Silk Road forums

Discussion => Shipping => Topic started by: Juda on August 24, 2011, 07:05 am

Title: a buyer plan .. is this enough?
Post by: Juda on August 24, 2011, 07:05 am
yo there,

since i got moved to work overseas 3 yrz ago and im craving a smoke. i got moved to a very strict country toward MJ and drugs in general.
and since i met SR i was thinking of a way to get stuff over here, but i wasn't sure if it gonna pass or not, so i made up this little plan.

what if i had access to a dude's papers from the low labor community .. and get a phone number under his name .. rent a POBox under his name .. and opt for notifying thru SMS service. so whenever i receive a package or mail, i receive an sms thru the new number. once i receive something, i call the dude, make him go and take the package with him wherever he is, then meet him somewhere and take it from him.

i know that would put the whole risk on him .. but in general .. is it flawless ?? are there any holes in it ??

if this doesn't work .. i got no hope then. :-\
Title: Re: a buyer plan .. is this enough?
Post by: F104 on August 24, 2011, 02:36 pm
The "strict countries" I am thinking of all have death penalties for drug possession. Your morality is OK to risk another person in order for you to get high?

No one needs these drugs here. You can stay clean for the term of your contract there. Cowboy up.
Title: Re: a buyer plan .. is this enough?
Post by: F104 on August 24, 2011, 02:38 pm
You posted cuz you wanted someone to validate your shitty ethics. You didn't ask about the logistics, you asked cuz you're already feeling guilty just thinking about exploiting an innocent person that way.
Title: Re: a buyer plan .. is this enough?
Post by: RickyRango on August 24, 2011, 03:55 pm
There's always a way.  You'll just have to figure out a different method.
Title: Re: a buyer plan .. is this enough?
Post by: CREAM on August 24, 2011, 04:57 pm
yo there,

since i got moved to work overseas 3 yrz ago and im craving a smoke. i got moved to a very strict country toward MJ and drugs in general.
and since i met SR i was thinking of a way to get stuff over here, but i wasn't sure if it gonna pass or not, so i made up this little plan.

what if i had access to a dude's papers from the low labor community .. and get a phone number under his name .. rent a POBox under his name .. and opt for notifying thru SMS service. so whenever i receive a package or mail, i receive an sms thru the new number. once i receive something, i call the dude, make him go and take the package with him wherever he is, then meet him somewhere and take it from him.

i know that would put the whole risk on him .. but in general .. is it flawless ?? are there any holes in it ??

if this doesn't work .. i got no hope then. :-\

Unless he knows that he's transporting drugs for you, and doesn't have a problem with it, that's pretty fucked up.
Title: Re: a buyer plan .. is this enough?
Post by: Serguei on August 26, 2011, 04:19 pm
Having a little guess... UAE??

What I call "crazy" countries usually have as-crazy "ways" when dealing with offenders. If your accomplice would get caught -however unlikely police would search postmail- he'll prolly hand you over...

I think you'll be safe enough ordering through SR, maybe by asking the seller to be extra-stealthy, but having the good deliver to you. A foreign business letter to a foreign business man, can't appear more legitimate in petrodollar countries... A little box with a perfume could be more suspicious though (did you hear alcohol?)...
Another way would be to have it delivered at your office, could be useful to befriend the secretaries... If you're in the military, you should know it already, befriend the mail handlers :P
Title: Re: a buyer plan .. is this enough?
Post by: war_on_hugs on September 03, 2011, 05:24 am
UAE is strict on drugs?  isn't that where all the opium was grown?
Title: Re: a buyer plan .. is this enough?
Post by: anarcho47 on September 03, 2011, 05:40 am
^ lol quite right. Well, afghanistan now.....

Dude, using some unwitting poor bastard like that is completely fucked up.  Unless that guys knows the FULL deal and is being paid for being your "I might get executed in your place" lapdog, you are about as low as low gets.

If everything is on the up and up, that's cool if you are willing to accept the risk.  The question I would be asking myself is "is it worth dying over to get high"....
Title: Re: a buyer plan .. is this enough?
Post by: EnterTheMatrix on September 03, 2011, 08:02 am
Be careful folks, it's sometimes not worth the risk.
Title: Re: a buyer plan .. is this enough?
Post by: myolddutch on September 03, 2011, 08:24 am
UAE is strict on drugs?

Uh, yeah:

British tourist Keith Brown was sentenced to four years in prison after Dubai customs officers found a 0.003g trace of cannabis stuck to his shoe.

Tracy Wilkinson was held in custody for eight weeks before customs officers accepted the codeine she was carrying had been prescribed by her doctor for back pains.

Meanwhile, a Swiss national is serving a four-year jail term after three poppy seeds from a bread roll he ate at Heathrow airport were found on his clothes.


That last one is just  :o

Title: Re: a buyer plan .. is this enough?
Post by: j789745 on September 05, 2011, 05:28 am
@Juda I hope that wherever you are, if you're caught, the cops will figure out that you ordered it, not this other guy. I don't want anyone going to jail over MJ, but better you than the man you want use as an unwitting pawn. Nothing about your plan changes the degree of risk, only who is burdened by it.

So is it flawless? No, its flawed from the core.
Title: Re: a buyer plan .. is this enough?
Post by: Juda on September 12, 2011, 10:47 pm
in reply to all of you, sorry if i wasnt clear. the number and the po box is under a dude's name who's already out of the country. most of 'em sell copies of their papers for money, and when they're sure they're not coming back.
the delivery boy sure knws he's moving drugs, and he's getting paid for it.

even if they found me out, i might go with a warning since the amount im aiming for is 3-5 grams only. i wud serve 4's if i had a dealing quantity.
as of the news articles, i dug those out before and found no real reference, all sources are british or european based, nothing from this region.

and guys .. the main reason behind all this is to see if it passes customs. if it does, im having another plans.

P.S: @F104, i disgust how fast you judge ppl.