Silk Road forums

Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: blowintrees69 on March 05, 2012, 09:06 pm

Title: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: blowintrees69 on March 05, 2012, 09:06 pm
Hey guys I was wondering if anyone on the forums was one of the 3 transactions that this seller, Pot2Peer, has made.
I am currently trusting him and the SR system by ordering an 1/8th of his ogre kush as his fourth transaction lolol...
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: goldgutted on March 05, 2012, 09:34 pm
I should be receiving a gram soon in the mail from Pot2Peer.
So far though, he looks legitimate from his feedback.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: blowintrees69 on March 05, 2012, 09:37 pm
Yeah that's what I thought too... Let's hope so.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: robotzombies on March 05, 2012, 09:53 pm
Yeah man I'm also waiting for the reviews to come back for this guy.

2 bills for an ounce of Ogre? Umm...yes please. ;D

I just wish his picture of the bud was higher resolution. The pic that's up is fucking grainy/pixely as hell. All I can see is a lighter with a green background behind least it's not a brown background though I guess. Can't really tell if it's all nug or if it's shake though...
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: blowintrees69 on March 05, 2012, 09:57 pm
I know right... What kind of vendor would put up a crappy pic of product, no presence on forums, and charge so damn low? Maybe I shouldn't have been so eager...
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: robotzombies on March 05, 2012, 10:27 pm
^^ Just checked the feedback from the 3 transactions he has, and they're all really good so far!

This kinda seems like it's too good to be true though. The first review said he got fucking baked off 1 hit. The other 2 reviews made it seem like it's top quality ganj also. I just don't see someone selling top notch buds for 200/zip when you can probably charge around 300 and still sell it, though, idk, that raises a flag to me.

Hopefully he's just not tech savvy and didn't really know that he should've introduced himself on the forums. I hope he's just a good guy who cares more about providing people with quality medicine than making money, and that's why his prices are so low...idk though you don't see a whole lot of those kind of people...

If he gets a few more good reviews though I'm def gonna snag a zip of that ogre. Especially if I don't have to finalize early.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: jmoney113 on March 05, 2012, 10:34 pm
Gonna give this guy a shot and order an 8th or 4th from him to test the waters. Prices seem really good, I hope he's legit.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Boba Fett on March 05, 2012, 11:11 pm
ordered a sample of the Ogre. mail ran late today, so could be delivered soon. will update.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: jimmyg on March 05, 2012, 11:54 pm
Just ordered a quarter, I'll let you folks know how it goes when (if!) I receive it.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Boba Fett on March 06, 2012, 12:17 am
for the record my sample did not arrive today. messaged p2p and asked when it was shipped. responded almost immediately, but did not give an answer. just said lets wait another 2 days. 
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: blowintrees69 on March 06, 2012, 06:11 am my 1/8th of ogre kush got canceled with no message from Pot2Peer...
Why?!??   :'(
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: robotzombies on March 06, 2012, 06:55 am my 1/8th of ogre kush got canceled with no message from Pot2Peer...
Why?!??   :'(

Hmmm, do you have a low number of transactions? Maybe he cancelled because you're a new buyer? (If you are one?)
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Boba Fett on March 06, 2012, 04:23 pm my 1/8th of ogre kush got canceled with no message from Pot2Peer...
Why?!??   :'(

way to be a douchebag about it and sabotage his feedback. 3/5 for cancelling? Vendors have the right to do so for any reason.

i bet you're going to be real popular with the vendors here.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: TalkingHead on March 06, 2012, 04:54 pm
There was a Pot2Peer (spelled exactly the same) website here on the Tor network not too long ago that seems to have disappeared not long before the same name vendor showed up here. It wasn't a badly designed site and it had a small but decent selection of different strains, but I never ordered form there. Maybe he felt that if you can't beat 'em (SR), join 'em.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on March 06, 2012, 06:13 pm
Hi everybody.  This is Pot2Peer... sorry I haven't joined the discussion earlier.  Long time SR user, new vendor.

We work with a network of growers and suppliers (i.e. don't actually package the product and send).  When we try out a new supplier we give away samples for free, the idea being if the product isn't as advertised, of poor quality, or the grower/supplier is a scammer.  Some are very, very good... the great reviews you read for us were for Indoor OG Kush, which we'll be putting up in the next week or so (along with some Bubba Kush).  Many unfortunately aren't, or will switch after providing samples.  Usually it's somewhere in between.

The one thing I can promise is that we will always do the right thing by any customer.  Always.  The reason we're redoing our Tor site is that someone put a phishing link up on the Hidden Wiki and our users were getting ripped off... we're going to relaunch with a pot2peerxxxxx.onion URL in a few weeks which will hopefully help, but unfortunately it takes forever to create a hash with 8 custom characters.

Yes, the 3/5 for cancelling an order is deadly, especially for a new vendor (certainly I personally wouldn't buy from someone with a 80% satisfaction rate!).  I've sent an email asking what if anything we can do to make it right.

In short, we've probably made just about every mistake a new vendor in the exciting new space can make in the past couple of months lol.  It's been a crash course on eCommerce, supply chain management, inventory and fulfillment, customer service, delivery etc.  We are bruised but still standing, and I'm happy to say we've always done right by every single one of our customers.  All of us are quite passionate about what we do (we're just covering expenses and all have day jobs).

Thanks, and we hope to be able to serve all of you in the future.

Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: blowintrees69 on March 06, 2012, 07:54 pm my 1/8th of ogre kush got canceled with no message from Pot2Peer...
Why?!??   :'(

way to be a douchebag about it and sabotage his feedback. 3/5 for cancelling? Vendors have the right to do so for any reason.

i bet you're going to be real popular with the vendors here.

WHAT?! I couldn't finalize and review because the order was cancelled?
Hahaha but no I had/have no vengeance for having my order cancelled. Somebody else must've posted that feedback as I'm sure Pot2Peer can vouch. That being said I'm looking forward to ordering from you in the future, Pot2Peer, but I wish you would've communicated to me on the cancellation? But it's ok =]
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: blowintrees69 on March 06, 2012, 07:59 pm
Man, Boba Fett, y u gotta slander a niggas name that is trying to be a profesh buyer on SR?!

Jokes  8) But send me a link to Pot2Peer's seller page will ya? I wanna check out what this anonymous person accused of being me said
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on March 06, 2012, 08:15 pm
Fair enough... we cancelled 2 orders and got a 3 and a 1 respectively.  Ouch.  It will take us a very long time to recover from that, but live and learn... we hope to earn all of your business in the future.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Boba Fett on March 06, 2012, 08:16 pm
okay my bad.

must have cancelled a lot of people. review describes it just as you did:
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Boba Fett on March 06, 2012, 08:22 pm
Fair enough... we cancelled 2 orders and got a 3 and a 1 respectively.  Ouch.  It will take us a very long time to recover from that, but live and learn... we hope to earn all of your business in the future.

glad you stopped by. 

why were they even allowed to leave a review?  if you cancelled it while it was processing, there should have never been a finalize process.  that's just wrong in my opinion.

i think it shows integrity when a seller takes listings down because they know they can't fulfill. nobody gets jerked around and their BTC held up later.

i must say i'm concerned with what you described.  so when I place an order with you, my contact info gets passed on to someone or persons you don't really know that well?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on March 06, 2012, 08:40 pm
Our suppliers do come through some kind of referral, and typically we (the half dozen or so of us who do this in our spare time) will place orders first... assuming that's okay we'll order the test samples to give away to SR users.   Everything is PGPed, and of course we're in pretty much constant contact with them throughout the process.  The problem comes when we put the items for sale on SR and they get their first big payment and either disappear or the quality drops significantly.

We also have a strict policy of never, ever shipping more than a zip to discourage LE.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Boba Fett on March 06, 2012, 09:12 pm

can't believe another asshole left you a 1 for a cancelled free sample. 
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: jmoney113 on March 06, 2012, 11:49 pm
Our suppliers do come through some kind of referral, and typically we (the half dozen or so of us who do this in our spare time) will place orders first... assuming that's okay we'll order the test samples to give away to SR users.   Everything is PGPed, and of course we're in pretty much constant contact with them throughout the process.  The problem comes when we put the items for sale on SR and they get their first big payment and either disappear or the quality drops significantly.

We also have a strict policy of never, ever shipping more than a zip to discourage LE.
Thanks for the explanation. Thinking of placing an order with you guys soon, your prices can't be beat. Do you have any strains you guys like to carry, indica/sativa preference?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: doppleganger on March 07, 2012, 03:17 am
i got a gram when he was offering samples and i left the 5/5 said i took one hit, its pretty good weed. I took one big rip  and was solid for about an hour and a half then took another half hit and slept like a baby. This is pretty good quality weed, i would rate it mid to high range, smoke is decent and high isnt too intense.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on March 08, 2012, 05:06 pm
Hi... we just listed the Indoor OG Kush that was favorably sampled by Doppleganger and other SR members, as well as Indoor Bubba (still potent but a definite grade below... a great value for casual smokers).  US only for now. 

We've gotten negative feedback from orders we've had to cancel (some for free samples no less) but we will do whatever it takes to win customers and keep them happy.  We are extremely price sensitive and work hard to find value and keep the prices as competitive as possible... both items we think represent some of the better cannabis values on SR.


Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Rowsdower on March 08, 2012, 05:31 pm
Pot2peer if you guys ever expand abroad I hope you guys consider shipping here to the UK, I think there'd be a lot of demand here for a US vendor that ships good bud here at decent prices.  I haven't ever ordered from a US vendor though so I don't know how the whole customs situation is when it comes to sending from there overseas.  Shame how some reactionary over emotional customers screwed with you guys' feedback for canceling orders, but I'm sure after a while of providing good service the rating will be high again.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on March 08, 2012, 08:26 pm
Oh, I don't know, one could argue that being dead last amongst all the vendors on SR is some kind of achievement...

Thanks for the feedback, we'll try to have an international offering at competitive prices in the next couple of weeks.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: 72289 on March 08, 2012, 09:29 pm
Whoa that feedback seems terribly misleading. I'll need to re-up in about a week and a half. I'll watch the new feedback roll there and here (HINT: put a link to this thread or a review thread on your SR profile, and vice versa).  As long as things continue to get better I'll be more than happy to buy from you and help to improve that rating. :)
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on March 09, 2012, 07:49 pm
Thank you Exodus.  We will work hard to earn your business.

If anyone here is interested in testing free 1 gram samples in the future please PM us... obviously giving it away through the regular SR was pretty much a trainwreck (and we're not talking about the beloved sativa strain).  All we ask in return is honest feedback on the quality of the product and packaging... understanding that there are no guarantees about anything, but hopefully you'll get a gram of quality product every week or two.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on March 10, 2012, 02:36 pm
Shipping internationally now btw since we seem to have contaminated North America (oh well, more worlds to conquer).  Just choose the international option for shipping.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: chrisopher1 on March 10, 2012, 02:43 pm
Pot2peers, do you know that you're charging over 5 bc for international shipping, that really is too much (about double the cost of the highest here), do you plan to keep the prices like that?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on March 10, 2012, 04:02 pm
No, of course that is ridicous, meant it to be US dollar.  So we dropped our prices across the board by 5 usd, added 5 usd for shipping (which is what it was anyway, we just blended it in with the price), then added (what we thought) was a 25 dollar international option, not a $100 one.  We'll change it now... sorry...

BTW understood the 25 bucks intl is still high but it's a much bigger deal... filling out a customs form (yet another crime) shipping from the PO during bank hours in front of a camera etc... much less chance it will make it through... but you guys know all this...
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on March 10, 2012, 04:21 pm
One of the things that's challenging in the nascent market is the amount of technological acumen required to actually use a service like SR, BMR, or any of the other bigger drug sites out there.  Really we should rename ourselves from (the ingeniously clever play on Peer-To-Peer) Pot2Peer to Pot2Geek.  Downloading/installing TOR, everything takes forever to load, the funny and unmemorizable URLS.  BTW do you know how hard it is to create a custom hash like pot2peerxxxxxx?  Using a fairly macho setup we've been chugging away for over two weeks now).  You really have to motivated, and I think to say well beyond a casual user (technology that is, not inhaling).

How big exactly is deep web drug market?  How fast is it growing?  Slowly I bet... I don't get the sense that the amount of demand is growing exponentially, otherwise there would be more legitimate sources (certainly they're out there, but most definitely have a mom and pop feel to them, I guess if your mother or father are the kinds of people who would deal smack).

I think my point is it would be very possible for something like demand for marijuana (or pornography more likely, which has a better track record of driving innovation since presumably some men like pot but all men jerk off) to simultaneously be the driving force to a) speed the technogical development and bring into the mainstream technologies like anonymous browsing and online currencies like bitcoins, as well as b) effect social change by making it harder to keep people from getting what they want and what there's a proven demand for?

I'm sure this is all totally in the wrong thread or forum, sorry.

This is also a commercial for our Indoor OG Kush, btw.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Rowsdower on March 10, 2012, 05:49 pm
Haha, pretty good commercial... I assume you sampled some of the goods beforehand.  I look forward to trying an international tester order with you guys, the product looks great and very good prices compared to the UK market.  My domestic orders have taken forever to arrive anyway, for some reason international orders get through way quicker & more reliably.  I'm not sure what that says about UK vendors or maybe the mail system here but so far my best experiences have been from ordering from other countries.  No problems or delays when ordering internationally, but domestic orders I wonder if they'll even show up most of the time.  So I'm eager to try you guys out, just hope you guys can get your stuff past US customs.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: OldGuard on March 10, 2012, 06:44 pm
Hey at least he did not type on long sentence.   :D
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: grydmaster on March 11, 2012, 01:16 am
Good to see you on SR, P2P! 

I've ordered from P2P in the past, from his (now defunct?) website.  His product is top notch (right up there with Muskabuzz and Norcal420).  So far, I've sampled the Sour Diesel, Blue Dream, Green Crack and Super Cali Haze.  The Blue Dream was the most potent and the Super Cali Haze was the least potent (but that's what you get with a super auto, I suppose).  Packaging is always excellent and discreet and shipping times were always fast, usually shipping within 24 hours of ordering.  Once it took 2-3 days to ship, but he updated me along the way and the package made it safe and sound  :D. 

Anyway, glad that you're back in business; I saw you over on BMR, but I prefer to use SR.  To show my continued support, I just placed an order for some OG Kush and I can't wait to try it!  I'm very glad you've decided to become a vendor here on SR.  Welcome and please stay! 

By the way, I'm also sending out a big "fuck you" to the assholes who screwed up P2P's feedback!  Don't give a vendor a 1 because he cancelled your order.  It's his prerogative to fill or cancel any order (for any reason).  Don't be an asshole or we'll lose great vendors like Pot2Peer.

Cheers and I'm hope you're here to stay!  ;D
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on March 12, 2012, 12:28 am
Thanks for the order (and kind words) grydmaster... we'll take good care of it.

Ya our website became defunct after someone posted a phishing URL on Hidden Wiki... we plan to be re-funct with a pot2peerxxx.onion URL in a couple of weeks... the URL is still hashing.  I'm not sure how long we're gonna last on SR but we'll see (certainly WE wouldn't order anything from someone with our rating) but to be fair we made our share of mistakes as well in (among other things) not fully understanding how the system worked and what the rules are.  So rather than create a new user ID we try to communicate and learn by our mistakes and move on...


Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: 72289 on March 12, 2012, 12:40 am
By move on do you mean offer some sales and show SR that you really are the seller you profess to be, or do you mean like literally find another place to sell?

I don't see how a nice long sale wouldn't fix your problem right now.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on March 12, 2012, 06:22 pm
Thanks Exodus.  Our prices are already as low as we can get them, so slashing prices isn't really an option; we are continuing to give away a lot of samples.

We'll get there... we do think we can get to the point where we are providing dispensary grade medication and sub-dispensary prices... as everyone else has suggested if we provide great product and great service at great prices and everything else will work itself out.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: johnnyfivetoes on March 16, 2012, 05:20 pm
What are the logistics like for you guys sending samples internationally? Unfeasible?

Looking to grab an oz of that Bubba next week, but would really like to try a sample before I commit.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on March 16, 2012, 08:29 pm
A very legitimate question.   Thank you for asking.  Apologies if we're repeating ourselves (or someone else).

We hate shipping internationally.  Really hate it.  In our perfect near-utopian world it would never happen, with each of us happily only ordering and shipping domestically.

The issue is you usually have to fill out a customs form, tell another few lies and break a few more additional laws, go to the post office during regular hours and before their cameras bearing packaged gifts... in short the risk goes way, way up, and the return (including a much lower rate of getting through) is minimal.

Still if there's a market (which there obviously is) people will do it.  Plus it would be very hypocritical of us to say it was a bad idea, since we love and frequently order a certain product that originates in the valleys and mountains of Morocco.

But how much the risk is worth to you is a very personal choice... if it's worth $25 for someone to do it, ya have to kind of take it or leave it...
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: goldgutted on March 23, 2012, 01:22 am
I received a sample of "Blue Dragon" from Pot2Peer a few days ago.
The packaging was very good and safe, (had multiple layers, no smell at all).

The quality of the weed is very good Californian dispensary quality weed.
It has nice hairs and crystals, and the smell is incredibly pleasing (hard to describe the smell, but it smells great).
The bud is whitish in color from all the crystals.

I smoked a little bit of it 2 days ago and remembered loving the taste of it.
It really made me miss having access IRL to California medicinal quality weed.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: orbitalics on March 23, 2012, 05:54 pm
Hey I got a sample of Blue Dragon too. The buds were a little stemmy, great smell (very citrusy). The smoke was a little harsh, felt like it should have been flushed a little longer.

I just placed an order for an Oz of the Abusive OG.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: goldgutted on March 23, 2012, 07:51 pm
Hey I got a sample of Blue Dragon too. The buds were a little stemmy, great smell (very citrusy). The smoke was a little harsh, felt like it should have been flushed a little longer.

