@ Pine - I'm not saying I feel like there's an imminent bust or anything like that. You're talking about something that, unless some new technology has popped up VERY recently, is logistically impossible for an institution like a government to pull off.For me it's more personal. I've put in a year, done my best to do right by every single person who has done business with me (according to the NAP ;) ), always shared a loss with my customers when packaging didn't arrive, etc. But with the shakeup way up the chain from me, the general attitude on the road these days, my own legit businesses expanding and needing me more and more, etc, I am seriously considering taking a long break from vending for a while. If there are any federal cops out there profiling my shit and trying to track me down, a dead-time is just what I need to get them reassigned to something more "current". It will also give me a chance to re-evaluate my entire operation (which I must say I've tweaked into a damned secure system as it stands) and do an in-depth search for any issues that might come up down the road. We'll see where things stand at the end of the week. I could just be having an extended bout of paranoia, which I think is only natural for someone in my vocation to get from time to time. Either way I'm not bailing on anyone without meeting any prior commitments I have made and I will still be around to lend an ear to those who have questions or need advice in this profession, even if I do take down the wares for a while.