track some guys buying a gram of hash or even a gram of molly. The only thing that becomes feasible is tracking an organization or group of careless individuals.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Limetless on May 05, 2012, 06:35 am
I've put the whole lot under my ignore list now and it's actually brilliant. Whenever I see a post it just says "You are now ignoring this cunt press if you want to view this cunts witterings" so that means I only have to read a loads of bullshit if I am actually in the mood to be pissed off at someone.


Oh yeah and Mister Dank/TBBSecurity you should probably be aware that your mother is gagging on my hard cock right now and soon, I'm going to put a sandpaper condom on and refinish her anal passage and then varnish it. You may want to say what you want back but there isn't much point because I wont be able to read what you say. Use my pubes as dental floss.

Love Limetless
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: simplyanon on May 05, 2012, 06:38 am
I found an easy way to deal with the trolls. Whenever you spot a troll account, you can add it to your ignore list which can be found under the "Modify Profile" tab after you click on your Profile. By default, all posts by that member should now remain hidden. If we all add the names under simplyanon's signature, then they'll cease to bother us again. Problem solved.  :P

I like feeding trolls. So, I keep them viewable.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Kappacino on May 05, 2012, 06:41 am
I've put the whole lot under my ignore list now and it's actually brilliant. Whenever I see a post it just says "You are now ignoring this cunt press if you want to view this cunts witterings" so that means I only have to read a loads of bullshit if I am actually in the mood to be pissed off at someone.


Oh yeah and Mister Dank/TBBSecurity you should probably be aware that your mother is gagging on my hard cock right now and soon, I'm going to put a sandpaper condom on and refinish her anal passage and then varnish it. You may want to say what you want back but there isn't much point because I wont be able to read what you say. Use my pubes as dental floss.

Love Limetless

Dude, your post about the pasta blew my mind. I mean the sauce was good enough but then the ciabatta... AND THE FUCKING VINAIGRETTE? Fucking bastard I aint got shit over here.

Let me guess though.. you invite them over all like "yeah i'll cook us a meal" - cook the food and blow their minds.. then take them to the sofa and make the move?

That's pretty much my ritual now. If they like the food, they'll like the dick.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: BigBlackDJ on May 05, 2012, 06:46 am

Oh yeah and Mister Dank/TBBSecurity you should probably be aware that your mother is gagging on my hard cock right now and soon, I'm going to put a sandpaper condom on and refinish her anal passage and then varnish it. You may want to say what you want back but there isn't much point because I wont be able to read what you say. Use my pubes as dental floss.

Love Limetless

Holy fucking shit that was the most appropriate visually graphic insult I have ever heard. Kudos. Gosh I love this forum! You learn a new way to burn someones soul every day. hahahaha. Limetless, you have had me dying on the floor laughing with you witty remarks. I continue to look forward seeing them scattered throughout many the trolls topic discussions.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Bridgehead on May 05, 2012, 07:03 am
Dont believe me that all the vendors are gone, and that SR is stealing vendors money.  I don't care.  It's your ass not mine, if you refuse to believe all of these vendors coming forward that's your own fucking fault, you'll get whats coming.

Hopefully you'll get what's coming to you to IRL, you sorry sack of shit.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: ObviousScam on May 05, 2012, 07:05 am
This place is such a big fucking scam.  Just lost my vendor account and 27 Thousand USD.  SR is dying in the coming days, they're just stealing some money first.  OP is 100% spot on.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: BigBlackDJ on May 05, 2012, 07:10 am
This place is such a big fucking scam.  Just lost my vendor account and 27 Thousand USD.  SR is dying in the coming days, they're just stealing some money first.  OP is 100% spot on.
27k ?! Fuuuuckkk Thatttttt!? Time to hire "DaMan" Tell him he can take 10% if he can recover your money. Im sure the dude would be happy with a 2.7k payday.... But damn. I could never imagine. Thank goodnees for bitinstant..... I never let more than $40USD  sit in my SR account.

Best of luck senor.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Kappacino on May 05, 2012, 07:11 am
This place is such a big fucking scam.  Just lost my vendor account and 27 Thousand USD.  SR is dying in the coming days, they're just stealing some money first.  OP is 100% spot on.

What's your vendor account?
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: gekko on May 05, 2012, 01:08 pm
This place is such a big fucking scam.  Just lost my vendor account and 27 Thousand USD.  SR is dying in the coming days, they're just stealing some money first.  OP is 100% spot on.