I just placed an order for an Oz of the Abusive OG.

I've smoked it a little more, and also found that the smoke is a little harsh, but thought that was due to my pipe since it tends to hit harshly.
But that smell is heavenly.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: moxdiamond on March 23, 2012, 08:03 pm
Just received an OZ of Bubba from p2p. I'm very pleased with it. Exactly like the picture and produces a solid, long lasting high. I will be sure to continue doing business with P2P as long as he is offering OZ listings. Price/quality ratio can't be beat. He always answered my questions surprising fast... I think he must get iPhone notifications when he receives SR messages or something.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on March 26, 2012, 03:32 pm
Thanks for the reviews.  We just got in a limited quantity of quality outdoor bud that we are able to able to offer at really quite competitive prices, significantly below anything else on SR that we can find.  We hope you enjoy it!
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: orbitalics on March 26, 2012, 09:56 pm
I have a oz of Abusive's OG on the way, and I want to get something else too... hmmm so many options.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: ak94w on March 26, 2012, 10:12 pm
I recently ordered a half from p2p, the buds were super small  :(  but this meant no stem :)
However he shipped in a priority envelope, and I could feel the bud in the package.
The pictures were not the best, for bud pictures the new iPhone 4S's camera is great and I think all sellers should use that or a comparable camera so we know what we are getting.

Overall his prices for the quality he delivers is unbeatable.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: jimmyg on March 26, 2012, 10:18 pm
Just got my half ounce of the bubba today.

I have nothing but great things to say about the weed. Great appearance and potency, at a surprisingly low price.

I was pretty disappointed in the packaging though. The box it was shipped in came pretty dinged up, which isn't necessarily the seller's fault, but the contents inside could have been a little more secure. The addresses were also hand written, not a deal breaker with me but certainly wouldn't printed business labels in the future.

All in all, I'm a satisfied customer and will certainly be back, especially at these prices !
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on March 26, 2012, 10:55 pm
Yes, we got slammed early for our packaging but that should be fixed now... no more envelopes, everything flat rate box triple vac sealed and not visible upon opening.

Label makers we're working on ;-)
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: jimmyg on March 27, 2012, 01:02 am
Good to know, always nice when a vendor takes their customers' advice.

Didn't mean to slam it too bad, like I said, I'm a happy customer  :D
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Shaker1013 on March 27, 2012, 01:17 am
can someone link his seller profile link?  I can't seem to find it

EDIT: found it!  and will be ordering soon!
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: 420greenery on March 28, 2012, 01:22 pm
I am very interested in picking up 2-4 ounces from Pot2Peer as he said he has no limit/week on how many ounces he will ship unlike meganug, plus his prices are currently unbeatable and I want to make sure that isn't just to attract buyers that will wait forever for a product over meganugs that I could get in about 3days.

Has anyone on here had a positive buying experience in regards to shipping time from Pot2Peer(bulk amounts) or is consistency a weak point with this vendor?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: JungleBoy on March 28, 2012, 03:23 pm
Got an eighth of the bubba and its exactly what was in the picture.  Some really stinky bud and potent.  One or two of the buds were a little stemmy, but no biggie and he described it as B+ weed which I thought could be considered some grade A.

Packaging was also good..came in a flat rate box!

Only thing is that I don't get any reply's from him in messages.  :(
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: moxdiamond on March 28, 2012, 08:33 pm
I am very interested in picking up 2-4 ounces from Pot2Peer as he said he has no limit/week on how many ounces he will ship unlike meganug, plus his prices are currently unbeatable and I want to make sure that isn't just to attract buyers that will wait forever for a product over meganugs that I could get in about 3days.

Has anyone on here had a positive buying experience in regards to shipping time from Pot2Peer(bulk amounts) or is consistency a weak point with this vendor?

His shipping time is on par with meganug, meaning it's great. You won't be waiting forever if you order 2-4 OZs.
Actually I would say in terms of "time" he beats meganug because meganug will only ship products the first 3 days of the week.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: orbitalics on March 28, 2012, 08:44 pm
I ordered last friday, still waiting but itll probably be here tomorrow.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: 420greenery on March 29, 2012, 01:52 pm
I ordered last friday, still waiting but itll probably be here tomorrow.

Let us know! And which kind of bud did you order? Would pics be at all possible?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: YouWillNeverKnow on March 29, 2012, 02:07 pm
I ordered last friday, still waiting but itll probably be here tomorrow.

Let us know! And which kind of bud did you order? Would pics be at all possible?
I would also like to know. I'm considering ordering a couple oz's, but I wanna see a little more good feedback about shipping times.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: TheRedViper on March 29, 2012, 06:01 pm
Hey guys, I just wanted to post here and relate my exceptional experience with Pot2Peer. Some of you may be skeptical of a new account, but I can tell you that I'm not a new buyer - I've been on this site for ~3 months and have purchased from many of the top vendors. I've yet to have a truly bad experience, which is a testament to what an amazing tool TSR can be provided you do some research and carefully select the vendors you purchase from. Long story short, Pot2Peer's product is as good as anybody's that I've tried and I wholeheartedly encourage anyone who might be interested to give him a shot. Now if you will, please allow me to expand on the reasons that I think so highly of Pot2Peer.

The particular bud that I received was OG Kush. Before I get into the nitty gritty of the bud itself, let me take a moment to discuss Pot2Peer's professionalism. Communication was exceptional, the package arrived in a reasonable amount of time (less than a week to the East Coast) and it was obviously packaged with care. Without going into too much detail about Pot2Peer's method of shipping, I assure you that it was discreet and secure. I could not smell anything from the outside and there were no rips, tears or other warning signs that it had been handled carelessly. The bud was not compressed or overly dry. It was literally a case of open the package, smile and smoke - as it should be.

Now onto the quality of the bud itself - in a word, great. It looked very healthy and was covered in trichomes. The first time I smoked it (in a joint, for what it's worth), I mixed it with a small amount of tobacco and it didn't have what I'd consider to be a particularly strong flavor. The best descriptor for it is "smooth". At first, I wondered if this was a sign that the bud lacked potency. This was quickly proven not to be the case, as a very strong, creeping high washed over me. I would not describe it as "couch lock", but it did make me feel right at home in a chair, playing Starcraft 2. The thing is, I could get up without any problem - I simply didn't want to. My mind was clear and I could retain focus, but I was very high. Subsequent smokes revealed a bit more flavor, but it remained as smooth and potent as the first time. This really is a great, versatile bud. Relaxing, but not overpowering. Potent, but smooth as well. I should mention that I did not cough once, nor did my throat ever feel uncomfortable. Furthermore, as strong as the bud was, I did not experience overpowering dry mouth. All in all, it was a very pleasurable smoking experience.

I sincerely hope that my review encourages you to give this great vendor a chance. I do not stand to gain anything from this, but I do hope that Pot2Peer will. We've all heard stories of scammers and bad vendors (and perhaps have been burned by them as well) and so I think it's only fair to recognize those who are not only fair and honest, but exceptional. Pot2Peer is and he receives my highest (pun very much intended) endorsement.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: princepolk on March 30, 2012, 07:47 am

I would also like to know. I'm considering ordering a couple oz's, but I wanna see a little more good feedback about shipping times.

Me too. Also, is he/are you still doing samples? Id want to check it out before I drop the dough on a bulk purchase :)
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: orbitalics on March 30, 2012, 04:42 pm
I ordered last friday, still waiting but itll probably be here tomorrow.

Let us know! And which kind of bud did you order? Would pics be at all possible?
I would also like to know. I'm considering ordering a couple oz's, but I wanna see a little more good feedback about shipping times.

Alright my dudes I finally received my OZ of Abusive's OG and its redic.
AAA weed.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: lenka58 on March 30, 2012, 05:34 pm
Bummed that I missed out on the outdoor Sour Diesel that this vendor was offering for cheap. Does anybody have any info on the Pepper Jack Frost strain?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: ak94w on March 31, 2012, 07:55 pm
Bummed that I missed out on the outdoor Sour Diesel that this vendor was offering for cheap. Does anybody have any info on the Pepper Jack Frost strain?

I should have some of that Pepper Jack  Frost in today, will report back.
Also I snagged the outdoor SD, you gotta be quick on P2P sales...
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: lenka58 on March 31, 2012, 08:11 pm
I should have some of that Pepper Jack  Frost in today, will report back.

Thanks. I still have my eye on that cheap outdoor bud. My only apprehension is that Pot2Peer is still using handwritten addresses.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: klaaat21 on March 31, 2012, 10:54 pm
Received in 3 days.  No complaints, no smell until opened.  Pretty good packaging.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: princepolk on April 03, 2012, 02:44 am
Bummed that I missed out on the outdoor Sour Diesel that this vendor was offering for cheap. Does anybody have any info on the Pepper Jack Frost strain?

I should have some of that Pepper Jack  Frost in today, will report back.
Also I snagged the outdoor SD, you gotta be quick on P2P sales...

any update on the PJF?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: ak94w on April 04, 2012, 12:08 am
Pepper jack frost was a bit disappointing, but considering I got it for $60 a 1/4 the quality for the price is over the top great.
PJF was not a very 'loud' smelling bud
If your looking to spend $60 on a quad this is the perfect bud.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: orbitalics on April 04, 2012, 03:53 am
Hey, anyone try the Indoor Church OG yet?
I've heard some good stuff about it.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: klaaat21 on April 04, 2012, 04:05 am
Vaping some of the pepper jack.  Very mild pleasant aroma.  Very relaxing. 
Pot2Peer has made my favorites list
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: moxdiamond on April 07, 2012, 05:39 am
Just got the Greenhouse OG. It is kill, for the price it's a monster. Most notably, the shipping has changed in multiple ways. No more hand written labels, and everything else that was asked for. Everyone who ever made one thought to complain, has had their cries met...
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: ionic pro on April 07, 2012, 08:11 am
does the greenhouse got that dank smell to it..? or taste? hows the gdp? all gone now tho..!
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: ionic pro on April 08, 2012, 07:58 am
what happen to all of pot2peers great stuff?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on April 09, 2012, 04:38 pm
We are very grateful to our gracious hosts here at Silk Road and all of the services they provide (user community, escrow, etc).  For additional inventory and a much simpler experience without any of the bells and whistles (although without the SR mark-up either) you may also visit our own site at http://slpxpot2peerm5d4.onion

Also have some more samples to give out, please send a PM...
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: orbitalics on April 09, 2012, 05:38 pm
I want more of the Abusive OG, anyway you can bring it back?
Also, I'm assuming you will restock on AAA top shelf right?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on April 09, 2012, 10:10 pm
Another week for the Abusive...
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: orbitalics on April 10, 2012, 02:35 am
Same crop? or fresher?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: jimmyg on April 10, 2012, 10:53 pm
Just ordered from Pot2Peer's website... Having used his services before on the road, I have no doubt everything will go smoothly.

I'll let you guys know when it arrives later in the week.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: orbitalics on April 10, 2012, 11:08 pm
Thanks jimmy let us know.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Tr1 on April 11, 2012, 07:10 pm
Ordered a 1/2oz of Grand Daddy Purp from p2p. On Friday the 6th it said "In trasit" fast forward to Wednesday the 11th and still nothing. They Will not reply to any PMs. What a time to be dry lol. I'll update if it ever comes.

**Update #1: *I did* get a reply from p2p. Thanks. Still no package, will update again when it arrives, if it does.

**Update #2: *I did get the package. We could debate if it was Grand daddy purp, but what was sent was GREAT. I may come back.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: orbitalics on April 11, 2012, 10:41 pm
Yeah their customer service ain't the best.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Thunderweed on April 16, 2012, 09:28 pm
really wanted to buy from this vendor but so far communication has been horrible, messages have been read and no replies at all for simple queries
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: orbitalics on April 17, 2012, 07:02 pm
I for one, have not had a problem with them, all 5/5 transactions from me.
really good weed and 99% rating.
idk tho its shady lately.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: MagicMan on April 17, 2012, 07:24 pm
I've only bought from P2P once and had a very successful experience. Shipping was fast, product was strong, price was great. I made another order yesterday and will see how it goes.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: ak94w on April 18, 2012, 07:57 pm
Hi guys back again, with this sellers website review.

His website has no escrow but I was willing to take the risk since I have ordered from him on SR before.

I ordered an ounce of GDP, which showed a picture of some buds with many purple patches.

What I received was definitely of quality but not at all the purple stuff I ordered.

So overall I would not order form him if you want the specific strain as he will just send one at random it seems... which is exactly what timetravler and mhm does...
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: jimmyg on April 20, 2012, 07:20 pm
Still haven't received my order from his site... How long did shipping on yours take? Maybe Im being impatient but it's been about a week.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: ak94w on April 20, 2012, 09:57 pm
Still haven't received my order from his site... How long did shipping on yours take? Maybe Im being impatient but it's been about a week.

took a week and a half for me
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: jimmyg on April 20, 2012, 11:47 pm
Ah, I guess I am being impatient then. Thanks for the info!
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: jimmyg on April 23, 2012, 07:08 pm
Gotta disagree with those who knock P2P's communication. Contacted him about a late order and got a response in minutes. Might not get back to you on little questions but if any prospective customers have any concerns about communication rest assured he'll take care of you.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Thunderweed on April 24, 2012, 01:31 am
Gotta disagree with those who knock P2P's communication. Contacted him about a late order and got a response in minutes. Might not get back to you on little questions but if any prospective customers have any concerns about communication rest assured he'll take care of you.

Well I sent him 3 PM's all about a week spaced apart, all were read, none were replied to. They weren't questions already answered as well.

Maybe he only talks to you if you're a customer lmao.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: rdcomm1 on April 28, 2012, 06:34 pm
Ordered Grand Daddy Purple Tuesday evening from the P2P website. Marked shipped on Friday AM. In my mailbox Saturday AM. While it doesn't really look like GDP as I've known it, it was still a killer smoke delivered quickly. While I can understand a certain degree of frustration with long waiting times and handwritten labels, I get the feeling the P2P represents several growers with different shipping methods each. And I sure can't knock my experience with them so far!
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: cis4cat on April 28, 2012, 08:48 pm
Great experience!!!

I made an order through his site and must say all was flawless. 5 days to East Coast.
Was very satisfied with packaging. Was very safe.
So 5/5 for the technical aspects.

As for the bud I ordered "The Church" and again am very satisfied. Its pungent, stinking up my whole room.
The colors of the bud make my mouth water, its fluffy and delivers a smooth smoke and a chill high. Also weighed in 30g--so it was on the heavy side :D. At the price, what more could you ask?
5/5 for the bud.

I recommend this vendor and will be back to use his website.
Thanks P2P!
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: orbitalics on May 02, 2012, 02:33 am
I ordered some Indoor GDP.
Kinda excited, never had that strain before.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: rtguibm67 on May 02, 2012, 05:47 pm
Placed an order for an ounce of the "Special Edition" OG Kush last night (Tuesday night) on SR, labeled as processing right now. Hopefully it will be here by next Wednesday because that's when I can finally smoke.
Will update as status changes.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: LainOfTheWired1984 on May 03, 2012, 08:40 am
I'll post my experience here so far: Domestic shipping, USPS priority

1. Ordered Saturday evening and bitcoins paid. Order "pending."
2. About 24 hours later order is now listed as "processing"
3. Order shipped quick on Monday.
4. Order has not arrived as of Saturday night.
5. Have contacted P2P about my order after 5 business days, as the his site's policy says is the threshold for questions.
6. P2P responded within 24 hours to my inquiry and asked me to wait until 10 business days before either seeking a full refund or a reship. Will update when possible.
7. No order as of Wednesday today. It's been 9 business days and nothing. No explanation or DCN has been given.

****I should add this is through his website and not through SR and so is not protected by escrow. I'm taking a risk and so I hope my feedback can be helpful for others who are curious of the site.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: i3lazd on May 03, 2012, 09:02 am
pot2peer got some dank trees!
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on May 03, 2012, 02:25 pm
Hi there...

We now have DCN #s for every shipment that goes out (as of 5/1)... it took us a while to figure out how to do this securely etc... As with the packaging (and perhaps most things in life) we've learned how to do it right only after screwing it up a few times but have learned a lot and tried to improve out service.  We had been asking customers to wait 10 business days because we had legitimate instances where it would take over a week even with Priority mail.

As users of SR (as well as weed enthusiasts ourselves) we understand how frustrating it can be to have your cash tied up in escrow (or worse, have the weekend arrive and be dry!) so we of course apologize for any missed orders (yes we completely fubared Moxdiamond's order and missed a couple of others, many of them belonging to loyal customers like Moxdiamond which makes it more painful).  We have done/are doing everything possible to make amends and pretty much always defer to the customer in any dispute... if you or anyone you know feels like they were ripped off by Pot2Peer please let us know and we'll do everything possible to make it right.

With regard to our website vs. Silk Road, we certainly aspire to have all of our customers as comfortable placing orders there as on SR.  The issue is (in addition to the 5% markup SR charges, which will always make it more expensive for the buyer) of course escrow.  No escrow means we can more or less stay open 24x7... if SR was our only outlet (or everything was through escrow) we'd sell out, wait for orders to be finalized, buy more product, sell out, wait for orders to be finalized etc...  Obviously we have a ways to go before most people get this comfort level with us but we're very happy with the (growing) business we've been getting there so far and believe both our own site and SR serve an important purpose.

Thanks again for all of your thoughts (and of course your business!)

Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: i3lazd on May 03, 2012, 02:28 pm
Yo Pot2Peer,

you got dank medicinal trees.

what is the strongest OG u got in stock?

vouch tried some indoor OG from you it was FIRE!
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on May 03, 2012, 05:56 pm
Um, that would be our OG Kush Special Edition which, while priced higher than we usually like, provides maximum dankness.  As it were.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: moxdiamond on May 04, 2012, 12:21 am
Waiting to try the OG Kush SE I'm hoping tomorrow, but I got to say the Battleship is completely amazing bud and the best I've seen from p2p (or SR) so far. I got the Battleship today and if the OG SE is somehow even more impressive then I can't wait to see it. I'm glad to see the indoor Bubba back on SR and I'm hoping it gets posted on the other site soon so I can take advantage of that. The indoor Bubba (if similar to last month's batch) in my opinion is the best value for the money if you are trying to go in the lower price range and all my friends that tried it loved it and wanted to try it again.

