Silk Road forums

Discussion => Shipping => Topic started by: FromTheNet on September 01, 2011, 02:37 pm

Title: How to determine if customs seized package?
Post by: FromTheNet on September 01, 2011, 02:37 pm
Shipment into US from country with "lax" drug laws. Followed all packaging instructions from the guides found here.

Arrived in US last week marked as "At customs"

No movement since then in tracking.

We have two theories, it was seized, or it ended up in some city hit by hurricane? (No city marked in tracking).

Any other ideas?

Destination house doesn't belong to anyone (recently vacated) so we anticipated package left on doorstep, but no package or letters or notes left yet by Customs/ICE/Postal Service/Shipping companies...
Title: Re: How to determine if customs seized package?
Post by: FromTheNet on September 01, 2011, 02:39 pm
Also, we are considering getting a prepaid cell phone to inquire about the package. Is this a good or bad idea?
Title: Re: How to determine if customs seized package?
Post by: anarcho47 on September 01, 2011, 03:18 pm
Sometimes it just sits in customs for a long time.  When I was living in the US I used to get shit shipped in from China (all legit products for resale) and it would only take 3 days to get from mainland across the ocean.  But sometimes it would sit at customs for two fricken weeks on tracking, and then magically a day later would show up on my doorstep.

Tough to say.  You have to remember it's a government bureaucracy - shitty service at extremely high operating costs, no market pricing to influence efficiency, entitled employees with very little accountability, etc. etc.

I would hold out for a bit.
Title: Re: How to determine if customs seized package?
Post by: TheUsualSuspect on September 02, 2011, 06:49 pm
+1 to Anarcho47, had a similar situation where a seller saw my international tracked package just hanging out somewhere (didn't say here or there) and said that often indicated confiscation. Package showed up that very same day. Be patient, especially when ordering from outside your own country. Check out the sellers rep as well.
Title: Re: How to determine if customs seized package?
Post by: FromTheNet on October 20, 2011, 03:57 pm
Problem resolved.

Apparently the company that initially handled the package, does not update tracking once it reaches destination country. Had to check domestic package handler.
Title: Re: How to determine if customs seized package?
Post by: Frient on October 21, 2011, 05:38 pm
Problem resolved.

Apparently the company that initially handled the package, does not update tracking once it reaches destination country. Had to check domestic package handler.

Just read your signature.

What's that experience like?
Title: Re: How to determine if customs seized package?
Post by: fantastically on October 21, 2011, 11:13 pm
Does customs HAVE to send you a letter if they take your stuff?

I made a bean order 21 days ago and have received no package and no love letter.

Title: Re: How to determine if customs seized package?
Post by: anarcho47 on October 22, 2011, 03:07 am
No, from what I hear a lot more packages go missing (i.e. customs employee most likely taking home for themselves) than actually get notified with a love letter.  I've only heard of a couple of people on here getting love letters and that was usually because they were dealing with a noob seller who had horrible packaging.

I've had 2 or 3 go missing, and that was back during the CP postal strike.  Funny thing though, my customers (I was only shipping domestic at the time) got the packages I sent, including the innards, except for the actual product and its vac-seal bag. The envelopes had a sticker on it that said "Canada Post has opened and re-sealed this package".  I am betting it was a few of those wonderful government union workers sitting in a depot, bitching about not getting paid for just sitting there on strike, and deciding that finding some supplementary income in the idle mail backlog might be a good idea.  There were no issues out of it for my customers, just the package and that's it.  And some CP employees who got away with a couple of ounces of primo cannabis.

The sheer volume of drugs sent through the mail every week makes it nearly impossible for them to catch even a decent percentage of it, and then to address each case on top of that would take a bureaucracy three times the size of what they have now (which is already bloated beyond belief).
Title: Re: How to determine if customs seized package?
Post by: seakong on October 22, 2011, 04:24 am
I have had a package sit in New York customs for 14 days until I called them and asked about the status. They told me they would call me back; a day later, the package was delivered to me (Maine)

You never know!
Title: Re: How to determine if customs seized package?
Post by: F104 on October 22, 2011, 04:27 am
I'm in a line of work that often requires import into the USA of products from overseas. I've never seen any predictability in lead time for customs clearances.

If you're sending contraband, the information that it is merely waiting clearance is no evidence that anything is amiss.