Silk Road forums

Support => Feature requests => Topic started by: randomattack on July 13, 2011, 11:51 am

Title: Auction House
Post by: randomattack on July 13, 2011, 11:51 am
1 Feature I'd LOVE to see here is an Auction

for example i have an email address ( that i wont post for security )
that would be VERY valuable, and i'm sure if it went up for auction here there would be about as much interest as you can possibly have in an email address.
( people often send me passwords, I have access to one guys paypal account, people seem to just input this email account in whatever 'enter email' feild they see )

anyway, an Auction House would make many things like this easier to sell

Let me know what you think


Title: Re: Auction House
Post by: anarcho47 on July 19, 2011, 02:55 am
I think auctions are a great idea period.  As a secondary market, if I have a one-off stock of something or I want to see what kind of a market there is it would first of all be really fun, and secondly I could see what kind of bid generation a listing gets.

I'm thinking of carrying LSD blotter tabs to add to my line of organics (it is one of the few chemical drugs with no known side-effects if it is pure, and is also becoming fairly renowned in experimental psychology fields for helping severely traumatized or insane patients actually overcome their psychosis).  I'm not too sure about it, because it's not something I would want to sell f2f, only on SR and other sites.  An auction would let me know what sort of potential customer base is out there, it would be a good field testing arena, and I could get some price information without having to constantly fiddle with a listing.

But it would also take some mean programming to add it to the SR infrastructure, so I can imagine it's not something SR would be crazily keen on at the moment.....
Title: Re: Auction House
Post by: SR_Seller_Accounts on July 20, 2011, 08:41 am