Silk Road forums
Support => Technical support => Topic started by: alias19 on February 14, 2012, 12:12 pm
I am new and i want to deposit bitcoins. I have downloaded the bitcoin wallet. When i go to account page and click on get new address i get a blanc page. There is an address in the bitcoin wallet but don't know if i have to use that one or....
I am confused. Can someone help me pls?! thx
I have the same problem i also get a white page with no address in it.
I don't use the bitcoin wallet software at all. I go from trader to instawallet (to another instawallet if you're paranoid) to SR. Has worked like a charm so far. Having bitcoin software on your computer could be seen as another risk factor IMO.
You can configure a native wallet to run over Tor, which makes it less risky even than using a remote wallet.