Silk Road forums
Discussion => Shipping => Topic started by: NevilleNobody on August 24, 2011, 11:51 am
Hi All, I use a std copy and paste response for feedback and finalize early as I always use reputable vendors and this releases the funds to the vendor for their consideration.
Anyhow, I had an item arrive yesterday very poorly packed. I think I know which vendor it was from but not certain.
All said, the quality of the item was/is nice.
I'm not sure how it works as a buyer, but as a seller you can go in to the transaction history on your account history and if you click the transaction number it has the product you purchased in there.
Yes, as a buyer go to your accounts page, and click on notes for each transaction.
You will find it there.
Yeah but I use different vendors for the same items due to the risk factor. ie, I'll often buy one of the same item form 2 different vendors just to minimize the risk of having no product for an event or the weekend or what ever.
In this case I just want to let the vendor know their packing was perhaps the worst I have seen. I might just send a polite PM to both whom I ordered this particular product from last week.
^ I would do that - explain exactly that, tell them "if this was you", and go from there.