Silk Road forums

Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: poopiepants on April 14, 2012, 04:03 am

Title: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: poopiepants on April 14, 2012, 04:03 am
In the USA...your input is appreciated!
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: listentothemusic on April 14, 2012, 04:23 am
Are you looking for pure sativas here? Or a hybrid directed more towards curing an illness?
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: BlarghRawr on April 14, 2012, 11:42 am
Personally, I'm going to say that nugz has the best nugs. On his weed, I was smoking less than most people do with DMT.
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: poopiepants on April 15, 2012, 10:53 pm
Are you looking for pure sativas here? Or a hybrid directed more towards curing an illness?

Pure Sativas!!
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: Mister Dank on April 15, 2012, 11:36 pm
That's easy - ME!

Actually there is no way of knowing for sure, but I've had buds tested at over 25% THC, which is pretty goddamn high for buds.
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: poopiepants on April 16, 2012, 02:44 am
Mister Dank, selling any NYC Diesel again in the future?
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: freddieisdead on April 16, 2012, 04:46 am
Personally, I'm going to say that nugz has the best nugs. On his weed, I was smoking less than most people do with DMT.

I like the sound of that. Just placed my first order with nugz for the upcoming holiday :D
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: Mister Dank on April 16, 2012, 02:47 pm
Mister Dank, selling any NYC Diesel again in the future?

Probably not for another month or so.
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: CaliTrees on April 16, 2012, 04:07 pm
Mister Dank, selling any NYC Diesel again in the future?

Probably not for another month or so.

Just go grab some out of the evidence locker.
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: risky2 on April 16, 2012, 04:57 pm
Yah! A fellow sativa lover. I've liked  LexiSadie and HappySmoke420's selection of sativas when available. I believe Lexi gots some green crack listed right now. I also got a killer sample of Chocolope from flipside recently. His sativas aren't listed on his vendor page yet, but I believe he will have them in the future, so be on the lookout for them.
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: themessenger2 on April 16, 2012, 05:53 pm
I'm not sure if it's 100% sativa but CaliTrees' Green Crack is THE SHIT.
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: sourman on April 16, 2012, 06:39 pm
^Another +1 for CaliTrees' Green Crack. It's quite possibly the closest thing to a pure sativa that I've seen on SR. Very uplifting, clean high with that classic sativa rush.

Tweetb's Skywalker OG Kush is a sativa-leaning cut of OG that reminds me of NYC Diesel, although the high is a bit closer to the sativa dominant Sour Diesel. Definitely NOT a pure sativa though, but close.

I haven't tried Nugz's Sour Diesel, but it definitely looks like the real deal in the pic. I've smoked East Coast Sour Diesel for years (look at my name hahah) and that's what the legit strain looks like. It's not technically considered a "pure" sativa, but I would recommend it as such.
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: poopiepants on April 16, 2012, 06:42 pm
Damn, it is so hard to decide!!  ;D

Nugz's Sour Diesel (http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/cb54aa5c4a)
LexiSadie's TrainWreck (http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/79edd2a34e)
CaliTree's Green Crack (http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/item/bcdce0cec6)

Which would you choose??? All I've had is mids, so this is a new world for me!!!
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: risky2 on April 16, 2012, 06:46 pm
^ Isn't trainwreck more of a hybrid?, It is supposed to have a heavy body stone I think.
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: poopiepants on April 16, 2012, 06:50 pm
^ Isn't trainwreck more of a hybrid?, It is supposed to have a heavy body stone I think.

You are right, risky2. Noob mistake on my part.  ;)
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: poopiepants on April 16, 2012, 06:53 pm
I've read that "Green Crack" is called that because you'll want to keep re-upping since it doesn't last that long.
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: risky2 on April 16, 2012, 06:56 pm

"Don't let the name fool you, this is pure cannabis. A strain that is mostly Sativa, Green Crack provides a relatively short, cerebral high that is nice and light, often described as 'spacey'. It is sometimes known as Cush (with a 'C') or Green Cush."
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: sourman on April 16, 2012, 07:01 pm
Choosing is always the hardest part of ordering bud from SR. lol

Between CaliTrees' GC and the new Sour D offer from nugz, it's a tough choice. Fo real. I haven't tried Lexxie's stuff but it's rumored to be amazing... then again so is pretty much everything else I ordered so far. Didn't try nugz either, but I can definitely tell you that the Sours in his pic looks legit. You just can't beat that price. 32g of Sour for under $250!

I just had to choose between the Sour D from nugz and some OG Kush from soulcandy. It was the hardest choice I ever made hahaha. Looks like I'll be getting the OG for now, only because it was almost sold out and I haven't had that strain in a while. I may end up ordering the Sour D anyway, just to get that deal. It's literally 2x cheaper than buying locally grown East Coast Sour Diesel by the zip.

Yes, the Green Crack high seems short because the initial rush comes on quick and dissipates smoothly without any lingering grogginess or couchlock. I wouldn't actually say that it's noticeably short or anything in a bad way, unless maybe you get addicted to the rush at the onset and keep smoking it every hour... like crack. lol
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: qwerfdsa on April 16, 2012, 10:15 pm
CaliTrees is an awesome vendor and all around nice person to deal with - both my transactions with him were completely flawless.

Also, I'll never pass up a chance to repost the pics I took!

