I just wanted to wish everyone on here a happy 4/20. This day is about far more than just drugs. It is about destroying the rotten foundations upon which the state has built mountainous lies and spilled rivers of blood in the past century in a war against certain molecular arrangements and people peacefully associating with each other.No matter what the motivation for buying or selling today, know that every transaction you make, every dollar of black market business you do peacefully, is stomping on the myths and twisted "moral" basis that has perpetrated the suffering of tens of millions of people around the globe. You are rubbing the face of the state in its own putrid pile of filth. We are part of an intellectual, moral, and ethical revolution, and today is a good day to just stop and think about it. Talk to someone you normally wouldn't, tell them what 4/20 is REALLY about.We are all heroes today :)