I'm not ruling out that earth's temperature is rising, it's just correlation is not causation. Assuming that something that makes up a miniscule percentage of earth's atmosphere is the root cause of global warming is its fallacy. The sun itself has far more effect on earth's temperature and its heat radiates in long waves, just like temperature fluctuates in a bonfire.Regarding a solution to this problem - real solutions that work and don't have catastrophic consequences are never come by through the political, top-down method. Just look at what all of the solar-power subsidization has done around the world. Governments in north america team up with governments in third world countries, subsidize the entire industry and give it carte blanche to provide what is "necessary" to "save the world" from carbon dioxide.What you don't hear by cheerleaders is that there are tens of thousands + acres of Chinese farmland that are going to be unusable for the next 25 years or so due to the huge pollution from mining the rare metals necessary to make solar power items and wind-turbines and batteries. That would have been a shitload of C02 getting pulled by agricultural development (much of it the old fashioned agrarian type that has no carbon dioxide outputs and is absolutely back-breaking). There is a trail of broken families left behind these endeavors whose livelihood has been completely ruined and they have no recourse.I like Ron Paul for his message, not for the political solutions. If he can inspire voluntary action in people and strip away the state's impediments and discouragements from it, the world will be twice the place it is today in a couple of decades. People all over the globe love Ron Paul - he is really inspiring a revolution that could reshape the culture of the planet. As he always says, "nothing can stop an idea whose time has come".