People are also excluding the 2% hedging fee that SR is charging. Assuming they are properly operating that's an additional 1% - 1.5% net they are making (less BTC transaction fees, which at that volume should be less than .25% each side).I would say they are making decent money. Should be at least clearing a net margin off of raw operating costs (excluding personnel) of 80% - 85%, maybe more, as any service based internet business should be. I have no idea how many people are behind this one at this point, so it's tought to say what kind of salary the would be making. I would assume it would be fairly substantial. There would have to be a risk-premium above and beyond what a tradtional admin would be making.Hopefully they are making a killer paycheque. The more they make, the higher the odds this thing keeps picking up steam and improving, because it will keep them around for the long haul.