Just wanted to make the announcement in the forums. I have had a bunch of my neighbors to the south messaging me to ship them my awesome Canadian cannabis and BC mushrooms their way. I have decided I am going to go with it (the costs will be a bit higher for Americans since I have to go fort knox on my packages to make sure they get there). These are the listings I will ship to the states, in each description is a link to the US Shipping Services product add-on.THanks for getting off to a great start, everyone on SR. Let's keep it up!http://ianxz6zefk72ulzz.onion/index.php/silkroad/item/4094http://ianxz6zefk72ulzz.onion/index.php/silkroad/item/3735http://ianxz6zefk72ulzz.onion/index.php/silkroad/item/3548http://ianxz6zefk72ulzz.onion/index.php/silkroad/item/2070http://ianxz6zefk72ulzz.onion/index.php/silkroad/item/2064PM me with any questions. My public key is posted on my SR profile, if you wish to use it.