Agreed Brezner, and you really can't compare Cali to anywhere else in the states.My friends have an easier time finding coke when they go to Florida than weed. it's because the state-imposed violence is basically the exact same for both, yet there is 3 or 4 times as much money in selling coke. Why bother even selling weed?my Jack is around the 40/8th mark. Prices drop off a bit as quantity goes up. It's Canadian bud (I don't see Cali bud winning as many awards as the northland ;) ) to boot.In fact, if you couple in the fact that you are getting it packaged and delivered right to your door, my bud is priced at or below street prices of pretty much anywhere in the US. And it's of better quality than most locations in the US.Not trying to brag.... just set the record straight. I try to charge a fair buck.