Silk Road forums

Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: anarcho47 on February 14, 2012, 01:50 am

Title: Egypt114 Phisherman Alert
Post by: anarcho47 on February 14, 2012, 01:50 am
This EXACT thing has happened once before to me, and I should have done last time what I'm doing now.

Egypt114's account has been phished and the phisherman is attempting to cancel all orders to try to get the BTC back so he can clear the account.  DO NOT CANCEL THE ORDERS.  If Egypt manages to get back on he will have lost a substantial amount of money.  I repeat DO NOT CANCEL.  Save the shipping information if you have pending orders and mark in transit so the funds are tied up in the escrow system.  Do not allow this dickless fuck scammer to clean one of our customers out.
