I will add my own seller stats. Unfortunately since I can't verify all of the OOE deals I used to do or anything from over on OVDB, I will only take from my actual published SR statistics. 443 Packages shipped.About 250 to US - 3 not receivedAbout 90 to Canada - 2 not receivedAbout 80 to EU - 4 not receivedAbout 20 to AUS/NZ - 1 not received.Also, I cannot verify if the non-received were scammer buyers, although I am inclined to think that at least two of those are off of the top of my head based on correspondence at the time and communication with other sellers about these individuals. 8 FOR SURE non-received and 2 possible.Gives me a shipping success rate of 97.75%, including all 10 non-received, so far, for verifiable packages.