What's your vendor account?

+1 to this

We need to know this, to determine if it's legitimate or not.  If it is, then it looks like some of the stuff I mentioned last night is true.  I KNEW I smelled a rat.  Something just didn't add up...
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Kappacino on May 05, 2012, 01:13 pm
This place is such a big fucking scam.  Just lost my vendor account and 27 Thousand USD.  SR is dying in the coming days, they're just stealing some money first.  OP is 100% spot on.

What's your vendor account?

+1 to this

We need to know this, to determine if it's legitimate or not.  If it is, then it looks like some of the stuff I mentioned last night is true.  I KNEW I smelled a rat.  Something just didn't add up...

Nah the guy is MisterDank/eeee/troll douche bag.. He went to another thread and starting making the most absurd accusations. He actually tried to insinuate that both me AND someone else are DPR. So safe to say, the guys high as fuck
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Gary Oak on May 05, 2012, 01:16 pm
This place is such a big fucking scam.  Just lost my vendor account and 27 Thousand USD.  SR is dying in the coming days, they're just stealing some money first.  OP is 100% spot on.

What's your vendor account?

+1 to this

We need to know this, to determine if it's legitimate or not.  If it is, then it looks like some of the stuff I mentioned last night is true.  I KNEW I smelled a rat.  Something just didn't add up...

Nah the guy is MisterDank/eeee/troll douche bag.. He went to another thread and starting making the most absurd accusations. He actually tried to insinuate that both me AND someone else are DPR. So safe to say, the guys high as fuck

Shit, are you saying we aren't DPR? :'( Well, it was fun while it lasted.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Delta11 on May 05, 2012, 01:38 pm
Haha all of these fags posting behind throwaway accounts, you guys are pussies. It's not that SR is a scam it's that big vendors have too much to lose and would rather go out with a bang then continue their operation which obviously becomes too large for one person. It's extremely hard to wash a large amount of coins constantly and most big vendors get burnt out during the process and would rather just scam a large sum and walk away. I truly believe that DPR would not scam top vendors because it wouldn't be necessary to do so. I mean just think about it, DPR makes money off big vendors by not doing anything, all DPR has to do is have SR up to bring in a constant cash flow so why the hell would he kill off his golden geese? I'm not surprised though to be honest in seeing this type of mentality, I mean after all 90% of the people on here are on drugs  ::).
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Limetless on May 05, 2012, 02:02 pm
I've put the whole lot under my ignore list now and it's actually brilliant. Whenever I see a post it just says "You are now ignoring this cunt press if you want to view this cunts witterings" so that means I only have to read a loads of bullshit if I am actually in the mood to be pissed off at someone.


Oh yeah and Mister Dank/TBBSecurity you should probably be aware that your mother is gagging on my hard cock right now and soon, I'm going to put a sandpaper condom on and refinish her anal passage and then varnish it. You may want to say what you want back but there isn't much point because I wont be able to read what you say. Use my pubes as dental floss.

Love Limetless

Dude, your post about the pasta blew my mind. I mean the sauce was good enough but then the ciabatta... AND THE FUCKING VINAIGRETTE? Fucking bastard I aint got shit over here.

Let me guess though.. you invite them over all like "yeah i'll cook us a meal" - cook the food and blow their minds.. then take them to the sofa and make the move?

That's pretty much my ritual now. If they like the food, they'll like the dick.

You basically have it on the head there mate. Thing is birds don't expect me to be able to be a BOSS in the kitchen so they find it impressive to fuck and then it all goes from there. It's all about showing them your deep side but doing it in a masculine way.

And cheers BigBlackDJ, just trying to bring a bit of vitality to the place. :P
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Prawl42 on May 05, 2012, 02:07 pm
And if all that fails he just whips out some GHB and goes to town :)
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Kappacino on May 05, 2012, 02:12 pm
And if all that fails he just whips out some GHB and goes to town :)


I've always wanted to drug a girl with a high dose of 25i and then tell her over the phone in a North African accent that I've put a curse on her for being a slut.

Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Limetless on May 05, 2012, 02:23 pm
And if all that fails he just whips out some GHB and goes to town :)


I've always wanted to drug a girl with a high dose of 25i and then tell her over the phone in a North African accent that I've put a curse on her for being a slut.