Green Crack
[lo res] - http://xfq5l5p4g3eyrct7.onion/view.php?image=f0cd64cb16f911a189fb91bf64df9045.jpg
[hi res] - http://xfq5l5p4g3eyrct7.onion/view.php?image=660befdc924db257f9f76aa08571d0ba.jpg
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: poopiepants on April 17, 2012, 02:53 am
Yah! A fellow sativa lover. I've liked  LexiSadie and HappySmoke420's selection of sativas when available. I believe Lexi gots some green crack listed right now. I also got a killer sample of Chocolope from flipside recently. His sativas aren't listed on his vendor page yet, but I believe he will have them in the future, so be on the lookout for them.

Yeah man! LOVE the sativa for getting the creative juices flowing. When ever I am in a rut creatively, fire up the vaporizer and insane thoughts and brainstorms hit me with each toke.
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: poopiepants on April 17, 2012, 02:54 am
That is some SERIOUS Nug Porn werfdsa!!  ;D
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: b0lixtrader on April 17, 2012, 04:35 am
If you guys think Green Crack is good, you guys should've tried Rook's Green Crack x Train Wreck.  Omg it was like smoking CRACK followed by amnesia.

It seriously was the most potent bud I have ever smoked in my life.  I seriously couldn't believe it was pot I was smoking, craziest rush of energy and mind fuck high ever.
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: BlarghRawr on April 22, 2012, 05:39 am
I know I've already said this and all, but I just wanted to suggest Nugz again. His customer service is awesome, and his weed is even better.
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: qwerfdsa on April 22, 2012, 02:47 pm
That is some SERIOUS Nug Porn werfdsa!!  ;D

Thanks!  I love doing it. :P
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: Thunderweed on April 22, 2012, 02:52 pm
Nugz's sour d. Best price for quality on SR, huge nugs, and the Sour Diesel is a cerebral hulk
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: lenka58 on April 22, 2012, 03:29 pm
Snag some of HumboldtsFinest's Blue Dream (technically a hybrid, but sativa dominant) for a hard-hitting hazy, almost psychedelic high.

Nugz' Sour Diesel is also a fine sativa with a great, uplifting high that doesn't knock you on your ass.
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: uniwiz on April 22, 2012, 04:31 pm
Happy 4/20 weekend! :-*

I refuse to make a choice. :P
I love my vendors and the variety they represent to me. 14 strains so far  8) Each strain is loved, and cared for until smoked, vaped, or eaten.

If you made the cannabis list, all I can say is a group of people, not just myself reported on you.
If you ain't dank, or the cheapest why vend?
Also nobody matches the legend LTTM with the lab reports, that was dank! If it was BS, it looked cool, and made it dank.
I won't even begin to talk about some of the dank methods used to ship. Christy was dank. :)

I agree with you all except for Green Crack, needs another name, like functional medicine.
Oh yea, that wouldn't sell.

My choice is.........
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: treesplease on April 22, 2012, 04:54 pm
I know I've already said this and all, but I just wanted to suggest Nugz again. His customer service is awesome, and his weed is even better.

I have Nugz saved in my favorites, hope to sample his warez soon!
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: poopiepants on April 25, 2012, 05:27 pm
Sour Diesel vs Green Crack...which would you pick?
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: qwerfdsa on April 25, 2012, 05:55 pm
Also nobody matches the legend LTTM with the lab reports, that was dank! If it was BS, it looked cool, and made it dank.

I've still got a couple reports laying around - those things were definitely awesome. :)
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: qwerfdsa on April 25, 2012, 05:57 pm
Sour Diesel vs Green Crack...which would you pick?

Don't sleep on our Canuck brother to the north - anarcho47!
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: Thunderweed on April 25, 2012, 07:24 pm
Sour diesel, i've had.....bad experiences with green crack
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: Metro2033 on April 25, 2012, 07:32 pm
I've been looking for some good sativas for a few days now, got some BTC itching to be spent but can't find one that I'm prepared to buy, looking for 15-25 grams. I'm from the UK however, and it appears our selection isn't very good at the moment.
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: Mister Dank on April 25, 2012, 09:34 pm
Sour diesel, i've had.....bad experiences with green crack

As a grower, Green Crack is definitely one of my favorite strains. That strain yields with the best of them.
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: Thunderweed on April 25, 2012, 10:18 pm
Sour diesel, i've had.....bad experiences with green crack

As a grower, Green Crack is definitely one of my favorite strains. That strain yields with the best of them.

yaa haha, my friend put a quarter of green crack into a batch of cannabutter, then he dared me to eat a cake made out of it...
wasn't fun homie  :'(
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: Arrov123 on April 26, 2012, 12:22 am
This thread motivated me to buy a 1/2 O of nugz' sour D. Will post reviews when it arrives.
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: Thunderweed on April 26, 2012, 02:27 am
This thread motivated me to buy a 1/2 O of nugz' sour D. Will post reviews when it arrives.

Good idea bro, his nugz are nice and well-priced. You won't be ripped off for sure.
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: poopiepants on April 26, 2012, 04:30 am
This thread motivated me to buy a 1/2 O of nugz' sour D. Will post reviews when it arrives.

Please do Arrov123!
Love reading reviews!
Title: Re: Who has the Dankest Sativa Nugs on SR?
Post by: Mister Dank on April 26, 2012, 05:08 pm
Sour diesel, i've had.....bad experiences with green crack

As a grower, Green Crack is definitely one of my favorite strains. That strain yields with the best of them.

yaa haha, my friend put a quarter of green crack into a batch of cannabutter, then he dared me to eat a cake made out of it...
wasn't fun homie  :'(

lol..yeah, you have to be careful with edibles sometimes. I just made some really powerful banana bread that a few people tripped too hard on.