Silk Road forums
Discussion => Drug safety => Topic started by: happyroller1234 on February 06, 2012, 08:19 am
I've been smoking cigarettes for almost five years now, and I'm still young!
Weed is so much better and I smoke it everyday, too.
But I read that marijuana + tobacco smokers are at least 33% likelier to develop COPD than regular tobacco users.
And, I don't want to keep paying money to slowly kill myself.
But, most importantly, I'm sick of this little monster. I have tried to quit seriously at least 4+ times, but to no avail. I have to feed it all of the time. I've slowly progressed from 4 cigarettes a day to 15 a day, and I can only imagine it will continue to get worse. It makes me so upset that I'm powerless over this addiction. I want to stop! I want to free myself from this disgusting habit. I liked who I was better before nicotine.
get an electronic cigar/cigarette. It actually ends up costing a lot less than smoking, and it's just water vapor and nicotine (which itself has no side effects), avoiding all of the carcinogens of cigarettes. Plus you can smoke them inside!
You use cartridges which contain the nicotine mixture, it feels a lot like smoking and the act is the exact same. You can order set amounts of nicotine in a cartridge as well so you can adjust your nicotine dose downward to wean yourself off the physical addiction. then just use the cannabis to fill in the habit of actually smoking something, and if you are crazy jonesing for nicotine you know you are avoiding carcinogens if you use the ecig.
I can attest to the success of this method personally. It was the only thing that actually worked (and I smoked a pack a day for twelve years solid. Longest I ever made it without was a week).
I'm in the same boat as you happyroller1234. Been smoking for a major part of my life and it's time to get rid of these bastards!
Thanks for the recommendation anarcho47. I'd heard about those in passing but never thought to look into it as a quit-smoking aid. I'll pick one up this week and hopefully (finally) be kicking the habit.
+1 for the Ecig, invest a bit, and it's cheap to continue. I quit smoking a year ago and am so much healthier since I switched to ecigs..... costs me about $20 to make the equivalent of 10 cartons of smokes.
I've been smoking cigarettes for almost five years now, and I'm still young!
Weed is so much better and I smoke it everyday, too.
But I read that marijuana + tobacco smokers are at least 33% likelier to develop COPD than regular tobacco users.
And, I don't want to keep paying money to slowly kill myself.
But, most importantly, I'm sick of this little monster. I have tried to quit seriously at least 4+ times, but to no avail. I have to feed it all of the time. I've slowly progressed from 4 cigarettes a day to 15 a day, and I can only imagine it will continue to get worse. It makes me so upset that I'm powerless over this addiction. I want to stop! I want to free myself from this disgusting habit. I liked who I was better before nicotine.
Nicotine patches!!!
E-cigs and deprenyl....nuff said
Get some self control and get over the 3 day hump, after that, it is all mental. Smoke a bowl every 2 hours for 3 days and you will be fine.
get the right ecig and you can also use it to smoke budderman's amazing product! im tempted myself and I already quit smoking cigs!
First great job getting down to where you are now! I personally had luck just forcing myself to go longer and longer between each, and trying to break the habit of smoking them during certain times, so start to mix up when you do it. Eventually just work till you are smoking less and it can be easier. I figure it is the progression that occurs to get to that point, so might as well take time and use the same adjustment to back off.
It really is a great thing to do for yourself and you can beat the cigs! Good luck.
Edit: You may also consider verenicline, given that clinically it has proven to be extremely effective for some people. And allows them to quit smoking surprisingly easily.
Nicabate mini's
Just dont swallow
I should look in this e-cig theme, too.
Any advice how much I should invest for a good one?
I've been smoking cigarettes for almost five years now, and I'm still young!
Weed is so much better and I smoke it everyday, too.
But I read that marijuana + tobacco smokers are at least 33% likelier to develop COPD than regular tobacco users.
And, I don't want to keep paying money to slowly kill myself.
But, most importantly, I'm sick of this little monster. I have tried to quit seriously at least 4+ times, but to no avail. I have to feed it all of the time. I've slowly progressed from 4 cigarettes a day to 15 a day, and I can only imagine it will continue to get worse. It makes me so upset that I'm powerless over this addiction. I want to stop! I want to free myself from this disgusting habit. I liked who I was better before nicotine.
Nicotine patches!!!