That's possibly the darkest thing I've seen on here all week. I think you deserve some sort of certificate for that tbh.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Kappacino on May 05, 2012, 02:25 pm
And if all that fails he just whips out some GHB and goes to town :)


I've always wanted to drug a girl with a high dose of 25i and then tell her over the phone in a North African accent that I've put a curse on her for being a slut.

That's possibly the darkest thing I've seen on here all week. I think you deserve some sort of certificate for that tbh.

If you send me a couple mgs of 25i I'll actually do it and record the phone call :P
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Prawl42 on May 05, 2012, 02:29 pm
And if all that fails he just whips out some GHB and goes to town :)


I've always wanted to drug a girl with a high dose of 25i and then tell her over the phone in a North African accent that I've put a curse on her for being a slut.

LOL!!! thats if shes not to far gone to answer the phone :)
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Limetless on May 05, 2012, 03:11 pm
And if all that fails he just whips out some GHB and goes to town :)


I've always wanted to drug a girl with a high dose of 25i and then tell her over the phone in a North African accent that I've put a curse on her for being a slut.

LOL!!! thats if shes not to far gone to answer the phone :)

I did something kind of as dark as this before. If you have Sky and flick through the god channels you will find the cheap African Pentecostal networks that are basically donation scams. I was FUCKED on MDMA with my friends and we we found it so I decided to ring it and say that I was a doctor at A+E and the show host's wife had died in a car accident. I obviously didn't get through to the guy but the woman who answered who sounded like she was from Ghana went to get him and he went off screen for about 5 minutes.

Now I know this is dark but it's the BEST prank I have ever done and they deserved it because those channels just pray on the naive.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Prawl42 on May 05, 2012, 03:15 pm
lol! nicely done, dark humor is alright just not too often, used to love playing pranks but kina got bored of it :/

A classic one is going up to mc'ds drive thru and sticking up a sign saying "microphone damaged please speak very loud" may sound kinda immature but sitting in a car baked as fuck while all these people are screaming down at the poor drive thru attendant
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Antonio76 on May 06, 2012, 01:00 am
the greatest scam ever pulled was by me
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: simplyanon on May 06, 2012, 01:02 am
lol! nicely done, dark humor is alright just not too often, used to love playing pranks but kina got bored of it :/

A classic one is going up to mc'ds drive thru and sticking up a sign saying "microphone damaged please speak very loud" may sound kinda immature but sitting in a car baked as fuck while all these people are screaming down at the poor drive thru attendant

Doing this.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Prawl42 on May 06, 2012, 01:12 am
lol! nicely done, dark humor is alright just not too often, used to love playing pranks but kina got bored of it :/

A classic one is going up to mc'ds drive thru and sticking up a sign saying "microphone damaged please speak very loud" may sound kinda immature but sitting in a car baked as fuck while all these people are screaming down at the poor drive thru attendant

Doing this.

post results :)
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Limetless on May 06, 2012, 01:15 am
the greatest scam ever pulled was by me

What when you scammed yourself into thinking you were a normal human being and then pulled your dick so hard it bled and it brought you back to reality? That isn't that good.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Prawl42 on May 06, 2012, 01:29 am
the greatest scam ever pulled was by me

What when you scammed yourself into thinking you were a normal human being and then pulled your dick so hard it bled and it brought you back to reality? That isn't that good.

 i pulled out once dick covered in blood and thought oh fuck what did i do but turned out it was hers so not to worry,
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Limetless on May 06, 2012, 02:39 am
the greatest scam ever pulled was by me

What when you scammed yourself into thinking you were a normal human being and then pulled your dick so hard it bled and it brought you back to reality? That isn't that good.

 i pulled out once dick covered in blood and thought oh fuck what did i do but turned out it was hers so not to worry,

Ah yeah, that was when we tagged teamed Mister Dank's sister.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: Hawker on May 07, 2012, 12:34 am
Thanks for the warning but... I think I will stay... you should go though, and fast, each time you post here "they" are closer to finding you...  really... stop posting and go.... somewhere... anywhere else.
Title: Re: SR = SCAM
Post by: anonsora on May 07, 2012, 01:40 am
the greatest scam ever pulled was by me

What when you scammed yourself into thinking you were a normal human being and then pulled your dick so hard it bled and it brought you back to reality? That isn't that good.

 i pulled out once dick covered in blood and thought oh fuck what did i do but turned out it was hers so not to worry,

Fucking this, it happened to me once with my ex, freaked out at first thinking it was mine.