The abusive OG was also amazing... but I think I know where it got the name from, several people told me they preferred the indoor Bubba because they didn't like being "that messed up." In their defense, it was pretty crippling but I enjoyed it.

NOTE: I removed my multiple posts documenting the situation where my order didn't arrive (or another way to put it would be was never sent), to sum it up everything was corrected and even though it sucked to have to wait I couldn't be happier with how the problem was dealt with. Thanks for making things right with me.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: orbitalics on May 04, 2012, 02:13 am
I just ordered a OG Kush SE from p2p's torsite.
I'll update :)
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: LainOfTheWired1984 on May 04, 2012, 05:28 am
Hi there...

We now have DCN #s for every shipment that goes out (as of 5/1)... it took us a while to figure out how to do this securely etc... As with the packaging (and perhaps most things in life) we've learned how to do it right only after screwing it up a few times but have learned a lot and tried to improve out service.  We had been asking customers to wait 10 business days because we had legitimate instances where it would take over a week even with Priority mail.

As users of SR (as well as weed enthusiasts ourselves) we understand how frustrating it can be to have your cash tied up in escrow (or worse, have the weekend arrive and be dry!) so we of course apologize for any missed orders (yes we completely fubared Moxdiamond's order and missed a couple of others, many of them belonging to loyal customers like Moxdiamond which makes it more painful).  We have done/are doing everything possible to make amends and pretty much always defer to the customer in any dispute... if you or anyone you know feels like they were ripped off by Pot2Peer please let us know and we'll do everything possible to make it right.

With regard to our website vs. Silk Road, we certainly aspire to have all of our customers as comfortable placing orders there as on SR.  The issue is (in addition to the 5% markup SR charges, which will always make it more expensive for the buyer) of course escrow.  No escrow means we can more or less stay open 24x7... if SR was our only outlet (or everything was through escrow) we'd sell out, wait for orders to be finalized, buy more product, sell out, wait for orders to be finalized etc...  Obviously we have a ways to go before most people get this comfort level with us but we're very happy with the (growing) business we've been getting there so far and believe both our own site and SR serve an important purpose.

Thanks again for all of your thoughts (and of course your business!)

Hey Pot2Peer. Thank you for coming on the forums. It's very nice to see you yourself in here. Anyway, nothing has come yet as of 10 business days. I understand you're a bit tied, but if you refund me then all is well. I took a risk knowingly and was documenting my experience.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on May 04, 2012, 11:42 am
Of course, let us know which order was yours (can't tell from your forum ID).  Sorry we dropped the ball, and again we have DCN #s now for every order which should at least help the problem...
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: sniper123 on May 04, 2012, 08:58 pm
I just placed an order on his site for a half of cotton candy. *fingers crossed* :)
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: openyourhead on May 06, 2012, 04:44 am
I placed an order from pot2peer on 4/21 and like others the package never arrived. However, pot2peer seemed very apologetic and gave me the option of a reship or refund. I chose the reship and I now have a DCN#. They just started using DCN#'s so I would be more confident placing an order next time around. Also, I used their site since it was a good bit cheaper. The communication has remained adequate throughout the process. I'll update on quality etc. once I receive the product.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: sniper123 on May 06, 2012, 10:06 am
I placed an order from pot2peer on 4/21 and like others the package never arrived. However, pot2peer seemed very apologetic and gave me the option of a reship or refund. I chose the reship and I now have a DCN#. They just started using DCN#'s so I would be more confident placing an order next time around. Also, I used their site since it was a good bit cheaper. The communication has remained adequate throughout the process. I'll update on quality etc. once I receive the product.
Yeah pot2peer is very good at messaging you back. What kind of bud did you get? There are so many kinds i had a hard time choosing lol. I can't wait to taste that cotton candy. :) Keep us updated.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: openyourhead on May 06, 2012, 07:38 pm
I placed an order from pot2peer on 4/21 and like others the package never arrived. However, pot2peer seemed very apologetic and gave me the option of a reship or refund. I chose the reship and I now have a DCN#. They just started using DCN#'s so I would be more confident placing an order next time around. Also, I used their site since it was a good bit cheaper. The communication has remained adequate throughout the process. I'll update on quality etc. once I receive the product.
Yeah pot2peer is very good at messaging you back. What kind of bud did you get? There are so many kinds i had a hard time choosing lol. I can't wait to taste that cotton candy. :) Keep us updated.
I got an oz of Trainwreck. I'm hoping I get the strain I chose but if not $225 for an oz of AAA is a damn good deal.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: orbitalics on May 07, 2012, 02:50 am
I'm glad pot2peer has improved their service and shipping.
Seems like ordering from their website should be safe.

p2p: can we encrypt our addy on your site?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: sniper123 on May 07, 2012, 04:43 am
I'm glad pot2peer has improved their service and shipping.
Seems like ordering from their website should be safe.

p2p: can we encrypt our addy on your site?
I would recommend encrypting your addy at all times.  When you order off of his site. You can check your past orders on your account and see the shipping info. So i highly recommend encrypting.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: bookworm on May 08, 2012, 12:29 am
My order came today. I have not had a chance to open it yet and look but will check it on in a day or two and let you all know what I think. Based on other reviews I'm sure its dank anyways. There was roughly a 2 or 3 day processing time before the item was shipped as expected. Communicated quickly when needed to. Good experience to any new buyers out there that are curious. There guys are the real deal for sure. Thanks! 8) 8)
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: sniper123 on May 08, 2012, 01:40 am
My order came today. I have not had a chance to open it yet and look but will check it on in a day or two and let you all know what I think. Based on other reviews I'm sure its dank anyways. There was roughly a 2 or 3 day processing time before the item was shipped as expected. Communicated quickly when needed to. Good experience to any new buyers out there that are curious. There guys are the real deal for sure. Thanks! 8) 8)
Ok what about shipping time? What strain?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: innovayahead on May 08, 2012, 07:04 am
I originally ordered from his site on April 10. Waited 8 business days. Nothing. Sent message. He replied very quickly. Stated I needed to wait 10 business days then a refund or a replacement would be shipped. On the 10th business day I still didn't have package. Sent another message. No reply. Messaged again tonight, a week after my last message, stating the entire situation again. Waiting on a response.

I've ordered from pot2peer twice on SR and never had a problem. Shipping was always quick and discreet. I want to order from his store again soon, but just can't until this problem is resolved. I trust he will make things right.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: sniper123 on May 09, 2012, 11:21 am
I originally ordered from his site on April 10. Waited 8 business days. Nothing. Sent message. He replied very quickly. Stated I needed to wait 10 business days then a refund or a replacement would be shipped. On the 10th business day I still didn't have package. Sent another message. No reply. Messaged again tonight, a week after my last message, stating the entire situation again. Waiting on a response.

I've ordered from pot2peer twice on SR and never had a problem. Shipping was always quick and discreet. I want to order from his store again soon, but just can't until this problem is resolved. I trust he will make things right.
What strain and has this been resolved?

People please list the strain if you are ordering from his site. Different strains are shipped from different people. So shipping times should be different based on strain.  If i understand how his site works correctly.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on May 09, 2012, 01:14 pm
innovayahead, not sure what order or message you are referring to... please PM us if you still haven't received a response or resolution.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: LainOfTheWired1984 on May 10, 2012, 08:08 am
Just want to drop in and say that P2P got me my refund today and made no qualms about it. Very standup thing to do. Now with the DCN's, it seems P2P is getting the game straightened up. Looks good P2P.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: sniper123 on May 10, 2012, 10:07 am
Just want to drop in and say that P2P got me my refund today and made no qualms about it. Very standup thing to do. Now with the DCN's, it seems P2P is getting the game straightened up. Looks good P2P.
Does he provides dcn for buying a half off his site. I mean i would imagine he would so he wouldn't be shitted out a half because so and so said they didn't receive.  I can't wait to get my package and get high. :)
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: orbitalics on May 10, 2012, 06:25 pm
So happy with my purchase at p2p site.
I ordered friday 5/4 a zip of the OG Kush Special Edition and i received Wednesday 5/9
this shit is amazing, this shit is redic, this is the shit u gotta smoke

i dont even...
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: moxdiamond on May 10, 2012, 07:10 pm
Orbit, did you have no problem using PGP with your order? I don't want to bother them with the same question if so.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on May 10, 2012, 08:25 pm
Hi there... just to answer a couple of questions:

1. PGP no problem
2. Every order going out at this point, no matter the size, no matter what site it was ordered on, has a DCN attached to it.  If an order hasn't arrived a week after shipping we're happy to provide it (there are legitimate security concerns with giving this information away for every order as soon as it's available, i.e. potentially before it's even shipped).  In addition with our current volume it isn't feasible from a manpower standpoint.


Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: openyourhead on May 11, 2012, 04:02 am
Pot2peer's reship of an oz of Trainwreck arrived after 6 days. Although, once it was actually shipped it arrived in 3 days.

Quality: Very good and definitely the correct strain. The buds have nice trichome coverage and the smoke is pretty smooth. Even with a good tolerance a few hits gets me to a nice level (couchlock and strong head high that eventually dissipates into more of a stoning feeling). This is my favorite type of high as it is really nice for movies or video games. Also, the weight was right on point.

Packaging: I may say to not write the strain name on the first layer of packaging but the product itself was very well hidden, not compressed at all, and had 4 vacuum seals. Also, the address was a label and not handwritten and in a priority box. I won't divulge more on the packaging.

Shipping: Shipping was the worst aspect. Ordered on 4/21 and after 10 days of no package (likely never shipped) they reshipped and I received that on 5/10. The reship had a DCN# and arrived in under a week.

Overall: Even with the slow shipping at $225 (off their website) for AAA weed you can't find a much better deal. I would recommend using this vendor as they now seem to have the shipping more down pat. By far the best quality/price ratio I've seen on SR.

Pictures (Train wreck):

Close-Up: http://xfq5l5p4g3eyrct7.onion/view.php?image=6b818795fd16ca8e1b21c5cd0fa1cafb.jpg

Ounce on a scale: http://xfq5l5p4g3eyrct7.onion/view.php?image=f9da08e1c0a57a3e528e5d1727635880.jpg
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pennyhatchmug on May 13, 2012, 08:48 pm
thanks for the pics openyourhead. i think more people would buy from pot2peer if he had better pictures. i cant order my oz from him until the 21st, but when i do i'll be taking a lot of pics. i just bought a new sony alpha off of craigslist so i can finally contribute some pics to the forums.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: sniper123 on May 14, 2012, 01:32 am
I bought the cotton candy. It took two days to process and shipping took 3. I'm a very happy customer all around. The packaging was fantastic. The product was ridiculous good for the money. Major trichome coverage. If you haven't tried pot2peer i highly recommend them. They have amazing customer service. Now they even  offer dcn. What's there to loose? Keep up the amazing work pot2peer. I'll probably be getting some of that purp on monday. :D
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: innovayahead on May 14, 2012, 04:51 am
I originally ordered from his site on April 10. Waited 8 business days. Nothing. Sent message. He replied very quickly. Stated I needed to wait 10 business days then a refund or a replacement would be shipped. On the 10th business day I still didn't have package. Sent another message. No reply. Messaged again tonight, a week after my last message, stating the entire situation again. Waiting on a response.

I've ordered from pot2peer twice on SR and never had a problem. Shipping was always quick and discreet. I want to order from his store again soon, but just can't until this problem is resolved. I trust he will make things right.
What strain and has this been resolved?

People please list the strain if you are ordering from his site. Different strains are shipped from different people. So shipping times should be different based on strain.  If i understand how his site works correctly.

I ordered 1 oz of OG Kush.

The problem has been taken into a PM here so there is a solid line of back and forth communication as opposed to sending him a message via the site and waiting for an email.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on May 14, 2012, 12:50 pm
Have five 1 gram samples from a new grower we're trying out... PM us if you're interested.  Just need a detailed review of the quality of the product and packaging... sorry US only.

Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Meister on May 14, 2012, 01:33 pm
I got 1oz of Bubba Haze, Pot2Peer was a 5/5 in communicating, answered PM's very quickly, but I should have taken his advice on getting OG SE instead.

The packaging was good, triple vac sealed and covered, and arrived quickly within 3 days.

The bud itself wasn't anything to rave about, I'm used to better looking stuff locally but at a higher price point. However, it smokes better than it looks. My bag had several empty stems in it though, a grams worth to be exact. It's popcorn sized nugs, dark in color and average amount of orange hairs. Very dense nugs, good for bowls, but I also rolled up a joint and found it burns too slow for joint paper so had to constantly baby sit it.

Appearance 2/5 - Dark popcorn size, very dense nugs, some loose stems.
Smell 1/5 - Doesn't have much of a smell, the smell it does have is more of a mids smell (I'm assuming that's common in greenhouse soil grows?)
High 3.5/5 - Pretty good high, and smokes FAR smoother than I anticipated. I don't smoke cigs so hitting my bong is usually harsher for me than others and I cough quite easily. This, however, wasn't harsh at all, very smooth hits.

Considering the price though, I'd say 3/5 - I wouldn't order it again, I think next time I'll try GDP as I'm trying to find that middle ground between getting both the quality and a price point I'm very happy with but I'm confident Pot2Peer is the vendor I'll find this middle ground with.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: alf725 on May 14, 2012, 04:07 pm
Have five 1 gram samples from a new grower we're trying out... PM us if you're interested.  Just need a detailed review of the quality of the product and packaging... sorry US only.


PM'ed you! awaiting for reply  :D
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: alf725 on May 14, 2012, 08:06 pm
I finally got in contact with them and  ordered one sample to try it out. They replied my message super fast, now I just need to wait to receive the package. I'm very excited and looking forward to this. I hope that the product is not going to disappoint me. I'll leave a trustworthy feedback as soon as I receive the shipment. I'm very happy so far because of the service they offer. I'll update as soon as I get the first puff :). They are very cooperative. I would like to thanks them again.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: sniper123 on May 15, 2012, 06:43 am
I finally got in contact with them and  ordered one sample to try it out. They replied my message super fast, now I just need to wait to receive the package. I'm very excited and looking forward to this. I hope that the product is not going to disappoint me. I'll leave a trustworthy feedback as soon as I receive the shipment. I'm very happy so far because of the service they offer. I'll update as soon as I get the first puff :). They are very cooperative. I would like to thanks them again.
They are amazing.  All around Product,Price,Packaging, what more could you ask for?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Freeman on May 17, 2012, 04:54 am
My order was marked in transit today so hopefully in 2-3 days I'll be smokin the reefer.  I went with the Greenhouse OG.  I'll be taking pictures and posting here when I receive it.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pennyhatchmug on May 17, 2012, 09:15 pm
been wanting to order from p2p for a long time, but the pictures on his listings aren't doing the buds any justice.
overyourhead took pictures of the trainwreck and it looks a million times danker than what it looks like on the listing.
so i can't decide on which bud to get. obviously the trainwreck is dank. the blue dream looks good. i really want the sour d or the battle ship but the pictures don't do the bud any justice. if anybody has ordered the sour d or the battleship let me know what you think about it, i want them both in a bad way but i cant decide because of the picture quality. if i can't decide i'm gonna have to go with the trainwreck because i've seen a HQ picture of it. somebody let me know what you would order if you were a connoisseur. i want to know. its so hard to decide when the pictures look like average grade A bud, but somebody will order some and take a picture when they get it and it looks like some AAA top of the line dank. if i'm spending 250 bucks i want to see what im getting y'know?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: moxdiamond on May 17, 2012, 10:07 pm
been wanting to order from p2p for a long time, but the pictures on his listings aren't doing the buds any justice.
overyourhead took pictures of the trainwreck and it looks a million times danker than what it looks like on the listing.
so i can't decide on which bud to get. obviously the trainwreck is dank. the blue dream looks good. i really want the sour d or the battle ship but the pictures don't do the bud any justice. if anybody has ordered the sour d or the battleship let me know what you think about it, i want them both in a bad way but i cant decide because of the picture quality. if i can't decide i'm gonna have to go with the trainwreck because i've seen a HQ picture of it. somebody let me know what you would order if you were a connoisseur. i want to know. its so hard to decide when the pictures look like average grade A bud, but somebody will order some and take a picture when they get it and it looks like some AAA top of the line dank. if i'm spending 250 bucks i want to see what im getting y'know?