My friend is trying really hard to quit smoking. His mom got him some patches. Do they really work? I've heard that they have negative side effects like nightmares.
I should look in this e-cig theme, too.
Any advice how much I should invest for a good one?
A full starter kit with a month or so of cartridges, extra atomizer, charger, etc. will probably run you around $150.00 on the high end, although you can get them from China (only one step from the manufacturer as opposed to shipped over and retailed) for about $50 - $90 for the same thing.
There are a ton of reviews out there on them. I'm not sure which one made top spot for 2011, but they have been making great improvements to them over the past few years. just got to youtube and type in "ecigarette review" or something along those lines. You could probably sit there for ten hours and watch different reviews.
Make sure you get one that offers bulk refill cartridges. A lot of the bulk packs are divided up into nicotine strengths (and also flavors, of which there are over 100 for many of the brands), so you can get 1/2 high strength, 1/4 mid, 1/4 low. That's what you want to look for.
i quit smoking recently (this weekend). it's not that hard. it's like quitting chewing your nails (which I have done successfully)
Will-power is your most powerful tool IMO. I quit cold turkey from 2 packs a day.
It is possible.
what about wellbutrin?
never tried it but i know they sure are selling a ton of it for people trying to quit smoking.
btw previous poster said it's easy to quit - i don't even smoke and i know that's a load of bs. just because smoking/weight loss/xyz vice was easy for you doesn't mean is isn't a huge deal.
to me will power is something you apply after/in addition to setting up other variables/environment to maximize your chances of success. whether it's to stop smoking or win an athletic championship.
Nicotine patches!!!
My friend is trying really hard to quit smoking. His mom got him some patches. Do they really work? I've heard that they have negative side effects like nightmares.
I've used them to quit once before and they did work quite well. I went back to smoking about 4 months later and haven't been able to get the patch to work since. I had no nightmares on the patch, but it does give you incredibly vivid dreams. I believe the warning on the box actually states it will give vivid dreams.
Thanks for the tips anarcho47, I'll be searching through them this week. If anybody finds a good deal, be sure to share :)
what about wellbutrin?
never tried it but i know they sure are selling a ton of it for people trying to quit smoking.
btw previous poster said it's easy to quit - i don't even smoke and i know that's a load of bs. just because smoking/weight loss/xyz vice was easy for you doesn't mean is isn't a huge deal.
to me will power is something you apply after/in addition to setting up other variables/environment to maximize your chances of success. whether it's to stop smoking or win an athletic championship.
Deprenyl is the most obvious, widely available, most well researched, and most widely used nootropic drug for quitting smoking. It completely takes away nicotine cravings and tolerance.
Step one: Don't buy any more cigarettes.
Step two: You won't smoke cigarettes because you don't have any to smoke.
No, but seriously. If you smoke bud it should be easier for you. The way I quit cigarettes is for a week straight every time I thought about smoking a cig, I'd smoke some weed instead. It's just as satisfying as smoking a cig, you get the fulfillment of smoking without the health consequences of tobacco. I have smoked more bud in general since I quit cigarettes, but that's fine with me 8) It really works, I can attest for a few people doing this and it working flawlessly. Only downside is after that you better just be a life long bud smoker because quitting will be impossible.
I'll send you some free deprenyl if its to stop smoking...cause I'm cool like that.
Pick a date to quit and stick to it. Don't make excuses to smoke, or weasel out of abstaining. Just refuse it if you even think about it and busy yourself with something. It helps to reinforce your choice by thinking about good reasons why you wanted to quit as often as possible. Avoid sedentary activities, like watching T.V., where you can have opportunities to smoke. If you used smoking to relax, be prepared to find something else to relax yourself such as painting or meditation.
After a while, the cravings aren't as bad. You just have to ride out the initial shock of nicotine withdrawal.
Don't expect to be free from cravings. I still crave smoking occasionally and I even dream about it sometimes.
Remember that your brain is manipulative and will exploit you quite effectively to get what it craves, at least that's how I see it. You can also exploit it because you can modify your thinking.
Deprenyl is the most obvious, widely available, most well researched, and most widely used nootropic drug for quitting smoking. It completely takes away nicotine cravings and tolerance.
does deprenyl have immediate noticeable effects? or does it take a few days of taking it to kick in?
