PGP is the main go to becasue it gives you plausible deniability at worst.When I say go to the forums and check out the sellers, I don't mean see who has posted the most. I mean see what other buyers are saying about a given seller. If you have multiple threads with many different buyers posting positive reviews, and solid feedback history on SR, you are dealing with a real seller. The amount of sheer effort that would take just to get the shipping information of potential drug buyers (that you can't even pin on them anyway since they haven't received drugs and you have no way of actually verifying it is even them on the other sdie) would deter that from being a plausible LE approach. Just setting up a few listings and some fake feedback and then letting unwary buyers into the net might land you some, but if a buyer does his due diligence he's going to be allright.Besides, the only reason LE goes after buyers is to bust sellers - can't do that on here. Unless they can sieze the package and pray to nab a solid fingerprint or hair or something. Slim pickings...