So guys, it's been a great run so far and I'm honored to have been a part of SR for such a long time now. I think I am now the "oldest" cannabis seller on here, which is pretty cool, and I'm glad that we have built up a mutual respect for each other and have done some awesome business and had some amazing conversations, both on these forums and over on the Market via PM.This obviously has to do with the new changes to SR. I fully support everything that this site has done and become since its humble inception, and have been impressed (while occasionally appalled for the odd short-stretch) with where we have all come as a community. We are still pushing forward in something the world hasn't really seen before. We are circumventing a monopoly on violence that has never been so widespread and pervasive in world history, every single time we do honest business together. We are proving the lies of prohibition as dead tales and fear-mongering every time we peacefully transact, and making each others' lives richer and more satisfactory for it.But the threat is always there. The giant parasite would swallow us whole if they were given half the chance. Nobody can deny this. I suspect that as SR continues to grow we will continue to get our occasional spurts of media attention followed by outrage by the violent moralists and ruling overlords who wish to dictate our lives down to every minute of the day and the smallest of choices.It is because of this threat that I am, first and foremost, going to post up backup contact information for anyone who should ever need to get ahold of me. Especially if the site gets taken off the map or gets overhauled without warning. I'll get the pertinent info out of the way:I can be reached at: capitalistpig@tormail.netPlease save this and add it to your list of contacts or your encrypted drive.This is the public key I will accept for this email:-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----Version: BCPG v1.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18aa-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----Now that that's out of the way, time for my announcement: I will no longer be offering bulk listings on the Silk Road.The biggest reason is a simple one: While I was still allowed to use my "custom/bulk orders" listing to do bulk sales, nobody looking at this site from the outside would be able to just scroll my feedback and actually see how much product I was selling. With the new changes, I would have to set up individual listings for each bulk offering and attach a monetary value to it that would exist right on the site. If the site ever did get seized and the police were looking for someone to track down, they would have an ideal target in me.There are other reasons, such as the added commission on bulk now which will equal out to hundreds of dollars in price increases against my baseline bulk prices. The tie-up of float, etc.I will only be offering personal amounts of cannabis and mushrooms through the SR from this point on (up to 1oz per package). I will also only be able to sell what is listed and in its available amounts. You can mix-and-match orders up to 1oz, but please be sure to note that you want them shipped within the same package, and make sure the shipping information on all of the product checkouts matches.If you need to get a hold of me in case of a site outage, scheduled downtime. loss of forums, etc., please contact me at: and be sure to PGP Encrypt to the public key above.Thanks again for everything guys. It's been a hell of a ride and I'm looking forward to a brighter (albeit, lower-volume) future on here.Cheers!Anarcho47