@performance - This is a site based on free market prinicipals. You are part of that market. If you don't like what a seller is doing, put it out there (including his name) and let the community know what's up. The seller will have just as much opportunity to post a rebuttal to any claims you make, but this way buyers can know what they are getting in to.A buyer has only a couple of ways to know he is getting a smooth transaction and the product he wants - feedback on the seller, and forum posts on the seller. I am only a seller on here but if I was going to buy something I found that I liked, you can bet I would be doing a forum search for that username to see what others are saying about him. Do other buyers a favour and lay it out there - this keeps sellers accountable automatically. if they know they are going to get called out in the forums for shafting a customer like that, they will be less inclined to do it and more inclined to bite the bullet and ship it out.When BTC collapsed last month I got burned good and I had to ship a couple of products at a small loss (thank got they weren't larger orders!). I still did it, because I want to be consistent, and if you sign up as a seller here you have to have been watching the BTC price, so you know exactly what you are getting into. If you don't, as a seller, it's your own damned fault.