I have some Trainwreck right now and you are right it's dank. Look and smell are nice, but the high it produces is the real deal about the Trainwreck. I've tried their Battleship before and it's my favorite that I've ever recieved from p2p. It's price is a bit lower than the other AAA strains but you would never guess it by looking at it. It's absolutely stunning visually and smells just as good. Unlike the Trainwreck which came in HUGE cones that are really cool when handling, the Battleship I was scared to handle much because it looked so nice. I definitely recomend the Battleship. I'm ordering some S.D. today so I'll be finding out the scoop on that next, otherwise I think I've tried most strains p2p has had, except the Blue Dream. Often the pictures don't do the bud justice, but once I had the experience where the product didn't live up to the picture, so it's really hard to tell how good things are by the pics. You won't be disappointed with the Battleship, it's as good as it gets for the price.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Colo on May 17, 2012, 10:38 pm
I've tried the trainwreck and OG Kush. Both great bud and would reccomend. I got an OZ of Blue Dream on the way and may order some battleship soon

Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: jdi3 on May 18, 2012, 07:11 pm
Bought an ounce of Sweet tooth on 5/7. Was told that it had shipped that Wednesday and it would arrive at latest early this week. It didn't come so I e-mailed them. Turns out they had a slight problem with shipping and they reshipped it Tuesday along with giving me the DCN for it. It's now Friday and the DCN status hasn't changed nor have I received the package. This may sound bad, but in all honesty they have communicated very well with me and provided the DCN, I don't doubt P2P, just worried. Will update once I get an update!
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Freeman on May 18, 2012, 07:17 pm
I'll post up pics and review when I receive mine.  I am quite picky about bud and I guess connoisseur.  I usually have to make a compromise as I'm a connoisseur on a budget.  I went with the OG Kush as I have had a steady stream of heavy sativas and I am missing the hybrid euphoria and relaxation.  I'm hoping that this OGK doesn't let me down as I have had my expectations set high by excellent OGK specimens in the past.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pennyhatchmug on May 18, 2012, 09:27 pm
thanks for the replys. i'm gonna order the battleship tomorrow since moxidiamond gave such a good recommendation. if not the battleship the trainwreck because it looks so good in openyourheads pics. i tried to order the sweet tooth last week but it was long gone by the time i got my coins. it was so cheap i knew it wouldn't last long.
but i'll let everyone know how the process goes. 6 people on the last 2 pages of this topic have said theres been problems with shipping but they've all been worked out so i'm not too scared to give it a try. i'm sure everything will go silky smooth. lol
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: moxdiamond on May 18, 2012, 10:34 pm
Here's a pic of what I was talking about with the huge trainwreck buds:


This weighed 7.1g.

Openyourhead has some sick pictures, I wish I had a camera that could do that. His pictures look more amazing than the actual trainwreck looks with just the naked eye. Sorry mine isn't so good. All of it was big strong buds, and you can handle it way rougher than most bud without creating any shake.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pennyhatchmug on May 19, 2012, 07:48 pm
thats a big thick bud. a oz of nothing but big strong buds sounds awesome.
and i just got a badass camera off of craigslist, its a sony alpha. it was listed at 400, but i traded him 165 bucks, a zong, a memphis 12 PR subwoofer and 7 grams of mexican shwagg weed otherwise known as "reggie". lol it was a steal too, its on ebay from 300 to 600. might try to sell it after i've had my fun, its a weird looking camera.
so when i get some bud i'm gonna be taking tons of pics and posting them all on the forum. can't wait.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: alf725 on May 19, 2012, 11:30 pm
I still haven't received the sample I requested them. -.- , and now they don't have any listings ON..... and not answer from them neither.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: moxdiamond on May 20, 2012, 12:31 am
They take their listings off SR when they have too many people waiting to finalize. Their full line is available on their website at http://slpxpot2peerm5d4.onion. And it's only been 5 days since you requested your sample, so be patient...
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: alf725 on May 20, 2012, 01:10 am
I was just wondering, nothing else. Has anyone done any lately transaction with them?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: orbitalics on May 20, 2012, 03:10 am
I am a little disappointed with the sour diesel, not AAA quality.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: moxdiamond on May 20, 2012, 06:24 am
Damn orbit, I have that in the mail. Not the best news.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pennyhatchmug on May 20, 2012, 04:51 pm
Pot2peer needs to invest in a better camera.
If honesty is the best policy, then he needs to label the grade of the bud honestly.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: orbitalics on May 20, 2012, 07:14 pm
Damn orbit, I have that in the mail. Not the best news.

I know, I'm pissed about it.
I shouldev got the blue dream.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Freeman on May 21, 2012, 10:02 pm
I'm awaiting my order of the greenhouse OG Kush.  Today was the 4th business/mail day since being marked in transit.  I normally get priority mail from either coast in 2-3 days.  We'll see what happens.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: jdi3 on May 21, 2012, 10:56 pm
Bud came today! Was expecting Sweet tooth but got Greenhouse OG. The quality is great for the price and the communication was phenomenal. That being said, there were a few problems with shipping and I had to wait a few weeks for the order. 4/5 Will be buying again.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Freeman on May 22, 2012, 07:25 am
The quality is great for the price

Can you say a little more about this?  I mean that's not terribly helpful.  How about a description of the smell, flavor, how you consumed it, trichrome coverage, length of the high, description of the high, details about appearance of the curing, etc?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: moxdiamond on May 22, 2012, 06:58 pm
I have some more Greenhouse OG that should arrive tomorrow or the next day. I'll try to give you some of the details your asking for since it's been quite awhile since I last tried it. One thing I remember for sure is being happy with the product and the price and that is why I'm ordering more. It was well recieved by my friends.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: jdi3 on May 22, 2012, 07:30 pm
The quality is great for the price

Can you say a little more about this?  I mean that's not terribly helpful.  How about a description of the smell, flavor, how you consumed it, trichrome coverage, length of the high, description of the high, details about appearance of the curing, etc?

Sure thing. It won't be until later tonight that I'll be able to actually sit down with it, but once I do I'll give an update on the quality of it along with a few pictures.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Sixteenpointfive on May 22, 2012, 08:09 pm
Can someone post pot2peer's SR vendor page please. Also, can someone from UK who ordered from P2P could tell me how long did the bud take to arrive and was the bud squashed, if yes, how badly?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Freeman on May 23, 2012, 11:23 pm
I received my first order from P2P.  I got the Greenhouse OG Kush and I have another order of Blue Dream on the way.

This is a really nice example of OGK.  It has a dreamy, cerebrally active high.  But by body also has a nice buzz.  Long-acting.  I'm an all-day smoker and this high last 1+ hours.  My girlfriend is a mostly non-smoker and she took 1 drag from a one-hitter and was too high to drive to pick up food.  (That's OK, it's what Domino's is for.)  It's a really uplifting, giggly stone of a high.  Definitely easy to get distracted.  I tend to derail into other subjects when talking and get lost in describing insignificant details.

The buds were quite dry and the weight was dead-on.  The smell and flavor of the bud is exactly what you'd expect from the piney citrus OG scent.  Pungent a fruity. 

PHOTO: http://xfq5l5p4g3eyrct7.onion/view.php?image=d26a0480cfeace2a9ace9693c531aee9.jpg
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: A. Dubois on May 24, 2012, 05:59 am
Here's their own site-


I just ordered a half from them last week. I ordered on a Mon and received the following Mon. While the bud WAS slightly smushed, I wouldn't say it was terrible. It definitely wasn't the way I'm used to treated high quality bud, especially considering the package had room for a protective container. As far as the bud goes, I ordered Train Wreck. The site labels it as a AAA rated strain. I would give it more of a solid A. Good, but not stellar. I lived in the Pacific NW for many years, tho, and I was a grower myself. I have seen some of the most amazing bud the world has to offer. This may leave me a bit jaded. I think the average person would be more than happy with the product, as I was. The price is good too. I paid at their site what I would expect to pay for that bud on the street in the Pac NW. Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Meister on May 24, 2012, 12:56 pm
I received my first order from P2P.  I got the Greenhouse OG Kush and I have another order of Blue Dream on the way.

This is a really nice example of OGK.  It has a dreamy, cerebrally active high.  But by body also has a nice buzz.  Long-acting.  I'm an all-day smoker and this high last 1+ hours.  My girlfriend is a mostly non-smoker and she took 1 drag from a one-hitter and was too high to drive to pick up food.  (That's OK, it's what Domino's is for.)  It's a really uplifting, giggly stone of a high.  Definitely easy to get distracted.  I tend to derail into other subjects when talking and get lost in describing insignificant details.

The buds were quite dry and the weight was dead-on.  The smell and flavor of the bud is exactly what you'd expect from the piney citrus OG scent.  Pungent a fruity. 

PHOTO: http://xfq5l5p4g3eyrct7.onion/view.php?image=d26a0480cfeace2a9ace9693c531aee9.jpg

That's the Greenhouse OG or the OG Kush Special Edition? If that's the Greenhouse OG, the cheapest they had, then I'm amazed. Also could you put up pics of the Blue Dream when you get it? I have some Trainwreck coming I'll put pics of when I receive it as well.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Freeman on May 24, 2012, 07:55 pm
That's the Greenhouse OG or the OG Kush Special Edition?

I received my first order from P2P.  I got the Greenhouse OG Kush


Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: alf725 on May 24, 2012, 10:00 pm
I just received the sample they promised me. The package was very stealth, vacuum sealed. As soon as I opened the bags, the fruit scent hit me hard, the buds smelled delicious; they were thriched out. 9/10 on looks and the high is pretty intense 9/10. Looking forward to buy from them again.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Meister on May 25, 2012, 01:01 pm
That's the Greenhouse OG or the OG Kush Special Edition?

I received my first order from P2P.  I got the Greenhouse OG Kush



Ok so it's not OG Kush then, just OG, still buds look 25x better than the slightly more expensive Bubba Haze I got, they were super condensed, smelled like mids and not very many crystals at all.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: binhaixinqu on May 25, 2012, 04:19 pm
received my sample from pot2peer.  shipping time seem to took a while, but i can't complain, it's free bud and i thank pot2peer for his generosity.  now for my honest review.  packaging was pretty sketchy to be honest, it was disguised as something that it was obviously not, and not sent via a normal priority box.  it was triple vacuum sealed but once the box was opened there was no barrier to immediately seeing the bud.  printed labels though, so not TOO bad, but a little past my comfort level.  the appearance is really good, frosty nugs, looks like top shelf bud.  it smelled pretty good too, not overwhelming but definitely a potent smell.  i smoked some out of my bong and was feeling good while remaining clearheaded, definitely a sativa dominant strain.  compared to an indica its not as strong, but thats how sativas are.  this is well worth the ~$250/o p2p is charging.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Meister on May 25, 2012, 04:23 pm
received my sample from pot2peer.  shipping time seem to took a while, but i can't complain, it's free bud and i gotta thank pot2peer for his generosity.  now for my honest review.  packaging was pretty sketchy to be honest, it was disguised as something that it was obviously not, and not sent via a normal priority box.  it was triple vacuum sealed but once the box was opened there was no barrier to immediately seeing the bud.  printed labels though, so not TOO bad, but a little past my comfort level.  the appearance is really good, frosty nugs, looks like top shelf bud.  it smelled pretty good too, not overwhelming but definitely a potent smell.  i smoked some out of my bong and was feeling good while remaining clearheaded, definitely a sativa dominant strain.  compared to an indica its not as strong, but thats how sativas are.  this is well worth the ~$250/o p2p is charging.

What strain was that?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: binhaixinqu on May 25, 2012, 05:45 pm
he didnt say.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: openyourhead on May 25, 2012, 09:34 pm
I also received my free sample. The high is very clear headed but seems to have some degree of indica in it. The buds are a little loose but really stringy like a Haze might be. The smell was very good (fresh piney, citrusy smell) but not all that pungent. I have a feeling that if I had more and it was stored in a jar the smell may really come out. I have a decent tolerance and the high was long lasting (around 2 hours). My fingers were actually sticky after loading a bowl. The buds are extremely frosty and they are some of the best looking nugs I've seen on SR. As long as the price point isn't too bad this strain is definitely a good buy. My only real negative would be the shipping speed (not slow, just not very fast) and their packaging could have been improved. The use of a priority box would have been a good idea. However, it was vacuum sealed adequately and just slightly smashed.

Here are some pictures:

Size comparison:


Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: sniper123 on May 26, 2012, 08:29 am
Can someone post pot2peer's SR vendor page please. Also, can someone from UK who ordered from P2P could tell me how long did the bud take to arrive and was the bud squashed, if yes, how badly?
They have a way of keeping it from getting squashed. I haven't had a problem with the bud being compressed.

Also, how do i always miss the samples haha. Who also orders straight from the site?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Freeman on May 26, 2012, 07:46 pm
Ok so it's not OG Kush then, just OG, still buds look 25x better than the slightly more expensive Bubba Haze I got, they were super condensed, smelled like mids and not very many crystals at all.

Yes, it is just greenhouse grown OG Kush.  The description on the product page is identical to the description of OG Kush ripped from the web.  It's the same description of OG Kush on as well as I think the one used on the OGK SE that you mentioned.

"O.G. Kush is a mostly sativa hybrid which is very popular throughout Southern California.  Despite its name, this strain is not a "Kush" although it does posses some indica traits and is rumored to have some Kush in its genetic heritage.  OG Kush is very potent and has long-lasting psychoactive effects.  Don't pass this one up if you see it at a local dispensary"
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: maswide on May 27, 2012, 05:05 pm
First order was the Church OG and I thoroughly enjoyed it while it lasted. Second time around I ordered Trainwreck but my order was misplaced. I caught up with p2p a week later on torchat and was offered an upgrade to their new shipment of the more pricey Ogre SE ( which they stated is "also what we use personally." So I figured I'd go for it and 3 days later it arrived. It hasn't been listed yet from what I see but here's a photo of it. Smokes as well as it looks ;D hop on it once p2p puts it up:

Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: A. Dubois on May 28, 2012, 03:04 pm
I order directly from their site. Link to it below. When I ordered some Trainwreck last week the buds WERE slightly squashed. They were placed directly into the vac bag then sealed. It wasn't too terrible but certainly could have been worse. I am almost positive that when you order from P2P that you are dealing with more than one vendor. Pay careful attention where the bud (or other products) you order ship from. Some of them say from EU and CA. So one vendors stealth and vac sealing may be A1 while another not so much.

Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: moxdiamond on May 28, 2012, 05:20 pm
Pot2Peer has a solid record with me of their buds not being compressed. I have never once had to complain or ask that they do a better job. The Trainwreck did come slightly compressed but they also had gigantic buds that were unlike other products. My largest solid bud was 7.1g, and the compression on it was limited considering the overall thickness of them.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Freeman on May 28, 2012, 08:16 pm
I order directly from their site. Link to it below. When I ordered some Trainwreck last week the buds WERE slightly squashed.

Place in glass jar.  Add small (approx. 2" x 2") piece of orange peel to jar.  Wait 12hrs.  Remove orange peel.  Problem solved.

If you want to see squashed, order some Canadian bud from Anarcho47.  FLAT.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: n0n00dz4u on May 28, 2012, 08:22 pm
Personally I'd deal with the squashed nature of the buds.

Just place them in a grinder and collect as much pollen as you can.

Crushing really doesn't do much damage to the thc glands imo. Its just important to collect them.

For studying the botany of the plant then yes you are going to want nugs that are completely intact with little to no damage. But for casual smoking or even connoisseur status crushed high quality buds will work fine.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Freeman on May 28, 2012, 08:32 pm
^^ Case-in-point some people don't give a fuck about crushed buds.  I do.  I like big beautiful in-tact buds.  Bud appeal also helps if you plan on selling any bud to support your own smoking.  I pretty much smoke some of the best bud in the world for free OR even get paid to smoke bud because I buy extra and then sell 1/8s or whatever to a handful of trusted customers IRL.

At one point I was carrying 4 different strains all displayed the same way in jars.  People avoided the compressed buds even though I used the orange peel trick and also carefully "un-squashed" them as much as I could.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Andrewbud420 on May 28, 2012, 08:35 pm
Personally I'd deal with the squashed nature of the buds.

Just place them in a grinder and collect as much pollen as you can.

Crushing really doesn't do much damage to the thc glands imo. Its just important to collect them.

For studying the botany of the plant then yes you are going to want nugs that are completely intact with little to no damage. But for casual smoking or even connoisseur status crushed high quality buds will work fine.

WTF are you talking about pollen? only the male plant produces pollen..... Female plant produces Trichomes.... Glandular Trichomes are the ones we want :)

Here is some more info on Trichomes.....
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Freeman on May 28, 2012, 08:38 pm
WTF are you talking about pollen? only the male plant produces pollen..... Female plant produces Trichomes.... Glandular Trichomes are the ones we want :)

Here is some more info on Trichomes.....

Kief aka trichromes are often referred to as pollen.  All headshops and most cannabis accessory places refer to kief as pollen.  A kief press is a "pollen press" and the stray under the screen in your grinder is the "pollen tray".
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Andrewbud420 on May 28, 2012, 08:46 pm
LOL oh.....

Well.. I stay away from those shops... and useless junk like grinders :P I grow my weed and smoke it..> Don't need many special tools to do so
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pennyhatchmug on May 28, 2012, 10:41 pm
I've perfected the art of puffing up squished buds. Here's what you do boys:
Get you a lettuce leaf, a tiny piece of sponge, a glass jar with a lid, and a plastic bag.
Put all your weed in a plastic bag and poke holes in it with a toothpick or safety pin. (tiny holes)
put the bag with the weed in it into a glass jar with a lid.
Wet the lettuce leaf and blow off all big drops of water.
Wet the tiny piece of sponge and ring it out so its just damp.
Put the sponge under the bag where no holes are.
Put the lettuce leaf on top of the bag. I use a leaf that's big enough to cover the whole top of the bag, and a jar big enough to put at least 2 ounces in. I do this with ounces mostly. 
Shut the lid and wait 3 hours before you open it.
Leave the lid off for 5 minutes.
Shut the lid, and wait 3 hours to open it. Leave the lid off for 10 minutes.
Shut the lid, and wait another 3 hours to open it, but this time leave it open for 30 minutes.
After the 30 minutes, take the sponge and lettuce out and dry the jar out with a paper towel.
If your bud feels kinda moist, put it in a ziplock bag and poke 5 holes in it and don't touch it for 2-3 hours. 
If your bud is still dry and hasn't puffed up, you tried this with reggie. lol
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: cis4cat on May 30, 2012, 12:08 am
I have used his site for all my purchasing from him, this is my second forum feedback for him.
I have done multiple buys on their website.
tried OG Kush, Trainwreck, Banana Kush, -- never been squashed from packaging.

Bud is always great, very dank!!!! and is a sweet deal.
Everyone loves it.
Transit is roughly 5 days domestic.
packaging is great, with safety a priority.
Just put in another order, !
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: smokeninja on June 01, 2012, 03:44 am
I received a sample from pot2peer and here is my review

The package itself was a little different but it worked. Smell was impossible to detect but the bud seemed a little crushed. However I did get to smoke it and can say the bud it of quality. Very strong smell as soon as I opened everything, and the bud was covered in crystals.

Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on June 02, 2012, 11:42 am
Thanks to all those who received samples and provided feedback, both privately and in this forum.  The strain was Headband, still on sale on SR and our web site.  As already mentioned earlier in this forum we do a very high volume and are sometimes forced to remove our SR listings when we have too many orders in transit etc. (it's all about the cash flow) sorry apologize if they keep appearing/disappearing on SR.

We have another round of samples to send out; if you are interested PM us... as usual US only, and of course preference always given to our regulars... and again thank you everyone for helping us to provide a quality and affordable product.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: MixM8 on June 07, 2012, 02:43 am
I'm going to try some of the Outdoor OG- Looks like a hard price to beat for some OG Kush. I'm a little concerned about the shipping speed, but it seems like everyone on here has resolved their shipping conflicts, and had good communication with P2P.
Anyway, I may be new to the forums but I'm not a new smoker  ;D I will follow up with a nice, detailed smoke report.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: HardHustle on June 07, 2012, 08:19 am
Hey does pot2peer do escrow on all orders?

Btw what is the best way to pay via BTC on pot2peer's site? By this I mean what's the best way to get BTC onto his site to pay him?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pennyhatchmug on June 07, 2012, 06:46 pm
You can just leave your coins in some kind of wallet like instawallet and send them to the address his website provides during checkout.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Freeman on June 08, 2012, 07:24 pm
I received my order of P2P's Blue Dream last week.  I was interested to see how good it was as I have never had a really great Blue Dream specimen.  This was it!  Very relaxing cerebral high, plenty of motivation to move around.  I had more memory problems with this than with other strains and would forget what I was saying sometimes.  I love big buds and these did not disappoint with some buds being 3-4" and weighing 2-3g each.  This stuff was so delicious that I smoked through it faster than other strains.  I just couldn't get enough of the high.

Now I've placed an order for Hawaiian Haze through P2P's direct buy site so I'll post a review here when it arrives.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: TheGrandWizard on June 08, 2012, 07:34 pm
Now I've placed an order for Hawaiian Haze through P2P's direct buy site so I'll post a review here when it arrives.

I posted a review of my Hawaiian Haze purchase in the Cannabis Vendors thread.  I'm presently too baked to repeat it, so let's just say the Grand Wizard gives Pot2Peer's Hawaiian Haze two very mellow thumbs up.   :D
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: moxdiamond on June 08, 2012, 11:43 pm
Is anyone else getting the run around on p2p's website right now?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Freeman on June 09, 2012, 03:51 am
Is anyone else getting the run around on p2p's website right now?

You wanna elaborate on that?  Because this is vague as fuck.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: moxdiamond on June 09, 2012, 07:31 am
If it's vague then I'm not talking to you... Have you waited 3 weeks, been promised refunds and that your pot was coming, waited a week, promised your pot was coming, waited a week just to have a promise your pot was once again coming? All the while asking just to get a refund and not get any pot, while not getting anything? If this is the case for you while ordering from p2p's site, then that's what I was referring to. Anyone else?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Colo on June 09, 2012, 08:09 am
If it's vague then I'm not talking to you... Have you waited 3 weeks, been promised refunds and that your pot was coming, waited a week, promised your pot was coming, waited a week just to have a promise your pot was once again coming? All the while asking just to get a refund and not get any pot, while not getting anything? If this is the case for you while ordering from p2p's site, then that's what I was referring to. Anyone else?
I got 2 orders from them last week on their site. Came in 3 days to the East coast.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on June 09, 2012, 11:47 am
We had an issue with some of the Blue Dream orders which had to go to our back up suppliers and caused delays (including MoxDiamond).  We're not trying to give anyone the runaround... anyone who has not received their Blue Dream by the end of next week will get a full refund.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: moxdiamond on June 09, 2012, 05:29 pm
I still don't understand why you couldn't just say that to me? Instead you said "It will come next week, in the future do not order from us again." and then a week later the exact same response, followed by no more responses. So I did nothing wrong, had to endure a very long wait, and the end result has been that I'm no longer allowed to be a customer. Meanwhile still sitting here empty handed. I know you guys feel like your in between a rock and a hard place when there is an issue with a vendor and then you have to deal with irritated customers, but man we feel the same way too. You know that just a little bit of respect is enough to keep most customers happy in delayed situations (actually I can't say that, maybe I'm wrong, but it would have kept me happy and comfortable).  Anyways, have a good day dude, I trust that eventually ya'll will straighten it out.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: bill417 on June 10, 2012, 01:11 am
Hi, do you ship internationally?

Have sent two messages which have been read but not received a reply. I'm a UK customer who's seen your attractive pricing and strains and could be interested in placing an order, perhaps for your larger quantity.

Thanks kindly!
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Freeman on June 13, 2012, 07:52 pm
If it's vague then I'm not talking to you... Have you waited 3 weeks, been promised refunds and that your pot was coming, waited a week, promised your pot was coming, waited a week just to have a promise your pot was once again coming? All the while asking just to get a refund and not get any pot, while not getting anything? If this is the case for you while ordering from p2p's site, then that's what I was referring to. Anyone else?

If you're posting on this forum then you're talking to me and everyone else here.  I had no idea if you were referring to a problem with the website itself, the customer service, or something else.  I am also a P2P customer with an outstanding order and an active member of this community with an interest in both positive and negative experiences.  Due to the nature of our business here a degree of transparency and open flow of information benefits all of us.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: MixM8 on June 13, 2012, 11:04 pm
This is my review of the Outdoor OG Kush from the vendors thread:

Afford-ably priced and arrived within a week in secure packaging without compression of the buds. I packed a bowl of the OG Kush into the vaporizer, releasing thick hits indicative of a kief-y strain. Within a hit or two I felt the effects: A clear headed high with a couchlock, but not a high that would restrain you from doing anything. Rather, this was a high that would be enjoyable before work or exercise, allowing you to focus on the task at hand. The taste was earthy and slightly spicy and the smell of the buds will overtake a room.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: rdcomm1 on June 22, 2012, 11:18 pm
Ordered a half of the outdoor Mr. Nice from the P2P website. 100 all inclusive. Ordered on Monday, in the box on Friday. Halfway through a nice sized bone and I am lit up like a fucking Christmas tree. Good size bud, non compressed, triple sealed and very tasty. For a c-note a half z shipping included, I am one high happy customer!
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: skipperyslope on June 26, 2012, 03:51 pm
Ordered a half of the outdoor Mr. Nice from the P2P website. 100 all inclusive. Ordered on Monday, in the box on Friday. Halfway through a nice sized bone and I am lit up like a fucking Christmas tree. Good size bud, non compressed, triple sealed and very tasty. For a c-note a half z shipping included, I am one high happy customer!

I can also vouch for the Mr. Nice. I ordered a half ounce from SR. Got here quickly. Awesome weed, awesome price. On a second note, I've been considering ordering from the P2P site. Is there a PGP Key that we can use to encrypt out addresses when placing an order on there? Do we use the same one from Silk Road? Or is there no need to use one on the site?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on June 28, 2012, 03:32 pm
Our site is back up after being down about a day and a half to upgrade our bitcoin server... apologies for the interruption, no delays in shipments or anything like that.


Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: cis4cat on June 29, 2012, 08:06 pm
Hello again! Another great buy from P2P's website, Ive spent about $ 2k there now and am always satisfied!
just received my order of Chem Valley which is extremely dank and is AAA+, have another coming tomorrow that im very excited for!

I had one problem with the vendor misprinting my state and it wound up somewhere else, but these guys are on top of everything and i had my reship in my hands a few days later!

First buy? cant go wrong with P2P, amazing bud.

Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: darkslayer96 on July 03, 2012, 07:11 pm

I have placed an order, but had to update the address, I sent a message to you with the updated info..

let me know when this goes out, thanks
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: bill417 on July 03, 2012, 10:22 pm
Hi matey, still waiting on an answer as below.

Hi, do you ship internationally?

Have sent two messages which have been read but not received a reply. I'm a UK customer who's seen your attractive pricing and strains and could be interested in placing an order, perhaps for your larger quantity.

Thanks kindly!
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: darkslayer96 on July 04, 2012, 03:42 am
Sorry guys, Its my first order from p2p...Is it normal for him to be vacant on his thread? or is he just busy?

I placed an order and had to resend my shipping address, and he hasnt replied.. I hope he gets it before he ships it.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on July 04, 2012, 03:35 pm

To answer the various questions posted...

1. We do a very high volume and can't accommodate any custom orders or special situations... think big assembly line.  If our profile or a product description say we don't ship international etc. then we can't do it, apologies etc.
2. It is not at all uncommon for us to go days weeks or longer without answering questions posted in the forums, and certainly not uncommon to have a PM go unanswered... most do, as most are questions we've already posted answers to in our profile (which also explains it would be physically impossible even for a full-time customer associate to go through the volume we receive).
3. We try to be very upfront about both the level of product and service you will receive; realistically you're looking at a couple of layers of bleeding edge technology on top of an already notoriously unstable business.  There are lots of excellent cannabis vendors on SR and the deep web, each with their pros and cons, strength and weaknesses etc. (we've actually tried and enjoyed most of them!)  We've been able to build up a specific clientele but there are many cases when we've suggested for the benefit of all parties involved they find another vendor.

That said, to the guy who's order was sent to the wrong address yeah it almost certainly went to the original address you gave.  They get dispatched almost immediately.  If you would like a DCN showing it was sent to the address you gave us PM us.


Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: darkslayer96 on July 04, 2012, 06:50 pm
Pot2Peer, I just placed my order yesterday, It is still marked processing.  I had sent you the correct address immediately after the order.

Is it possible that this hasnt been sent out yet?

Ive never ever had to cancel an order, hope this isnt my first..
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on July 06, 2012, 05:25 pm
Um, so, not sure how to respond to this except our history on SR would seem to indicate we've done a considerable amount of business and are unlikely to be members of or working in concert with Law Enforcement.  Moreover our policy of not shipping more than an ounce (or only dealing in marijuana) would similarly seem to be at odds with this.  But whatever. 

We do put a lot of effort into our stealth packaging, shipping (changing return addresses etc) and have an excellent track record in this regard (again as our history indicates) although nothing is 100%

If you had an issue with a particular order please let us know and we will provide a refund if we were at fault (I don't believe we've received any PMs from you, although if you feel the need to do it publicly in the forums that's fine).


Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Gusman17 on July 06, 2012, 07:47 pm
I placed on order with P2P a few weeks ago and had a pleasant experience. While it took a little longer than other orders I've placed on sr, the price made it definitely worth it. I don't know what that poster above was talking about--my order was packaged carefully and stealthily. I have confidence in P2P and placed a larger order today and it is in processing now. Can't wait to try the Chem Valley Kush!
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: jesush420 on July 06, 2012, 11:29 pm
Ordered ounce of outdoor sour d Friday, went from pending to processing quickly then shipped on Sunday, can't wait to try it out, and I sure hope it comes on time or else I will be dry :-(.

I'll probably post a review of the outdoor and shipping times and stuff

Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Christy Nugs on July 07, 2012, 02:04 am
REVISED AGAIN Well in one fell swoop a single fuck up by a newbie vendor has effectively kicked me off SR for well probably forever I have no idea where i am going to get another box from an incredibly trust worthy third party, it took quite a bit of effort for me to set myself up on SR, I have been here working out all the details of btc, tor, pgp, and had started moving into linux liberte and tails, I absorbed every bit of technical detail i could and was continuing on buffing my security so that I myself wasn't a liability to SR.  I was working on obscuring my btc trail more, knowing the vulnerabilities of tor and also the hardest task of finding an addy somehow without my name on it that can't be connected back to me.

Anyway excuse the rant, police2peer's order was not even FUCKING TAPED TOGETHER, so of course the box falls open during transit leaving behind a nice incredibly suspiscious looking bag behind that looked well jesus you people can figure it out. Not only did he not tape the box which was inspected when it came to me he also had also fuckin mixed up the order, i received some other poor bastards delivery after I had cancelled from non-communication (A fucking assembly line p2p? are you fucking kidding me? how many people have you put at risk because you sent out deliveries all with the same return address as my package? BECAUSE ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE EASILY HAVE THEIR ADDY'S FLAGGED NOW!  AND SINCE YOU SENT ME SOMEONE ELSES ORDER WHO DIDN'T RECIEVE THEIRS I AM PRETTY SURE  YOU tor-checked the DCN FLAGGING MY GODDAMN BOX which doesn't matter anyway because it was already flagged after receiving a suspicious bag in the mail, anyway I go today to see if there really was damage(check if my next time-bomb of a delivery from p2p had shown up yet) done to my addy and guess who is there? THAT'S RIGHT THE POLICE, a sergeant and a k9 unit! YAY!

p2p i don't know if your a cop or a dumbass BUT NO ONE BUY FROM HIM CHANGE YOUR ADDY'S IF YOU ALREADY HAVE
I knew this place was too good to be true and after so many months work on fucking computer security I got taken off SR because of stupid vendor shipping, and all you people worried about SR blowing up from a bunch of new users, you people have nothing to worry about, the massive amount of scams and vendor stupidity is going to keep the user base of this place down real low, so I'm off to score on the streets again, thanks police2peer!

One last note, before I leave SR I want to apologize to ChristyNugs for getting upset when she cancelled, she was only trying to protect herself and I was rude to reliable vendor, now more than ever i understand why you must protect yourself from morons on SR, the best of luck to everyone

i have never cancelled an order to hurt anyone's feeling - only to protect myself.
honestly I have only had one order in a half year not show up and it was the post office delivering to wrong zip.
i checked.
full refund and lots of counseling on changing addy with trusted customer.
PM: hope u eventually got that free package or that failing u r safe...:)

Being slightly anal on here isn't a bad thing...:P
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: MarchMars on July 07, 2012, 09:26 pm
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: BigScrote on July 08, 2012, 03:19 am
to clear up some details about p2p terrible packaging, yes the box had completely opened with vac bags hanging out (obviously either fallen open in transit or inspected, i suspect the latter after seeing the PIGFUCKERS AT MY ADDY(i suspect this one has been intercepted, don't think for a second i'm going to find out by walking in there like a moron, for anyone who wants to know if i rented a commercial box, the answer is no i did not, fedex or ups just hand your packages over to the police every time they are asked, normal boxes require search warrant(again POLICE WERE THERE INCLUDING A K9) beautiful dog tho, i love dogs too bad they can be used to incarcerate me for simply trying to get medicine for legitimate health concerns i have(PLURAL MULTIPLE HEALTH CONCERNS AGAIN TY P2P) some simple tape would have save me a lot of grief, I cannot use sr until I find another way of receiving packages and I will be using a different account under a different name(RESETTING MY BUYER STATS BACK TO ZERO YAY I GET TO START FROM THE BOTTOM AGAIN) and I am going to WATCH the vendors ALL OF THEM very very very closly before i take a risk again like this, all the computer security in the world didn't do dick for me in this instance but it is my fault for taking the plunge into ordering with a questionable vendor or new vendor, so yes fuck me its my fault

Um, any benzo vendors in the house?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: boy333 on July 08, 2012, 07:37 pm
Ive bought alot before from p2p, i recently started using his site. On my second order i ordered a half. I sent the btc and apparently they werent recieved. I have messaged him and even sent him the link to bitcoinexplorer to see that i did send them. it says he has read my messages but has not messaged me back. I want to order more but im kind of weary at this point. I suggest you buy from him through silk road. If i get a update ill repost here but at this point im out 100 bucks
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: daveh0we on July 08, 2012, 09:18 pm
Pot2Peer has handled some very large orders for me and I have a never had a problem.   The private site although amateurish works GR8.   
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: ET23 on July 09, 2012, 03:40 am
Pot2Peer, me and my housemates blaze alot of bud. I understand you can't ship more than an ounce, but whats your policy on how long until we can reorder?

EDIT: forgot to mention I am within the USA
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: i only want dank on July 09, 2012, 08:40 am
POT2PEER! whats been up with my orders? it seems everything i order here lately i get something totally not what expected... in the past u replied and took care of it.. here today u ignore every single mesg... then i send mesg from a new account and u respond within one day everytime.. now what gives...???
I ordered OG KUSH.. got some seedy outdoor shit... ordered sweet tooth got some more outdoor shit.... i ordrd mr nice.. i was sent some indoor but was not what i paid for.... ordered sour desiel and i got some orange buds....
the only order u fixed was the sweet tooth... i gave me ten percent off next.. now... i think im entiteled to seveal discounts.. lol.. hey can u just reply and let me know.. since the last two or three months.. at least twice a week i have ordered from u.. but the last two weeks i only got two orders... def slowed down the flow..... when will u get some more OGSE!! oh yea.. i got two oz when it first came out.. then ordered two more and got the regular og kush.. again no reply.. wow i cant believe i forgot that one... adn that one hurt most!
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: pot2peer on July 09, 2012, 10:56 am
We would respectfully submit we've kind of reached the point of diminishing returns responding to the posts in the forums as we're getting a lot of rants like the one above that we don't really know how to respond to.  This will be our last post for awhile.

A few points:

1. As our history on SR indicates we have a pretty good record (albeit certainly not perfect) of servicing our customers.
2. If you have consistently received bad service or bad product you shouldn't continue to use our service.  As with any online vendor start small to mitigate your risk.
3. If you have a legitimate issue with your order (i.e. it hasn't arrived a full 10 business days after it was marked as shipped) email or PM us and we will do everything possible to rectify the situation.  As our feedback indicates most orders get there in significantly less time (under a week), however if you absolutely need your product in less time than that you're better off using one of the other outstanding cannabis vendors on SR.

We're up to over 200 inquiries a day so the reality is all other requests and inquiries (can you ship international, which is better xxx or yyy, how's my order coming along I placed 2 days ago, can you put in half of this in with half of that, can you send me a sample, do you deliver to here, etc.) will most likely be ignored. 


Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: MarchMars on July 10, 2012, 05:52 am
Ordered a half O like a month ago, still hasn't arrived and it's not coming.

Took like 3 weeks to get into contact with this guy.

Did not give me my DCN after 2 days.

Buyers Beware. Luckily I'm out only a few bucks because I brought a half to minimize risk.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: daveh0we on July 10, 2012, 08:52 pm
The Best P2P has done for me, other than deliveirng everything I ordered.  Was they shipped 2 oz per one box.  that cut down my mail box from 10 packages to 5 packages which looked  a little less suspicious (yut I bought all the Kushy Kush and it fucking rocked!!!).   Larger boxes with larger amounts would really make it less suspicious. P2P is great.   Smokin that  OceanGrown Kush Outdoor  right now.  Thanks P2P.   

Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: StonerReakingHavoc on July 11, 2012, 07:28 pm
Ordered a half of Headband on Thursday from their site. Marked shipped on Friday. Now it's Wednesday and still haven't got it.
Hopefully it will be here soon. Priority mail has never taken this long so I don't know if it's because it wasn't shipped when marked as shipped or if USPS got a hold of it.
I'll report back when/if it comes, comment about the bud and perhaps take some pics of it if my camera can get a good quality pic of it.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Gusman17 on July 11, 2012, 08:10 pm
The one order I had through p2ps site was post marked a day after it was marked shipped. Besides that, everything else about the order was great.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: mrkushin420 on July 11, 2012, 09:51 pm
anyone have ne feedback on the outdoor sour diesel.price seems great but i want to know if it has that pungent ass smell still??or is there a reason it is so cheap?i really want to try it out and would like to asap thank you
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: IIGOODTIMEII on July 11, 2012, 10:45 pm
well made my 1st order from P2P website. only because the train wreck was not listed on SR. crazy cheap i won't get my hopes up to much but $145 for a Oz. i also wonder about the outdoor Sour D almost ordered a half until i came upon the TW. i asked for it not to be compressed to much and for a single piece of tape over the flap for extra security. will update soon. wish me luck
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: KYmatt on July 11, 2012, 11:20 pm
i got 2 separate shipments from P2P.
OG Kush $195=dank, perfectly cured big colas or stemy buds. classic kush flavor...big overpowering high.all day outdoor couchlock on my fishing boat for sure! would definitely buy their OG Kush again.
 Bubba $195=dark,dank, rock hard indica nuggets. no colas or stemy buds. somewhat flavorless but oh my so potent.  has a mind eraser effect on me. altogether nice nugs.
 if i had to guess both strains were outside left coast crops but i am not omniscient! no complaints here about shipping or handling times. solid vendor that has definitely been down for awhile.

Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: StonerReakingHavoc on July 11, 2012, 11:45 pm
Ordered a half of Headband on Thursday from their site. Marked shipped on Friday. Now it's Wednesday and still haven't got it.
Hopefully it will be here soon. Priority mail has never taken this long so I don't know if it's because it wasn't shipped when marked as shipped or if USPS got a hold of it.
I'll report back when/if it comes, comment about the bud and perhaps take some pics of it if my camera can get a good quality pic of it.

Same exact situation. Except your headband is my oz of sour d. Didn't come today, Ordered Thursday, "In Transit" on Friday. I believe it's against SR Rules to mark an order in transit and not send it out (No where on your profile does it say what days you do not ship. If you don't ship thu-sat you have to list it). I am going to check the DCN (I think they put the DCN's on the flat rate box) when I get mine. Good chance it will say it was shipped monday.

I hate when vendors do that shit. Please, if it didn't ship do not mark it in transit. You literally will get less messages. I promise. If it takes you 48 h to process an order, THEN SAY SO! Seriously, please. I love your prices, please make me want to come back. I think if people know what they can expect (If it's 48 hours then say, hey it will take us 2 days to process the order, then it should take between 2-4 days or w/e). Honestly i've never had a priority package off this site take longer than 2-4 days. One time, one package took 5 days but thats the max. We are already working on Day 6, see what I mean?
I don't know about SR rules but I got mine off their site.
But I do agree that vendors shouldn't mark their items as shipped until it is actually shipped.
This is my first time using P2P, the prices for their bud is amazing I don't know how they do it and still make a profit.
Although it might take awhile to get it out I'm not to worried about the shipping time as long as it gets here because $85 for a half of great grade bud is a steal. In my area a half of mids (mids as very little seed and is actually green) goes for $80-100
Hope both of ours gets here tomorrow and that the USPS person didn't take it for themselves lol.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: daveh0we on July 11, 2012, 11:54 pm
Fuck all the bitching P2P will get you your shit. 
5-10 days for good weed at a good price is acceptable. 

All this publicitiy will make the line longer.  I am scared for the crew I cant imagine its easy to expand that kind of business.
  kicking self in ass again.

Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: tintozardoz on July 12, 2012, 03:47 am
good to know others are waiting since I'm doing the same.  Reading back a few pages it looks like P2P is swamped.  Even better to know that packages are still arriving. 

It's been 8 business days since my order was marked as shipped, but I'll wait patiently for my order with anticipation.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: KYmatt on July 12, 2012, 11:56 am
i dont know how long you guys been in the game but...just imagine trying to ship 100 orders a day, 200, 300. you cant just walk into the post office with 100 packages or schedule a pickup online at in transit means the package is en route to be mailed or is in the mail. most large operations have multiple couriers, making multiple drops over several days at different drop boxes or post offices. be realistic! this ain't the home shopping network or EBAY. you should be impressed as hell that your package even arrives and you were saved the hassle of having to hustle up your own bag! peace.

Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: KaoticS on July 12, 2012, 05:55 pm
Update: Apparently I am the asshole. Ship date - 7/6/12 - I will make appropriate edits and come back here in a little with a smoke report on the Sour Diesel. (Camera is broken.... wtf)

I have never in my life had priority mail take that long. Apologies P2P
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: homer2006 on July 12, 2012, 08:53 pm
I'm interested in P2P's Outdoor sour diesel and Trainwreck,   if anyone has tried it before I'd appreciate a quick review of potency and taste.

I Wanna know how good it is before I order.

Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: ak94w on July 12, 2012, 11:39 pm
Guys you are probably wondering what P2P's outdoor strains are like....

I received some outdoor headband today, on one end this cannabis is of a darker somewhat brown color but on the other many of the tricombs are amber! As many cannabis enthusiasts may realize amber tricombs are preferred above white ones.

So overall I am in love with P2P's outstanding cheap outdoor grown cannabis, BUT I recently have been having loads of trouble ordering directly from P2P's site as he doesn't have any customer support. But I'm a addict I keep coming back for his low prices but hate getting burned. So far I got burned for $100 because one of his prices on his site was wrong and he wont answer and messages/emails.

He has $100 worth of bitcoins of mine that he just took and hasn't acknowledged but he is probably overwhelmed with messages all the time, so maybe i'll get them back but right now he should maybe hire someone to do customer support.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: StonerReakingHavoc on July 13, 2012, 05:12 am
Update: Apparently I am the asshole. Ship date - 7/6/12 - I will make appropriate edits and come back here in a little with a smoke report on the Sour Diesel. (Camera is broken.... wtf)

I have never in my life had priority mail take that long. Apologies P2P
Well that's weird mine never came today.
From reviews some got their bud from when they ordered on Sunday and someone else got theirs in just 3 days.
USPS Priority Mail isn't standing up to their 2 days in most cases claim.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: blowdrobro on July 13, 2012, 05:19 am
I didn't have time to go through all the post, but I was considering ordering a OZ of his headband and I was wondering if anyone has tried it and how it is. Thanks.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: blitz2000 on July 13, 2012, 06:23 pm
My friend order an OZ of kushie kush and it came in 3 days, it was a very good deal for the price.  I find it odd though, he ordered a half of outdoor sour d at the same exact time and that still hasn't came after 5 days.  I hope it comes soon or P2P responds to my messages.  I know he's probably really busy, but i hope he can straighten it out!
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: IIGOODTIMEII on July 13, 2012, 07:31 pm
well i ordered a OZ of outdoor train wreck. with in 12h it said shipped. if true that is fucking great. to blitz if you read back in the pages you will see its a bunch of different vendors. so i bet you ordered from 2 different guys. will update when it comes in.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: StonerReakingHavoc on July 13, 2012, 09:01 pm
Update: Got my order today!

Shipping: Good, 7 days from shipping it. Somehow Priority Mail took that long? USPS needs to get their shit together.
Packaging: It's decent, although if busted open it would easily get identified. I think if I requested it when I ordered it they would of put something in it.
                  It was triple vac sealed, I love that!
Bud: Headband. $85 an 1/2! I never had it before so I assume that's what it is. I know for that cheap it isn't going to be the best, but I it is very good though. It's seedless, smells great.
                           Came in at 14.2   Has a good taste, not too harsh. I was able to get a ok pic          http://squareh565qgkioq.onion/?board_id=1&img_name=90f7ae50-789d-4124-8a54-6289c43fda16.jpg

Great bud at an awesome price! Thanks P2P, I'll be back for more.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: jesush420 on July 14, 2012, 05:32 pm
I got it  :-D 5 business days as advertised, from the vendor's website. it was marked shipped monday, and got it Saturday. very smellproof.

The outdoor sour diesel is a huge value. Without a doubt the best buy in all of my experience buying. What I got was great outdoor bud, seedless and smelled great, and it looked good, a little frosty! ridiculously potent for the price paid. If I were to sell this here in the southeast I would make double what I paid. Sure shipping was a couple days longer than other sellers on the road, but the bud surely made up for it. This is probably also the best price-to-quality level on the road.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: International on July 14, 2012, 06:24 pm
Pot2Peer has good products for the most part. But I recommend avoiding the Chem Valley Kush.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: homer2006 on July 14, 2012, 07:54 pm
Pot2Peer has good products for the most part. But I recommend avoiding the Chem Valley Kush.

Why, is it bad?

What would you recommend then.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Gusman17 on July 14, 2012, 08:00 pm
Pot2Peer has good products for the most part. But I recommend avoiding the Chem Valley Kush.

I recently received an order of chem valley from p2p and am quite satisfied with it. A nice high energy sativa high.

order came quicker than before and was more stealthy. P2P will continue to receive my business.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Silver Horse on July 15, 2012, 02:58 pm
I'm having a problem i sent my payment 3 days ago on his site but now my order status is cancelled and and now p2p's not replying to anything to take care of it. I am fine with him cancelling my order but i need my money back then. I sent the money for the order to his site and now the order is cancelled and he's not replying so how am I supposed to get my money back or a replacement  order??

I've made an order with p2p before thru SR and it worked out perfectly. I instantly loved the super fast shipping and the amazing product. and I went ahead to make my order on his site and sent the money a few days ago to his site and now my money is caught up because my order was cancelled.

I want to order more!!! but I cant until my money is back...
Please P2P help me out I love being ur customer !
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: bookworm on July 15, 2012, 07:08 pm
i have ordered from p2p before. they dont ship themselves i dont think so usually stays as processing for  couple of days before shipped. on point with count.. i would ask abotu quality before ordering something specific. if teh price is low its low for a reason... i am yet to try their higher end stuff... but will soon. they only ship an oz at a time so you need to order 1 at a time... and id think same with the next order, several day wait in between. ;D
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: EuphExtreme on July 16, 2012, 09:51 pm
My 2nd purchase from SR was an O of Outdoor Sour D from Pot2Peer. Shipping took 5 working days priority mail, not too bad.

Product was triple-vacuumed and undetectable. Couldn't have asked for better packaging. 10/10

Outdoor Sour D was dark with a lot of red hairs and some frostiness. Great smell.

Pretty underwhelming in the taste department, but it's great where it counts. The high from this is great. Soaring and long-lasting. I would gladly pay my normal street prices for this bud I got for almost half the price.

I am a Pot2Peer fan! Very satisfied!
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: rtguibm67 on July 17, 2012, 06:47 pm
This is my second time ordering from P2P, the first time off SR, and this time off of P2P's website. The first time went well (I had written a post, but it looks like it disappeared?), quick shipping, excellent product. This time, not as smoothly. I've sent 2 messages to P2P to help work out my issues, but I haven't gotten any response in the last 1.5 weeks
 Quick shipping and good packaging, BUT they didn't use the name I gave them for the address, rather used some generic name. Luckily where I live, random names are almost expected (rental houses around, central mailbox), but it pisses me off, because someone could get burned by the use of generic names.
The second problem was the trainwreck I ordered (1/2 oz trainwreck and 1/2 oz headband) was 3.4g short, the headband was right on, 14.2g. Almost an eighth off is hurtful though, I don't know if the vendor thought they could eyeball it or what.

As far as the quality goes, the headband is pretty good, the trainwreck is alright. Both are pretty harsh, but a good deal for the money. Honestly though, at least for the trainwreck, you would be better off spending another $60/oz and getting some AAA stuff. Compared to the special edition OG I ordered last time, this stuff just doesn't cut it. I have to take bowls twice as large. The headband is right on the line as far as spending a bit more, its definitely not as potent as the SE OG Kush, but its definitely still quality.

I will probably order again, but I'm gonna make sure the weed is top notch beforehand. P2P needs better pictures I think.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: erko78 on July 17, 2012, 08:26 pm
I can't be the only one who's waiting on a order of 7+ days since being marked in transit,  can I?  I'd love to hear from some others who are or were in a similar situation shipping wise and how long it took them to receive?  I'm usually not worried,  but I plan on moving out to a new place within a week or so,  so it's kind of starting to worry me as I won't be having the keys to my previous mail address once I move...  Any help or input is greatly appreciated.  Like I said I still expect it to arrive,  just kind of confused how others who've ordered AFTER me have received it before me while being on the same coast (east coast)?!

EDIT:  Another day of NOTHING in the mail,  while I read feedback on his page of people receiving theirs within 3-5 days while being on the same Coast.  WHAT IS THIS SHIT????  And I just received something from the UK that I ordered WAY after my order with pot2peer and STILL NOTHING.  I messaged him with a DCN request...this is getting ridiculous though.  I honestly think he forgot to ship my package out or they wrote the wrong address or something. 
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: MarsProtege on July 17, 2012, 11:05 pm
I got 2 g's Super melt hash from P2P

delivery: 5/5   3 days to arrive domestic.
stealth: 5/5      Stealth was ok triple vac sealed
weight: 5/5      Was exact
comms: n/a      No need  to message smooth transaction
product: 4/5    It did not melt at all I figured it would because of the name. It was more like pressed Pollen not bad but not great also a little harsh but again not bad
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: daveh0we on July 19, 2012, 02:14 am
I can't be the only one who's waiting on a order of 7+ days since being marked in transit,  can I?  I'd love to hear from some others who are or were in a similar situation shipping wise and how long it took them to receive?  I'm usually not worried,  but I plan on moving out to a new place within a week or so,  so it's kind of starting to worry me as I won't be having the keys to my previous mail address once I move...  Any help or input is greatly appreciated.  Like I said I still expect it to arrive,  just kind of confused how others who've ordered AFTER me have received it before me while being on the same coast (east coast)?!

EDIT:  Another day of NOTHING in the mail,  while I read feedback on his page of people receiving theirs within 3-5 days while being on the same Coast.  WHAT IS THIS SHIT????  And I just received something from the UK that I ordered WAY after my order with pot2peer and STILL NOTHING.  I messaged him with a DCN request...this is getting ridiculous though.  I honestly think he forgot to ship my package out or they wrote the wrong address or something.

YEah waiting sucks.  with p2p its 5-10 days. after 10 days you contact them.    I dont think they use priority they use first class postage and put it in a priority box. 

My biggest peave is the 1 oz per box.  Course I live in a state where we are allowed up to a lb before it turns into trouble.  So I would have to complain. most states it is one oz so it makes since to do the one oz per box thing.

My phone is ringing off the hook.  my text wont stop beeping.  I had an oz show up friday and it was gone by monday.  I am waiting on more.  somedays I get my P2P in 3 days, and that is awesome but then I expect another 3-4 days and its on the 5-10 day plan.     

My real Mr. Orange Experience  (unlike that lying rat):    3 pickups ago  drug dog and police on site.  They where not there for me, or the mail but they where parked in front of the mail box.  I walked up to that over flowing  mail box opened my backpack put the four 1 oz  Pot 2 Peer packages in. and walked off.   No take down no nothing just kept on walking to my spot.   opened em up and everything I ordered was there(1 oz of Afghan Goo, and 3 ozs OG Kush). I HAve since picked up 3 more oz of purple kush from P2P at the same box with no issues.   P2P is  the best.    Jonesing for some P2P right now.    Tomorrow should be my lucky day and hopefully yours.     

Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: erko78 on July 19, 2012, 07:55 am
I can't be the only one who's waiting on a order of 7+ days since being marked in transit,  can I?  I'd love to hear from some others who are or were in a similar situation shipping wise and how long it took them to receive?  I'm usually not worried,  but I plan on moving out to a new place within a week or so,  so it's kind of starting to worry me as I won't be having the keys to my previous mail address once I move...  Any help or input is greatly appreciated.  Like I said I still expect it to arrive,  just kind of confused how others who've ordered AFTER me have received it before me while being on the same coast (east coast)?!

EDIT:  Another day of NOTHING in the mail,  while I read feedback on his page of people receiving theirs within 3-5 days while being on the same Coast.  WHAT IS THIS SHIT????  And I just received something from the UK that I ordered WAY after my order with pot2peer and STILL NOTHING.  I messaged him with a DCN request...this is getting ridiculous though.  I honestly think he forgot to ship my package out or they wrote the wrong address or something.

YEah waiting sucks.  with p2p its 5-10 days. after 10 days you contact them.    I dont think they use priority they use first class postage and put it in a priority box. 

My biggest peave is the 1 oz per box.  Course I live in a state where we are allowed up to a lb before it turns into trouble.  So I would have to complain. most states it is one oz so it makes since to do the one oz per box thing.

