anything that can be instantly replicated ad infinitum cannot morally be considered property, and any replications of said thing are done using the resources of the person who currently owns what they bought (the copy you sold them).You are the SR version of a major record label complaining about how there's no money in digital distribution and lobbying government to pass SOPA and CISPA. The market always works on behalf of the customer, and entrepreneurs fight to give the customer what they want for the best price. If one of your customers decides to get a sellers account and sell what they bought from you for 50% off, they have every right to do that, because they own what they bought. Your only hope is that your updates are constant enough and legit enough that it bakes some value into your product and you have the advantage of "first to the market" for a time, which is the only advantage a creator can ever have in a free and moral marketplace.