The only way you can "promote equality" is by recognizing that all men are born equal, having the same set of inalienable negative rights. Anything else outside of that draws lines and creates groups and pits one section of society against another.Killing ANYBODY is wrong unless your life is in danger - your right to your own life and body is sacred. Doesn't matter if it's a cop or a kid or some manager at a fast food place. They all have the same inalienable rights you have.A lot of the modern day "knowledge" of the slave era in the US is pretty off-base. What you don't ever hear about anymore is that a huge portion of the slaves were actually "indentured servants" (look it up), and that over half of the blacks taken from africa (I have read some historic accounts of over 80%) were sold by conquering tribes to the European slave traders. Of course it is all wrong, but it just goes to show what man is capable of. I'm an anarcho-capitalist, I KNOW there is a percentage of the population that is deranged, sociopathic, etc.But instead of trying to re-write human nature a realistic approach is necessary. Allowing people to exercise their right to protecting their property and body is one of those things - it is hardwired into human nature and nothing you or anyone else says is going to change that. It's a lot less likely you will get into a career in bank robbery if every bank you try to rob is full of people who have guns and something to lose (no FDIC ) - from 1840 - 1892 there were only 12 bank robbery attempts in the "Wild West". There are more bank robbery attempts in virtually any single state in the US in half a year.