My phone is ringing off the hook.  my text wont stop beeping.  I had an oz show up friday and it was gone by monday.  I am waiting on more.  somedays I get my P2P in 3 days, and that is awesome but then I expect another 3-4 days and its on the 5-10 day plan.     

My real Mr. Orange Experience  (unlike that lying rat):    3 pickups ago  drug dog and police on site.  They where not there for me, or the mail but they where parked in front of the mail box.  I walked up to that over flowing  mail box opened my backpack put the four 1 oz  Pot 2 Peer packages in. and walked off.   No take down no nothing just kept on walking to my spot.   opened em up and everything I ordered was there(1 oz of Afghan Goo, and 3 ozs OG Kush). I HAve since picked up 3 more oz of purple kush from P2P at the same box with no issues.   P2P is  the best.    Jonesing for some P2P right now.    Tomorrow should be my lucky day and hopefully yours.   
I really hope you're right about our lucky day being today :).  It just sucks waiting while reading feedback of people receiving theirs within 2-3 days and knowing they ordered after me.  I mean p2p has a good record so I'm optimistic I'll get it or work this out with p2p.  Yea I wish I could grab more than OZ too,  it must suck getting 4 different boxes when ordering a qp :-/ .... oh and you got balls man,  grabbing your mail like that right in front of the dog and police lmao,  I would've just walked away until they were gone lol. 
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: daveh0we on July 19, 2012, 10:51 am

I really hope you're right about our lucky day being today :).  It just sucks waiting while reading feedback of people receiving theirs within 2-3 days and knowing they ordered after me.  I mean p2p has a good record so I'm optimistic I'll get it or work this out with p2p.  Yea I wish I could grab more than OZ too,  it must suck getting 4 different boxes when ordering a qp :-/ .... oh and you got balls man,  grabbing your mail like that right in front of the dog and police lmao,  I would've just walked away until they were gone lol.

Yeah a qp in 4 boxes does suck.   it looks weird having a mountain of boxes sticking out of a mail box.   Course it only looks weird to me because I know what is in those boxes.  Still though Id imagine it would be cheaper to mail one package versus four separate packages.   I like the Humboldt county newspapers that they wrap the foodsaver bags up with.  A black trashbag would weigh less.  Four boxes and four copies of the same newspaper it must cost them more to ship and makes my mail lady work harder with 4 boxes instead of 1.   

There are days I want to hand the Mail lady a hundred but I know that would be the end of our arrangement.

I hope Pot2Peer is reading this as I have been putting these points in every order I make on their onion site.

Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: tintozardoz on July 19, 2012, 01:37 pm
i dont know how long you guys been in the game but...just imagine trying to ship 100 orders a day, 200, 300. you cant just walk into the post office with 100 packages or schedule a pickup online at in transit means the package is en route to be mailed or is in the mail. most large operations have multiple couriers, making multiple drops over several days at different drop boxes or post offices. be realistic! this ain't the home shopping network or EBAY. you should be impressed as hell that your package even arrives and you were saved the hassle of having to hustle up your own bag! peace.


Take heed this advice!  I received my package about 10 days after it was reported to be shipped.  Premium product for a outstanding price.  Shipped discretely and triple vacuum sealed.  Viva Pot2Peer!  I will be ordering again.  :)
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: erko78 on July 19, 2012, 09:32 pm

I really hope you're right about our lucky day being today :).  It just sucks waiting while reading feedback of people receiving theirs within 2-3 days and knowing they ordered after me.  I mean p2p has a good record so I'm optimistic I'll get it or work this out with p2p.  Yea I wish I could grab more than OZ too,  it must suck getting 4 different boxes when ordering a qp :-/ .... oh and you got balls man,  grabbing your mail like that right in front of the dog and police lmao,  I would've just walked away until they were gone lol.

Yeah a qp in 4 boxes does suck.   it looks weird having a mountain of boxes sticking out of a mail box.   Course it only looks weird to me because I know what is in those boxes.  Still though Id imagine it would be cheaper to mail one package versus four separate packages.   I like the Humboldt county newspapers that they wrap the foodsaver bags up with.  A black trashbag would weigh less.  Four boxes and four copies of the same newspaper it must cost them more to ship and makes my mail lady work harder with 4 boxes instead of 1.   

There are days I want to hand the Mail lady a hundred but I know that would be the end of our arrangement.

I hope Pot2Peer is reading this as I have been putting these points in every order I make on their onion site.

Hahah yeah I would not recommend hooking the mail lady up with a $100 lol that might just raise some suspicion haha.  Btw what's the status on your package?  Another day gone and no product for me :-/....pot2peer did reply to my DCN Request so I guess we will work it out soon.  I'm running low on weed and I'm slowly getting into panic mode lol.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: MarchMars on July 20, 2012, 05:55 am

I really hope you're right about our lucky day being today :).  It just sucks waiting while reading feedback of people receiving theirs within 2-3 days and knowing they ordered after me.  I mean p2p has a good record so I'm optimistic I'll get it or work this out with p2p.  Yea I wish I could grab more than OZ too,  it must suck getting 4 different boxes when ordering a qp :-/ .... oh and you got balls man,  grabbing your mail like that right in front of the dog and police lmao,  I would've just walked away until they were gone lol.

Yeah a qp in 4 boxes does suck.   it looks weird having a mountain of boxes sticking out of a mail box.   Course it only looks weird to me because I know what is in those boxes.  Still though Id imagine it would be cheaper to mail one package versus four separate packages.   I like the Humboldt county newspapers that they wrap the foodsaver bags up with.  A black trashbag would weigh less.  Four boxes and four copies of the same newspaper it must cost them more to ship and makes my mail lady work harder with 4 boxes instead of 1.   

There are days I want to hand the Mail lady a hundred but I know that would be the end of our arrangement.

I hope Pot2Peer is reading this as I have been putting these points in every order I make on their onion site.

Hahah yeah I would not recommend hooking the mail lady up with a $100 lol that might just raise some suspicion haha.  Btw what's the status on your package?  Another day gone and no product for me :-/....pot2peer did reply to my DCN Request so I guess we will work it out soon.  I'm running low on weed and I'm slowly getting into panic mode lol.

Pot2Peer will probably not get you your order. I was in the same situation a while ago. After 10 days I tried to contact him and he did not reply until 3 weeks in. I have NO idea where the hell that order went, even if it was delivered, but good enough for me it was only a small order.

So yeah theres a chance that you might not get your package man. Feels bad.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: daveh0we on July 20, 2012, 11:24 am

I really hope you're right about our lucky day being today :).  It just sucks waiting while reading feedback of people receiving theirs within 2-3 days and knowing they ordered after me.  I mean p2p has a good record so I'm optimistic I'll get it or work this out with p2p.  Yea I wish I could grab more than OZ too,  it must suck getting 4 different boxes when ordering a qp :-/ .... oh and you got balls man,  grabbing your mail like that right in front of the dog and police lmao,  I would've just walked away until they were gone lol.

Yeah a qp in 4 boxes does suck.   it looks weird having a mountain of boxes sticking out of a mail box.   Course it only looks weird to me because I know what is in those boxes.  Still though Id imagine it would be cheaper to mail one package versus four separate packages.   I like the Humboldt county newspapers that they wrap the foodsaver bags up with.  A black trashbag would weigh less.  Four boxes and four copies of the same newspaper it must cost them more to ship and makes my mail lady work harder with 4 boxes instead of 1.   

There are days I want to hand the Mail lady a hundred but I know that would be the end of our arrangement.

I hope Pot2Peer is reading this as I have been putting these points in every order I make on their onion site.

Hahah yeah I would not recommend hooking the mail lady up with a $100 lol that might just raise some suspicion haha.  Btw what's the status on your package?  Another day gone and no product for me :-/....pot2peer did reply to my DCN Request so I guess we will work it out soon.  I'm running low on weed and I'm slowly getting into panic mode lol.

Pot2Peer will probably not get you your order. I was in the same situation a while ago. After 10 days I tried to contact him and he did not reply until 3 weeks in. I have NO idea where the hell that order went, even if it was delivered, but good enough for me it was only a small order.

So yeah theres a chance that you might not get your package man. Feels bad.

Fuck you they wont. They always get my order.   ive ordered more than a few pounds from them over the past 3 months and I received everything I've ordered.   Your probably some sucker growing weed in your mommies basement covered with mold trying to come up.      Pot2Peer always gets me my cannabis.  It is not one person it is a crew and they kick ass.   
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: erko78 on July 20, 2012, 09:54 pm

I really hope you're right about our lucky day being today :).  It just sucks waiting while reading feedback of people receiving theirs within 2-3 days and knowing they ordered after me.  I mean p2p has a good record so I'm optimistic I'll get it or work this out with p2p.  Yea I wish I could grab more than OZ too,  it must suck getting 4 different boxes when ordering a qp :-/ .... oh and you got balls man,  grabbing your mail like that right in front of the dog and police lmao,  I would've just walked away until they were gone lol.

Yeah a qp in 4 boxes does suck.   it looks weird having a mountain of boxes sticking out of a mail box.   Course it only looks weird to me because I know what is in those boxes.  Still though Id imagine it would be cheaper to mail one package versus four separate packages.   I like the Humboldt county newspapers that they wrap the foodsaver bags up with.  A black trashbag would weigh less.  Four boxes and four copies of the same newspaper it must cost them more to ship and makes my mail lady work harder with 4 boxes instead of 1.   

There are days I want to hand the Mail lady a hundred but I know that would be the end of our arrangement.

I hope Pot2Peer is reading this as I have been putting these points in every order I make on their onion site.

Hahah yeah I would not recommend hooking the mail lady up with a $100 lol that might just raise some suspicion haha.  Btw what's the status on your package?  Another day gone and no product for me :-/....pot2peer did reply to my DCN Request so I guess we will work it out soon.  I'm running low on weed and I'm slowly getting into panic mode lol.

Pot2Peer will probably not get you your order. I was in the same situation a while ago. After 10 days I tried to contact him and he did not reply until 3 weeks in. I have NO idea where the hell that order went, even if it was delivered, but good enough for me it was only a small order.

So yeah theres a chance that you might not get your package man. Feels bad.
Well I logged on today and saw a message that my order was canceled by pot2peer after I asked for the DCN.  I don't want to jump to conclusions but clearly something wasn't right if he would've just canceled my order like that and returned my money.  I'm assuming they forgot to ship out,  or he realized after checking the DCN that he spelled the address wrong or sent it to the wrong address,  I don't know I'm just happy I got my money back at least.  It sucks checking your mail every day,  and it sucks I lost about 10 days when I could've just ordered from somebody else...Such a shame,  he has great prices and I really wanted this to work it out  :-\
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: jeffsandwich on July 21, 2012, 05:13 pm
Pot2Peer got me a nice hookup, I want to say it was about 5 days to the middle of the country.  I can't complain, good bud, good price, good stealth (triple vac'ed iirc).  The only reason I haven't ordered more is there are guys who can get stuff out in much less time and I'm a bit impatient since it gets consumed rapidly enough.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: MarchMars on July 21, 2012, 10:17 pm

I really hope you're right about our lucky day being today :).  It just sucks waiting while reading feedback of people receiving theirs within 2-3 days and knowing they ordered after me.  I mean p2p has a good record so I'm optimistic I'll get it or work this out with p2p.  Yea I wish I could grab more than OZ too,  it must suck getting 4 different boxes when ordering a qp :-/ .... oh and you got balls man,  grabbing your mail like that right in front of the dog and police lmao,  I would've just walked away until they were gone lol.

Yeah a qp in 4 boxes does suck.   it looks weird having a mountain of boxes sticking out of a mail box.   Course it only looks weird to me because I know what is in those boxes.  Still though Id imagine it would be cheaper to mail one package versus four separate packages.   I like the Humboldt county newspapers that they wrap the foodsaver bags up with.  A black trashbag would weigh less.  Four boxes and four copies of the same newspaper it must cost them more to ship and makes my mail lady work harder with 4 boxes instead of 1.   

There are days I want to hand the Mail lady a hundred but I know that would be the end of our arrangement.

I hope Pot2Peer is reading this as I have been putting these points in every order I make on their onion site.

Hahah yeah I would not recommend hooking the mail lady up with a $100 lol that might just raise some suspicion haha.  Btw what's the status on your package?  Another day gone and no product for me :-/....pot2peer did reply to my DCN Request so I guess we will work it out soon.  I'm running low on weed and I'm slowly getting into panic mode lol.

Pot2Peer will probably not get you your order. I was in the same situation a while ago. After 10 days I tried to contact him and he did not reply until 3 weeks in. I have NO idea where the hell that order went, even if it was delivered, but good enough for me it was only a small order.

So yeah theres a chance that you might not get your package man. Feels bad.

Fuck you they wont. They always get my order.   ive ordered more than a few pounds from them over the past 3 months and I received everything I've ordered.   Your probably some sucker growing weed in your mommies basement covered with mold trying to come up.      Pot2Peer always gets me my cannabis.  It is not one person it is a crew and they kick ass.

Well first of all you might wanna get that co-ck out of your mouth cause your sucking them real hard. Yes that a metaphor for you. All I'm saying is that there is a chance that you might not because shit happens.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: daveh0we on July 22, 2012, 08:40 pm

I really hope you're right about our lucky day being today :).  It just sucks waiting while reading feedback of people receiving theirs within 2-3 days and knowing they ordered after me.  I mean p2p has a good record so I'm optimistic I'll get it or work this out with p2p.  Yea I wish I could grab more than OZ too,  it must suck getting 4 different boxes when ordering a qp :-/ .... oh and you got balls man,  grabbing your mail like that right in front of the dog and police lmao,  I would've just walked away until they were gone lol.

Yeah a qp in 4 boxes does suck.   it looks weird having a mountain of boxes sticking out of a mail box.   Course it only looks weird to me because I know what is in those boxes.  Still though Id imagine it would be cheaper to mail one package versus four separate packages.   I like the Humboldt county newspapers that they wrap the foodsaver bags up with.  A black trashbag would weigh less.  Four boxes and four copies of the same newspaper it must cost them more to ship and makes my mail lady work harder with 4 boxes instead of 1.   

There are days I want to hand the Mail lady a hundred but I know that would be the end of our arrangement.

I hope Pot2Peer is reading this as I have been putting these points in every order I make on their onion site.

Hahah yeah I would not recommend hooking the mail lady up with a $100 lol that might just raise some suspicion haha.  Btw what's the status on your package?  Another day gone and no product for me :-/....pot2peer did reply to my DCN Request so I guess we will work it out soon.  I'm running low on weed and I'm slowly getting into panic mode lol.

Pot2Peer will probably not get you your order. I was in the same situation a while ago. After 10 days I tried to contact him and he did not reply until 3 weeks in. I have NO idea where the hell that order went, even if it was delivered, but good enough for me it was only a small order.

So yeah theres a chance that you might not get your package man. Feels bad.

Fuck you they wont. They always get my order.   ive ordered more than a few pounds from them over the past 3 months and I received everything I've ordered.   Your probably some sucker growing weed in your mommies basement covered with mold trying to come up.      Pot2Peer always gets me my cannabis.  It is not one person it is a crew and they kick ass.

Well first of all you might wanna get that co-ck out of your mouth cause your sucking them real hard. Yes that a metaphor for you. All I'm saying is that there is a chance that you might not because shit happens.

Their aint no cock in my mouth. I got all my fucking shit saturday and sunday bitch.   smoking it right teh fuck now.   Sometimes shit sells out.  get fucked extra douche bag.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: citystar31 on July 23, 2012, 10:28 pm
Just ordered an OZ to SE states.. will report back for sure! First buy for weed no the road and It sounds bad LOL.. are you guys saying 10 days within the states?? all my domestic orders are like 3 days tops... my friend in Cali is just NA at the time so I'm going to this route only since the weed around me is shitty and in a drought :(
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: rtguibm67 on July 24, 2012, 06:51 pm
Its been 16 days since I sent my first message (11 days since the second), and I just sent one more. My original post is below, but basically I was shorted an eighth, the weed was reaaally harsh (like I had to rediscover the joys of vaping, and use edibles, that harsh), **P2P's vendor put a fake name** when I gave them my real name for shipping, but the packaging itself was good,  and P2P is horribly uncommunicative. My first order was good, but this one was really disappointing. Unless the special edition OG comes back, I will gladly drop another $50/oz elsewhere for better quality and service.

This is my second time ordering from P2P, the first time off SR, and this time off of P2P's website. The first time went well (I had written a post, but it looks like it disappeared?), quick shipping, excellent product. This time, not as smoothly. I've sent 2 messages to P2P to help work out my issues, but I haven't gotten any response in the last 1.5 weeks
 Quick shipping and good packaging, BUT they didn't use the name I gave them for the address, rather used some generic name. Luckily where I live, random names are almost expected (rental houses around, central mailbox), but it pisses me off, because someone could get burned by the use of generic names.
The second problem was the trainwreck I ordered (1/2 oz trainwreck and 1/2 oz headband) was 3.4g short, the headband was right on, 14.2g. Almost an eighth off is hurtful though, I don't know if the vendor thought they could eyeball it or what.

As far as the quality goes, the headband is pretty good, the trainwreck is alright. Both are pretty harsh, but a good deal for the money. Honestly though, at least for the trainwreck, you would be better off spending another $60/oz and getting some AAA stuff. Compared to the special edition OG I ordered last time, this stuff just doesn't cut it. I have to take bowls twice as large. The headband is right on the line as far as spending a bit more, its definitely not as potent as the SE OG Kush, but its definitely still quality.