Deprenyl is the most obvious, widely available, most well researched, and most widely used nootropic drug for quitting smoking. It completely takes away nicotine cravings and tolerance.
does deprenyl have immediate noticeable effects? or does it take a few days of taking it to kick in?
It hits you the moment you take it especially if you take it with a decent sized meal. I usually take it with breakfast.
I'll send you some free deprenyl if its to stop smoking...cause I'm cool like that.
Seriously? Foxy, you are the shit. Just smoked my last one two hours ago. I have an e-cig that I'm going to use to try and fight the cravings. And also exercise!
I'll send you some free deprenyl if its to stop smoking...cause I'm cool like that.
Seriously? Foxy, you are the shit. Just smoked my last one two hours ago. I have an e-cig that I'm going to use to try and fight the cravings. And also exercise!
PGP me your addy, I'll mail you a strip in the morning.
every time I thought about smoking a cig, I'd smoke some weed instead.
This totally worked for me as well.
Some people unfortunately don't like cannabis. Those people are lame.
Smoking weed is indeed a great thing to do instead of cigarettes. But I have an other problem. I dont like to smoke pot pure, I love my vaporizers and from time to time I love a jolly with tobaco, too.
So if I quit smoking, whats no problem, I still smoke tobacco from time to time in joints, bowls or such. This gets me to the cigs every time I try to stop them.
This is where the eCigarette comes in with the nicotine. I dont want to smoke 15-25 cigs a day and pay for getting cancer. With the vaporizer cigarette my lung will not be hurt (that much) and I can smoke inside the house.
The "eGo X6" Starter Kit looks great this is my favorite so far.
yeah those electric ciggies are great. first time i tried it freaked me out when i exhaled and what looked like smoke came out (its vapour). otherwise pack yourself off to some thai retreat - they got some hardcore cleansing camps out there.
go cold turkey. Grit youre teeth and after 48 hours its left the body. then just say no. Also as a couple have mentioned, if youre one who enjoys a cigarette with your pint- dont touch the drink for a good while.
It'l be out of your system in no time.
I just ordered e-cig. I must quit smoking or slow it down. E-cig has a potential for being successful.
I'll send you some free deprenyl if its to stop smoking...cause I'm cool like that.
Seriously? Foxy, you are the shit. Just smoked my last one two hours ago. I have an e-cig that I'm going to use to try and fight the cravings. And also exercise!
PGP me your addy, I'll mail you a strip in the morning.
Just sent it! Thanks so much!
Step one: Don't buy any more cigarettes.
Step two: You won't smoke cigarettes because you don't have any to smoke.
No, but seriously. If you smoke bud it should be easier for you. The way I quit cigarettes is for a week straight every time I thought about smoking a cig, I'd smoke some weed instead. It's just as satisfying as smoking a cig, you get the fulfillment of smoking without the health consequences of tobacco. I have smoked more bud in general since I quit cigarettes, but that's fine with me 8) It really works, I can attest for a few people doing this and it working flawlessly. Only downside is after that you better just be a life long bud smoker because quitting will be impossible.
That's quite alright! I already am a life-long bud smoker. ;D
It's the only drug I do everyday.
The only thing is, some people can't smoke weed every time they want a cigarette. If I were high all day, my work/coursework would be taking the piss.
e-cig: Janty eGo 510T mod from
get serious smoke juice, johnson creek or similar, not that chinese crap that's like small engine oil with nicotine.
e-cig is the easiest way to quit. I've been messing about with them for 9 months now. I have "relapsed" at different periods with cigarettes. Today I'm 4 days "clean" using my ecig. Only issue is that they aren't very user friendly. It takes a while to find your "sweet spot" where you have a good setup with the right e-juice.
I would recommend the lavatube. The juice I like comes from Backwoods Brew. I've tried juice from many vendors, and came to the realization that I enjoy tobacco flavored juices much more than anything else. I also prefer dripping on an atomizer than using cartomizers.
My device of choice is the Reo Woodville. They are very popular. You can get one at
I use atomizers from Ikenvape. The i06 is the best atomizer I've ever tried.
Next step is to get a variable voltage device like the lavatube or the provari.
