Silk Road forums

Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: bitcoin loan on February 06, 2012, 04:41 am

Title: Tell tale signs someone wont pay you back/ is a scammer?
Post by: bitcoin loan on February 06, 2012, 04:41 am
Please add to this list for all of our benefits! posts barely
2. getting 5 PMs in 5 minutes
3. researching the customer in search bar
4. asking for a big loan and saying he will pay unreal interest rates
5. Beggers on the forums asking for loans all over the place a bunch of times even when they get them
6. Before cashing a MP they ask for 25 percent up front.

Please add.

Thank You
Title: Re: Tell tale signs someone wont pay you back/ is a scammer?
Post by: Derpasaurus on February 06, 2012, 04:48 am had a scam where somebody was logging into high post, old abandoned accounts and was using them to secure loans. Maybe start #bitcoin-otc trust ratings system, ensure you are talking to the right person with GPG signatures....??
Title: Re: Tell tale signs someone wont pay you back/ is a scammer?
Post by: bitcoin loan on February 06, 2012, 04:50 am
Great Idea! I will do this for big loans. Thanks partner for the advice (:
Title: Re: Tell tale signs someone wont pay you back/ is a scammer?
Post by: 328502E on February 06, 2012, 07:18 am
I find that generally the more illiterate the person, the more untrustworthy they are.  So you can add being careless in their grammar / spelling to the list.

I don't mean not understanding verb tenses - I mean using words like "ur" and "i".  Slang in general...
Title: Re: Tell tale signs someone wont pay you back/ is a scammer?
Post by: bitcoin loan on February 06, 2012, 07:24 am
Excellent I agree
Title: Re: Tell tale signs someone wont pay you back/ is a scammer?
Post by: anarcho47 on February 06, 2012, 09:55 am
I would think some sort of overall "Credit rating" system needs to be established with a whole bunch of criteria.  If you are in this for the big leagues you could float one-off buy opportunities for vendors as a silent partner.  But it's a risky, risky biz, cash lending.  Especially when the debtor is a name on a screen.
Title: Re: Tell tale signs someone wont pay you back/ is a scammer?
Post by: bitcoin loan on February 06, 2012, 01:06 pm
What about when poor junkie buyers hold your ratings and rep hostage? How do you deal with that? Im just going to pay this scumbag...He wants 5 coins and now we are negotiating at 2 to delete my bad review all because I didnt accept him in my loan program. Its impossible to start a name here.
Title: Re: Tell tale signs someone wont pay you back/ is a scammer?
Post by: GaltRR on February 06, 2012, 03:03 pm
Honestly dont do it for anyone who isnt a reputable member. I just loaned 4 coins out yesterday. 1 of those will get paid back I believe, but the other guy already deleted his account.
Title: Re: Tell tale signs someone wont pay you back/ is a scammer?
Post by: anarcho47 on February 06, 2012, 03:33 pm
"I am more concerned with the return OF my capital, than the return on my capital" - to paraphrase Mark Twain.
Title: Re: Tell tale signs someone wont pay you back/ is a scammer?
Post by: MagicMan on February 06, 2012, 05:50 pm
"I am more concerned with the return OF my capital, than the return on my capital" - to paraphrase Mark Twain.

There's a reason why Mark Twain is indisputably one of America's greatest minds
Title: Re: Tell tale signs someone wont pay you back/ is a scammer?
Post by: LexusMiles on February 06, 2012, 06:23 pm
[*] Low post count + less than 1 month old account = low attachment to account = low incentive to pay back a BTC.

[*] High post count + less than 2 weeks old account = someone on a mission = Likely to rob you.

By saying this I don't necessarily think there is any sure fire way to know. IRL don't loansharks require some collateral, and have means to break bones etc?

If you could find a way to take collateral from potential clients then you might have yourself a business.
Title: Re: Tell tale signs someone wont pay you back/ is a scammer?
Post by: GORDENRAMSEY on February 06, 2012, 09:24 pm
Please add to this list for all of our benefits! posts barely
2. getting 5 PMs in 5 minutes
3. researching the customer in search bar
4. asking for a big loan and saying he will pay unreal interest rates
5. Beggers on the forums asking for loans all over the place a bunch of times even when they get them
6. Before cashing a MP they ask for 25 percent up front.

Please add.

Thank You

Title: Re: Tell tale signs someone wont pay you back/ is a scammer?
Post by: goat on February 06, 2012, 09:45 pm
he was a scam gordonramsey....