I will probably order again, but I'm gonna make sure the weed is top notch beforehand. P2P needs better pictures I think.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: doobiebros on July 28, 2012, 08:01 am
pot2peer  is simply a direct marketer. He does not grow nor does he ship the product. Therefore, he is always looking for vendors who will drop ship their wares.  He basically solicits orders and then PM's it to a 3rd party who then ships it to you.  This 3rd party changes quite frequently depending on volume, needs etc.  Now ponder this for a bit....
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: citystar31 on July 28, 2012, 02:42 pm
received my order yesterday... took one day to be processed and 4 days in transit to the SE... weighed a gram over an was pretty good quality for the price!!
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: jeffsandwich on July 28, 2012, 03:09 pm
pot2peer  is simply a direct marketer. He does not grow nor does he ship the product. Therefore, he is always looking for vendors who will drop ship their wares.  He basically solicits orders and then PM's it to a 3rd party who then ships it to you.  This 3rd party changes quite frequently depending on volume, needs etc.  Now ponder this for a bit....
Any proof of this?  Are you implying it's another SR vendor he usually goes to (thus the product should also be listed elsewhere)?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: citystar31 on July 28, 2012, 03:38 pm
pot2peer  is simply a direct marketer. He does not grow nor does he ship the product. Therefore, he is always looking for vendors who will drop ship their wares.  He basically solicits orders and then PM's it to a 3rd party who then ships it to you.  This 3rd party changes quite frequently depending on volume, needs etc.  Now ponder this for a bit....
Any proof of this?  Are you implying it's another SR vendor he usually goes to (thus the product should also be listed elsewhere)?
Actually on his vendor page it clearly states that he manages many growers across the states and not all shipping is from one location, therefore you can't really mix and match unless its at the same location... however this has nothing to do with his business or make him a direct marketer! I knew a group of old timers that did this and they lived all across the US and they would just split profits.. for all we know PTB is the one running the online/tech part and I'm sure he knows his MARY as well lol but I highly doubt its random people and I think its safe to say its either friends or good business partners  ;D either way who cares i got my order in 4/5 total since placed and for the price i will be back!!!!
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Blksheep on July 31, 2012, 01:58 pm
Has anyone heard from or spoken to P2P???

I placed two orders a few weeks ago and one showed and the other didn't... it has been 15 days and he has not answered any of my messages... in fact he hasn't even read my messages in 21 days!

Just wondering as I have ordered from him more than 10 times with no trouble so far and he has always been quick to reply...

Hope all is okay.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Blksheep on August 02, 2012, 12:39 pm
still no-show.... hasn't read any messages for 21 days... this guy is really pissing me off
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: doobiebros on August 02, 2012, 09:47 pm
still no-show.... hasn't read any messages for 21 days... this guy is really pissing me off

Did you finalize early? If so---this is why you do not finalize early.  If you are in escrow then hit resolve and let it work its way out.  Best of luck.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: gospodin on August 05, 2012, 03:36 am
Just received my package, for the price it was great. arrived within 4 days to east coast
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: TheGrandWizard on August 05, 2012, 03:01 pm
Just ordered a half ounce of Outdoor Sour Diesel from the p2p site and had a very satisfactory transaction: I ordered Tuesday evening and it was at my door on Friday.  (The herb is also excellent, as was the case with my last p2p transaction). 
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: playdoh on August 07, 2012, 11:59 pm
first time order from P2P.  ordered headband and got chem valley kush.  the chem valley kush was $6 over the price of headband, so how could I complain? :)  i actually enjoy the chem valley, fast acting high that is energetic and mostly cerebral.. come down is long and ok too.

-this pack came in 3 days:  ordered thursday, delivered monday.- (3biz; i guess 4 days considering saturday.)

however, i ordered a 2nd oz at the same time some outdoor mr. nice.  i have yet to see it.  but from what i've just read going through this post it seems legit that this might happen since it could be coming from someone/where else.  he hasnt answered 2 messages but i feel like its all done for security for all parties involved.  i just had someone elses money tied up into this oz and i dont want to dick them around either.

im sure it will show up, i just dont like worrying about its status or if something went wrong.  id expect it here this week.  ill update once received.

Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: sniper123 on August 09, 2012, 11:10 am
first time order from P2P.  ordered headband and got chem valley kush.  the chem valley kush was $6 over the price of headband, so how could I complain? :)  i actually enjoy the chem valley, fast acting high that is energetic and mostly cerebral.. come down is long and ok too.

-this pack came in 3 days:  ordered thursday, delivered monday.- (3biz; i guess 4 days considering saturday.)

however, i ordered a 2nd oz at the same time some outdoor mr. nice.  i have yet to see it.  but from what i've just read going through this post it seems legit that this might happen since it could be coming from someone/where else.  he hasnt answered 2 messages but i feel like its all done for security for all parties involved.  i just had someone elses money tied up into this oz and i dont want to dick them around either.

im sure it will show up, i just dont like worrying about its status or if something went wrong.  id expect it here this week.  ill update once received.

If you order off pot2peer site it takes longer. It took 7 days for me to receive my pack. 3 days in processing. 4 days shipping. So don't sweat it, pot2peer always comes through.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: playdoh on August 09, 2012, 05:37 pm
he sure did :) my 2nd O came... thurs-thurs.  TBH I didn't exactly read his profile page.. After reading it I really didn't worry about it after :)  P2P is too legit to quit.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: wisco35 on August 12, 2012, 04:16 pm
Can someone help me out. My friends and I share an account and i ordered a half from P2p and its been over 10 days early and my friend has already finalized the order on accident.  Im not sure what I should do? any help!?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: greatwhitenorth625 on August 12, 2012, 04:59 pm
it'll come
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Freeman on August 12, 2012, 05:06 pm
I was ready to order and then I noticed someone had just given P2P a 1/5 for a "bait and switch" with the Chem Dog.  I usually take complaints on the forum with a grain of salt but it was enough to put me off of ordering from him this round.  If things get sorted out and people are consistently getting product without issue then I might order again next time.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: IIGOODTIMEII on August 12, 2012, 07:53 pm
it will come. i think so.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: doobiebros on August 12, 2012, 08:34 pm
I was ready to order and then I noticed someone had just given P2P a 1/5 for a "bait and switch" with the Chem Dog.  I usually take complaints on the forum with a grain of salt but it was enough to put me off of ordering from him this round.  If things get sorted out and people are consistently getting product without issue then I might order again next time.

Yeah,..same here. I was going to order but there are a sprinkling of complaints that just leave a bad taste in your mouth.  The comment above about bait and switch is probably from someone who has had real good indoor chem valley kush and what pot2peer is offering is a far cry from that. 

It appears that pot2peer mostly gets high value mids or low grade medical (if such a thing exists) and some people are disillusioned by their product once they receive it and it does not match up to their standard of AAA+ or medical quality.

Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Freeman on August 12, 2012, 10:12 pm
It appears that pot2peer mostly gets high value mids or low grade medical (if such a thing exists) and some people are disillusioned by their product once they receive it and it does not match up to their standard of AAA+ or medical quality.

I have to say that my past orders from P2P have definitely been accurate with regards to quality.  I'll just wait on things to settle and if all is good in a few weeks I'll resume buying.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: citystar31 on August 13, 2012, 01:21 am
It appears that pot2peer mostly gets high value mids or low grade medical (if such a thing exists) and some people are disillusioned by their product once they receive it and it does not match up to their standard of AAA+ or medical quality.

I have to say that my past orders from P2P have definitely been accurate with regards to quality.  I'll just wait on things to settle and if all is good in a few weeks I'll resume buying.
I agree completely, i ordered a zip of trainwreck and it was far from medical grade weed... price was around 300 which is what i pay for a zip of AAA medical so i thought there are better sources to buy from IMO  ;)
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: gtrmonkey on August 13, 2012, 06:46 am
Does anyone one know how to get ahold of this vendor, he not on tor pm and doesnt respond. I do have an issue that does need to be dealt with. Last transcation went smoothy.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Freeman on August 13, 2012, 06:57 am
Does anyone one know how to get ahold of this vendor, he not on tor pm and doesnt respond. I do have an issue that does need to be dealt with. Last transcation went smoothy.

There's an ongoing thread about communication difficulties w/ Pot2Peer

Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: altezza2jz on August 22, 2012, 07:21 pm
I was getting worried from reading all these posts and me just having placed an order last week.
But today all those worries were put to rest, package received in mail with probably one of the best packaging quality I've seen on SR. Bud is phenomenal quality, got it off his personal tor site for much cheaper than on SR. 6 days from order for delivery coast to coast. I've never messaged him though, but I don't really see a reason to most of the time. Place an order and be assured it will come.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: k202nice on August 22, 2012, 10:05 pm
I was getting worried from reading all these posts and me just having placed an order last week.
But today all those worries were put to rest, package received in mail with probably one of the best packaging quality I've seen on SR. Bud is phenomenal quality, got it off his personal tor site for much cheaper than on SR. 6 days from order for delivery coast to coast. I've never messaged him though, but I don't really see a reason to most of the time. Place an order and be assured it will come.
I was thinking the same thing... I was mad worried because I ordered from his/her site out of escrow but p2p is a trusted seller that came thru with flying colors wish I would've ordered more I got the afghan 8 days coast to coast and its dank I read a bad review on it & I must say their tolerance must be thru the roof because "this that strong strong" (in my @peanutlive215 voice) euphoric head high with a body high to boot... Thanks p2p you just earned yourself another loyal customer... only con bud was a little dry but its "dat" so who cares
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Freeman on August 23, 2012, 03:16 am
Man, I hate it when new forum members chime in on something like this because there's the dilemma of giving you the benefit of the doubt or being cynical.

I'm getting ready to re-up and I'd like to see some more positive posts about recent orders before I resume.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: princeofcats on August 23, 2012, 03:36 am
I used P2P a half dozen times. Five times the experience was pretty awesome; A- product at a great price, smart and smell-proof packaging, with orders arriving in 3-5 days. The sixth time... after 10 days and no response from P2P to multiple messages, the package finally arrived. The label confirmed it had been shipped on the day P2P reported. The product was bone dry, though still quite good, and I received a follow-up msg from P2P on my request for a tracking number.

Tl;dr version: I don't think you'll hear anything from P2P until 10 business days have passed. I think P2P is legit, and above board. I wish they'd hire a customer service rep to read and respond to messages, but they don't seem to have figured that part of the business out yet. To pass the time while you wait, I suggest teaching yourself how to use encryption, if you haven't already. (That's what I did when I was all freaked out waiting.)
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: doobiebros on August 23, 2012, 03:41 am
All these shills with less then 5 posts are amusing...

I would wager that most long term members do not purchase from this vendor...when you can purchase from christy nugs, californiabuddy, misterwizard, and the humboltd boys.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: princeofcats on August 23, 2012, 04:35 am
Moving forward, I probably will be using a different vendor (the long wait with no response was agonizing; almost enough to make me abandon SR forever.) But I'm trying to be fair, and not slag anyone off without cause.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: Pharmacare on August 23, 2012, 06:27 am
I ordered a half OZ. of Sour Diesel from P2P and took 4 days to Florida, bud was not only stealthy enough for my standards but  with all the competition with bud on here I feel he is your best bet! The bud was great and for $120 or $140 an oz. I found my guy, he even has his own site.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: jeffsandwich on August 23, 2012, 08:22 pm
Moving forward, I probably will be using a different vendor (the long wait with no response was agonizing; almost enough to make me abandon SR forever.) But I'm trying to be fair, and not slag anyone off without cause.

I feel you totally.  I like P2P and didn't actually have any complaints, but compared to other vendors, I don't see the logic in going with one who doesn't read messages.  Sometimes before a sale, it's worthwhile to ask a question or confirm that something isn't going to be a problem.  If it's a true vendor with their best business sense in mind, a response and being as friendly as possible would totally up sales, but knowing that you won't be having your messages read (as silly or completely legit as they may be) is disheartening.

I actually had a couple strains picked out a few days ago that I was really interested in, then I remembered back to this thread and went elsewhere :(
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: redcube on August 28, 2012, 06:26 am
I have ordered from pot2peer twice.  Once on SR and once through the p2p site.  Received both orders quickly and was satisfied.  Never needed to contact them so no idea about that.  This was over a month ago so things might change.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: gospodin on August 28, 2012, 07:14 am
just got my order from p2p it was o of outdoor green crack price was around $175 and for the price the weed was better than expected
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: samxoff on August 29, 2012, 04:26 am
Been 8 days so far still no bud. Communication is absolutely terrible. Sent 3 messages so far not one response over the course of 8 days. I really hope this bud comes I am very disappointed with this seller.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: thrillbilly351976 on September 03, 2012, 11:28 pm
3 day turnaround, great price on the OG Kush...excellent product.  5/5  (1st order with P2P)
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: ams420 on September 04, 2012, 08:52 am
I have an issue with them through their website, not SR.  I was able to log in fine until shortly after sending payment.  I was logging back in and out to check the order status.  The last I was able to log in, I saw it said "processing" and then I could no longer log into the account from which I had ordered from.  I have sent various emails, PGP encoded and not, sent a PM as well from here and from SR.  It appears the only "usual" complaint about pot2peer is their lack of communication.  Well, I've absolutely no way to find out the order status at this point.  I've tried using the password reset feature and it says a new pw has been emailed to me, but it has not.  I have verified the address is correct on file.

Without them actually communicating, I'm dead in the water with just the hope that my product(s) will arrive.  If it's been cancelled, I've no idea because I cannot log in.  If they're going to return the money, I've no idea as they haven't returned any messages.  So, at this point all I can do is sit and wait to see if anything shows up.  I ordered last Weds.  We'll see... it wouldn't be as bad if I didn't have other people's money tied up in this, which means I have to answer to them.  Not a great spot to be in with no communication. 

pot2peer I, and apparently many others, sure do wish you had your communication system dialed in.  You would cut down on many messages if you were to simply address the ones that you receive.  You are prompting folks to make multiple attempts at contacting you, which only adds to what you already receive.

Now, as of this afternoon until just now, I am not even able to pull up their site... even more discouraging...I'm able to pull up others just fine...

It would be very nice to hear back so I can get logged back in and follow my status.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: bill417 on September 04, 2012, 01:24 pm
I don't understand how seller's cannot see that COMMUNICATION is the most important aspect (apart from the obvious anonymity issue) of any business deal!?

I'm having similar issues with a relatively new vendor, 'Aries'. I originally asked for an order to be sent out via USPS Priority International mail - the usual that I like to opt for. It's $16.95 USD for 1oz, even 2oz, and arrives at my destination here in the UK in 3-7 days normally. That's from experience.

He 'apparently' (and that's a separate issue) sent my package out on Friday 24th August, via the incorrect method, USPS First Class, which generally takes up to 14 days to arrive here in the UK. But normally, it's been 7 - 8 days, and certainly no more than 10.
So since the postage date, it'd be 9 possible delivery days. This obviously doesn't count Sunday.

With a lack of communication from the seller, it drives me mad, and basically will conclude with me not giving a 5/5 rating, more likely to be a 3/5.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: JacobBang on September 04, 2012, 02:16 pm
Pot2Peer's site is unaccessible to me as well so you're not alone.  Pot2Peer has some decent weed at a good price and their site makes it easy for many of us to order from there.  That being said, I've always had a communications problem with them.  Their shipping is not the fastest.  Don't expect anything from them for at least a week   But I feel for ya especially when you have others' money tied up.  My advice go with other vendors.  Nothing against them but that's how the free market works
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: ams420 on September 04, 2012, 07:30 pm
Ya, going with another vendor has definitely been on my mind.  I really would like to have the log in issue resolved.  Not sure what happened there (or for their site to be down now).  It's all just a bit tough, especially being new and taking that chance :)... nothing else I can do really but wait at this point.  I figured I wasn't the only one since I couldn't even pull up their site either.  Thanks for the replies. pot2peer I hope all is well.

**update** His site is now back up.  I still cannot log in, but at least the site is loading
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: ams420 on September 07, 2012, 07:43 pm
I received my orders today.  So that is the good news.  The bad news is them being considerably light, cheap, but light.  Oh well.  I still would like to be able to log into my account on their site.  Not like there's a complaint department I can refer myself to, there's not even a customer relations department. Still no word back from them, I've made numerous attempts.

Overall 80% satisfied...Not a review that counts for anything though, since I ordered from his site.  I'd still like to be able to log into my account there but it's all on them at this point.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: SubSnake on September 11, 2012, 11:17 pm
I made three orders from Pot2Peer's site. I then proceeded to send the due amount of bitcoins to the provided addresses.
Now all three of my orders have been cancelled and my bitcoins have disappeared. The site says that they haven't receieved payment. I've been trying to contact P2P for two days now and I haven't gotten anything back.

Any ideas? Do you think the pot will arrive like it should or am I SOL?
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: coolkid321 on September 12, 2012, 02:46 am
WELLLLLLL I made some orders with them in the past so they were trusted. but I had an order shipped last tuesday 9/4 and got it fri 9/7 had another one ship on wed 9/5 and by the norm i usually get it 3 days later so i shoulda had it on sat 9/8 HOWEVER still dont have my product on 9/11

pot 2 peer doesnt respond to my emails. so maybe they will see it here. p2p my email is c*********** and my order number is #969 I dont want a refund. I prefer credit for new product. THANKS IF YOUR READING THIS!!
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: SubSnake on September 12, 2012, 10:27 pm
I am SERIOUSLY starting to worry. It's been three days now and $350 in BTC in MISSING from my wallet. Now the P2P site won't even load. My questions are unanswered and I'm unable to allocate my money toward another vendor. This isn't right.

**UPDATE** 9/13/12
I attempted to bring the issue to light through P2P's SR account and this issue WAS resolved.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: marrakesh on September 16, 2012, 11:09 pm
I have this same issue, I put in an order on the 10th, and now, almost a week later I still have no response, neither to my tormail, nor to the the message I sent on SR. I've made orders in the past, and this is the first one I've had any issues with. I'm really hoping it gets resolved.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: SubSnake on September 17, 2012, 12:11 am
Send a few more messages through SR and give them an urgent looking subject. Your problem will be resolved as long as he sees your issue stand out.
Title: Re: Bis Bis from Pot2Peer?
Post by: MixM8 on September 17, 2012, 06:40 pm
Can anyone speak on how the Afghani is? I've been happily surprised with P2P's cheaper stuff before.