Yes it's very easy to get complacent on any side, and that's where mistakes are made or you mention something to someone without thinking.One of the best books I've read on doing business is called the "e-myth" (actually the e-myth revisisted). It's fairly short and there is a ton of good information in there about running a business. It deals more with the functional side of things as opposed to the message side of things, but most of it is spot on. Every successful business has bult that business because they came up with good systems of operation and stuck to them. Even if the variables inside of that system can differ greatly, a good system is KEY to success.If you ever order from me, you will notice that I take serious pride in my packaging. All of my packaging has multiple steps of security precautions and each and every one gets the same treatment. Whether it's an eighth or an ounce of product is immaterial. The system has to be solid, but changeable to avoid patterns.I agree with everything you said, Blues. Just because a vendor takes a break doesn't mean he should be penalized - he's already taking a hit because feedback goes stale quite quickly with the newer weighting system and his rank will drop quite quickly.