Takes some time, money, and efffort to learn how to use the ecig. They can be a pain to learn how to use. I've blown a lot of cash on inferior products. I recommend spending the cash to get something good. And you can quit smoking very quickly once you find a setup you like. ecigs are actually more fun and satisfying than normal cigarettes.
update: i have not quit yet. i did quit for 2 days and relapsed. i can't wait to go a week without smoking cigarettes. but until then, i have an almost full pack. good luck
I see everyone here is on the e-cig train. Hey, whatever works I say! I know I quit using the nicorette mini lozenges, the 4 mg version killed any cravings I would get and I smoked for almost 10 years. From there it was just weening off the lozenges after like two weeks of using them until I got down to 0 after about a month. The package said not to start weening until like 2 months but I've heard wayyy to many horror stories about people getting addicted to the lozenges and still using them after like 5 years.
The key for me was to separate the physical and habitual addiction. The lozenges kept the cravings away while I learned to change my habits.
It's been about 4 months since and I've only relapsed once and I don't really count it. I bought a pack cause I was going out on the town for the night and wanted to smoke weed in public so I just cut the cigs with weed to help mask it.
Good luck to everyone whose trying to quit!
When I was born, they didn't really "believe" smoking harmed the fetus. My mom smoked, from conception until I was about 14 or so, then I picked-up the gauntlet and smoked until I was in my early 20's. So I've had a lot of nicotine exposure, and occasionally STILL have mild cravings.
I also used weed to stop. You don't NEED to smoke as often, and if you're worried about being high all the time, just choose a weak strain.
Once you become "chronic" it doesn't affect you in the same way anyhow, you don't get all goofy or giggly. The only real side effects, besides feeling good, are munchies and red-eye.
In my weed heyday I was smoking an ounce of weed and a 1/4 ounce of hash per week.
It IS habit forming, though you don't crave as badly when you're out as you do when you're out of cigs. I find when I was out of weed it was like being without coffee, mild cravings and acute irritability for a day or two.
Since I've found the road, I've cut back A LOT on weed. After taking a few good LSD trips I realized the large amount of money I was spending, and time I was wasting, smoking tons of MJ/hash. I now only smoke a gram or three of hash every two weeks. A HUGE savings of time and money. I wish I'd done this before, as my 20's were such a waste of time, just sitting around smoking and playing games with all my spare time.
I took a 3 prong approach, after cigs went up to nearly 8$ a pack in my area-
Swedish Snus (Thunder Frosted)- kinda like 'dip' - but it's in pouches you place under your top lip. No spitting needed, much safer than American dip or chew, buy online. I use about 1 tin every 3 days, so it's about 30$/month.
Why: long term nic delivery
Snus health info:
eCig (Joye Ego-T with type A Cartridge)- tried drip tips, carts, but the type A & B clear cartridges rock- they store a ton of nic juice, and you can flip it over to see how much is left, and no slimy nic juice leaks.
Why: Smoke breaks are fun, smoking inside in general is fun.
Regular cigarettes (GASP): 3 drink minimum- about a pack every 2 months.
Why: I made this deal with myself after relapsing about 6 months into quitting- so far it works. I may have 2 or 3 out at the bar after work, but then not have another for weeks.
Just smoked a regular cig of my formerly favorite brand and omfg that tasted like straight ass. back to my eGo now... Anyone want this pack? I can't smoke this shit.
Just smoked a regular cig of my formerly favorite brand and omfg that tasted like straight ass. back to my eGo now... Anyone want this pack? I can't smoke this shit.
What brand?
Just smoked a regular cig of my formerly favorite brand and omfg that tasted like straight ass. back to my eGo now... Anyone want this pack? I can't smoke this shit.
+1, after about 3 months of quitting, I tried smoking a cig on an acid trip. I normally love cigarette smoking on psychedelics, it just feels so... right. It almost made me throw up I was so sick to my stomach. Haven't touched the things since.
I also quit using an electric cigarette. Stopped smoking at the end of September last year. I wouldn't advise going straight to the e-cig though, go 2 or 3 days with out the cigarettes. Feel some pain, then switch to the e-cig. That's what I did, or rather by the second day I went nuts and ordered one online.
I bought a ego-t, hated the tanks so I just bought some cartomizers and used it with the ego battery. Looks stupid as shit but it works good.
And it's true, I recently tried a cigarette because I'm waiting on more catomizers to come in the mail. Cigarettes taste disgusting, I don't get how I ever got into them. (well I know why, the fucking nicotine)