Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: bcK on July 21, 2011, 01:03 am

Title: bcbudman gone?
Post by: bcK on July 21, 2011, 01:03 am
i dont see his listings anymore. Whats up?
Title: Re: bcbudman gone?
Post by: anarcho47 on July 21, 2011, 02:30 am
I haven't heard anything.  Could be in vacation mode.
Title: Re: bcbudman gone?
Post by: Awwsome on July 21, 2011, 06:32 am
Seems he's gotten in trouble, had an order with him, was refunded and sent this message from him last night

From: BCBudMan(99)
23 hours ago
Hey buddy im BCBUDMANS friend and he got busted i saw on the news. so gonna cancel all orders sorry but we will be back. DO NOT MSG BACK COPS GOT HIS PC
Title: Re: bcbudman gone?
Post by: braves821 on July 21, 2011, 02:21 pm
damn that sucks
Title: Re: bcbudman gone?
Post by: anarcho47 on July 21, 2011, 03:01 pm
Any details on how it happened?  Would be a good heads up for the community.
Title: Re: bcbudman gone?
Post by: Awwsome on July 21, 2011, 05:14 pm
Have no idea, just got that message and that was it.
Sucks because he's one of the best vendors on SR price wise and quantity wise, hope everything works out
Title: Re: bcbudman gone?
Post by: chronicpain on July 21, 2011, 09:01 pm
Seems he's gotten in trouble, had an order with him, was refunded and sent this message from him last night

From: BCBudMan(99)
23 hours ago
Hey buddy im BCBUDMANS friend and he got busted i saw on the news. so gonna cancel all orders sorry but we will be back. DO NOT MSG BACK COPS GOT HIS PC

Reason number 1,989 to always use gpg!!!!!!
Title: Re: bcbudman gone?
Post by: theonetheonlyandy on July 22, 2011, 02:18 pm
he probably just got busted. and took his PC. they probably dont know anything about his involvement with SR.
Title: Re: bcbudman gone?
Post by: anarcho47 on July 22, 2011, 05:09 pm
Yeah I'm hoping that's it.  Alternatively he may have run his mouth about selling on SR and the wrong people heard about it and word kept running...
Title: Re: bcbudman gone?
Post by: Awwsome on July 22, 2011, 05:43 pm
I think it may have been through f2f that he got in trouble, I don't see it being because of SR.
He always used gpg, all his packages were extremely safe and just look at his feedback, far from sloppy (on here that is)
But who knows, I'm just sad he's gone
Title: Re: bcbudman gone?
Post by: XMachina on July 22, 2011, 10:53 pm
I can tell you with absolutely certainty.
They always take the PC in any raid. They'll take the fridge if its got enough beer in it.
They apparently like to collect butane lighters too.
Awarded to the department = some fucking pig playing black ops on your seized pc
I'm pretty sure some people have been sourcing from their Xbox360 and PS3 too..

I think hardly any buyer uses PGP. These people aren't tech savy enough for this very technological age we all live in. Its all iPod and Facebook. Welcome to the Darkwebs. "You've got Drugs"

Or BCBudman just wanted to disappear for whatever reason and sent you that message so you'd go away and leave him alone. Who knows