Silk Road forums
Support => Technical support => Topic started by: sfjane on July 21, 2011, 07:53 pm
Hi, instead of sending my Bitcoins to the temporary Silk Road address that is issued when trying to make a deposit, I sent TWO deposits (on separate occasions) to two different addresses issued by Bitcoin (via Virwox). Big mistake, as I am new and didn't understand. Is there any way to retrieve my money from these addresses? I fear I lost the first deposit and may lose today's money too!! In addition, the Bitcoin.exe did not execute properly on my computer, and there are no transactions showing in my Bitcoin wallet. Please help - desperate.
Thank you...
Anything turn up yet? Where exactly did the transfers originate from?
You cannot reverse a BTC payment - once it has been sent it's gone. What is Virwox? Can you grab them there? Did you just send them to your account there or something?
Virwox is the exchange website where I made a deposit to purchase Bitcoins. On two separate occasions, I made the mistake of using the Bitcoin-issued addresses instead of the Silk Road-issued temporary addresses for deposit. Someone at Virwox confirmed my money is still in those accounts, but no one has been able to tell me how to extract the Bitcoins FROM there. I am still stuck!!!
Well if they have your money in accounts that they control, tell them just to send the BTC back to the sending addresses.